URGENT: 7th child offender in a month facing imminent execution


SCE Campaign
by SCE Campaign
On the last days of 2007 , Stop Child Executions Campaign was informed of yet another imminent child execution in Iran (7th in the month of December!) . Iranian children rights attorney Mohammad Mostafaei sent SCE a copy of his letter to Iran's head of Judiciary, Ayatollah Shahrudi, in which he detailed the case of Saeed Jazee, who is accused of murder at the age of 17. The alleged victim was 5 years older than him at the time.

Saeed Jazee has been imprisoned since the age of 17 and now at the age of 21 is facing execution. His death by hanging has already been approved by Iran's superior court and is now sent to Ayatollah Shahrudi for final approval.

Saeed's attorney in the letter to Shahrudi explained that Saeed who is a sculpturing artist went to the Sandwich shop of his close friend to eat while his family were on vacation. He picked a sandwich and started eating and the new employee who did not know Saeed after arguing took the kitchen knife and attacked Saeed . Saeed resisted and the knife falls and Saeed in order to scare and stop the employee picks up the knife but the employee charge towards him while Saeed was holding the knife. After being injured , Saeed tried to help and even other employees who had seen the incident hide the knife since they felt that Saeed was not at fault. Saeed's attorney thinks that the alleged victim was the cause of his own death and he suspects that he may have been under a drug or alcohol influence and states that the body should have been tested for drugs.

Mostafaei states that Saeed did not know the victim and the murder was not premeditated and the kitchen knifewas taken by the victim who had access to the kitchen area. Mostafaei has asked for a retrial of the case.

The legal proceedings in Saeed Jazee case, like those of other child offenders facing the death penalty, may have been flawed. SCE Campaign is concerned about the use of evidence in these cases, including that of expert witnesses, where relevant, in trials, and relevant circumstantial evidences. Although

SCE campaign acknowledges the right and responsibility of governments to bring to justice those children suspected of criminal offences, but unconditionally opposes their death penalty as the International law strictly prohibits the use of the death penalty against people convicted of crimes committed when they were under 18.

As a state party to both the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), Iran has undertaken not to execute child offenders. However, since 1990, the ruling Islamic regime in Iran has executed at least

30 child offenders, including more than 6 so far this year. 82 child offenders are now recorded by SCE to be on death row in Iran. This number may be even higher as according to reports, at least a further 15 Afghan child offenders may be under sentence of death. According to the recent statistics provided by an Iranian police official about 170 children can be facing execution in Iran. There has been a surge in processing the children's file for execution and this is the SEVENTH URGENT CALL IN ONE MONTH that Stop Child Executions Campaign had to issue, the other six being for Ali Mahin-Torabi, Mohammad Latif, Delara Darabi, Hossein Haghi, Behnood and Ali.

Iran executed a 20 year old boy,

Makwan Moloudzadeh, earlier this month for alleged homosexuality at the age of 13. Four child offenders have been executed since October 2007: Babak Rahimi (17), Hossein Gharabaghloo (16), Mohammadreza Tork (15) Makwan Moloudzadeh (13).* [* The numbers in the ( ) indicate the age when they allegedly committed the crime for what they were executed.]

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible, in Persian, Arabic, English, French or your own language:
- Call on the Iranian authorities to immediately halt the execution of Saeed Jazee.
- Express concern that Saeed Jazee was sentenced to death for a crime committed when he was under 18;
- Calling for the death sentence against Hossein to be commuted;
- Remind the authorities that Iran is a state party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which prohibit the use of the death penalty against people convicted of crimes committed when they were under 18, and that the execution of Saeed Jazee would therefore be a violation of international law;
- Urging the authorities to pass legislation to abolish the death penalty for offences committed by anyone under the age of 18, so as to bring Iran’s domestic law into line with its obligations under international law;
- Stating that you acknowledge the right and responsibility of governments to bring to justice those children suspected of criminal offences, but unconditionally opposes their death penalty.

Head of the Judiciary
His Excellency Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi
Ministry of Justice, Panzdah Khordad (Ark) Square,
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Salutation: Your Excellency
Email: info@dadgostary-tehran.ir (In the subject line: FAO Ayatollah Shahroudi)
Fax: +98 21 3390 4986 (please keep trying, if the called is answered, say "fax please")

Leader of the Islamic Republic
His Excellency Ayatollah Sayed ‘Ali Khamenei, The Office of the Supreme Leader
Islamic Republic Street - Shahid Keshvar Doust Street
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Email: info@leader.ir
Salutation: Your Excellency

Director, Human Rights Headquarters of Iran
His Excellency Mohammad Javad Larijani
C/o Office of the Deputy for International Affairs
Ministry of Justice,
Ministry of Justice Building, Panzdah-Khordad (Ark) Square,
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Fax: + 98 21 5 537 8827 (please keep trying)

and to diplomatic representatives of Iran accredited to your country.


for more information about how to help visit: //www.stopchildexecutions.com/how-you-can-help.aspx

more from SCE Campaign

Jamshid believe me the SCE people......

by Nadias on

keep track of their threads very well. :o)


Re: David, Rosie and Sasha

by jamshid on

Thank you all. I hope the SCE people get the chance to see this thread and make the necessary corrections.

I wish SCE much luck and I thank them for their efforts.

To all readers: Please send SCE links to your friends and ask them to do the same.

Rosie T.

Yeah, juvenile sounds really good.

by Rosie T. on

Better than underage. 


I asked some family and friends.....

by Sasha on

I asked them what came to mind when they heard the term "child offender" and they said "child molestor". I wish they had told me something when I sent them  the information on the Ali case.

Anyway, the only thing they all seemed to mention was "juvenile offender" like Jamshid has already mentioned.




Re: US and UK

by jamshid on

In US the term "juvenile offender" is used. I think the SCE has to go with that. Either way, I think they should take a few hours and do some research and come up with a better term to deliver a clearer message with a stronger impact.

After all children lives are at stake and ANY improvement in delivering the message is a plus



Yes, it does sound clearer

by Sasha on

 Rosie T.

Saying "under-age offender" does sound clearer but perhaps there is a better name still. I will need to inquire with friends and family.



Rosie T.

I would suggest

by Rosie T. on

under-age offender.  Does it make sense?

Also the discussion on the Ali Mahin Torabi campaign, the criticisms about the use of "child" in general. I think SCE is a very good name but it might be good to start using "minor" more.  Execution of minors.


Re: David ET

by jamshid on

I am glad you agree. I was not even thinking about his issue until it was brought up to me by several American aquaitances.

Unfortunately, English is my second language. This is something that needs to be consulted with a knowladgeable English speaking person. 

The term "juvenile offender" was suggested to me. I googled it and it seems to be a better choice than "child offender".

David ET

I agree

by David ET on

Dear Jamshid

I agree, but you still have not made a suggestion. I did state that juvenille offender gives same impression (see google for that too).

So what is YOUR suggestion for title for best impact?






Re: David ET

by jamshid on

Reading your comment gives the reader the impression that I care more about linguistics than helping those children who are in danger of execution.

This is far from the truth. Let me ask you a few questions. Do you want to help those children by using every ounce of limited resource that is avaiable to us? Do you want to have a far greater impact on the public opinion without needing any additional resources? If yes, then read on.

The SCE campaign, as the name suggests, is a "campaign". It is a campaign to inform the public about children being executed or being in danger of execution under the IRI. The goal of this campaign is to generate global awareness and therefore pressure on the IRI to stop execution of children. Even if one life is saved, then SCE has done well.

I am sure SCE has very limited resources. Therefore maximizing the impact of its efforts with its limited resource is absolutely necessary. When the campaign is done in English, the English speaking target population and what words could have the greatest impact on them should be kept in mind. After all, the goal is to reach them as much as possible.

The majority of English speaking people are more familiar with the "common" English terms than the formal "human rights organizations" terms. They confuse "child offender" (used by SCE and human rights organizations) with "child molestor".

I had more than one occasion where an American aquaintance made a point of this issue to me. In all cases, when reading titles such as "child offender in danger of execution", or similar titles, they simply moved on, as they cared less for a child "molestor" to be in danger of execution. Only later they discovered they misinterpreted the term.

I am sure other English speaking people are getting the same impression as well. Instead of pausing and reading the details, they just move on, as they think they are reading about child molestors and not children who are getting executed.

So if the goal is to inform as many as possible and to have the greatest impact on them in order to generate the most pressure against the IRI child execution, then a better term should be used so that the majority of English speaking people can quickly and clearly understand the SCE campaign is about children being executed.

That is why the fact that the term "child offender" is used by human rights organizations becomes secondary, as I don't think human rights organizations is SCE's target audience. The public is.

You say that "It seems like "some" chose to always find something in the title to complain..." I am not complaining. Please refrain from taking a shot at me. I am merely trying to improve the message by suggesting a better term and based on suggestions made to me by my American aquaintances. I think their point is very much valid.

If a better term could have more impact and therefore save as much as even one extra life (and I sincerely believe that it could), then it should be considered.

So contrary to your opinion, the time dicussed about linguistics can go far in delivering the message with a bigger impact and to more people. This is simply campaign 101. It matters, EVEN IF IT COULD SAVE ONLY ONE EXTRA LIFE.

Don't you agree?

David ET

Help "THEM"!

by David ET on

Dear Jamshid

The term "CHILD OFFENDER" is commonly used by international human rights organizations such as amnesty international and human rights watch for children who have committed a crime under the age of 18:

e.g: //www.amnesty.org/en/report/info/MDE13/053/2006


and yes the same term is also used in USA for those adults who have molested children. Therefore same terminology is used for both.

The use of the word "juvenile offenders" does not really help much either because the same meaning can be derived from the term (molester of juveniles) and someone ELSE will complain!

SCE has used the word CHILD for someone who has committed a crime (regardless of present age and still there has been complaints. You can see MANY examples of it in SCE's other articles right here on iranian.com .

Also for a TITLE , limited words has to be used and one can not fit the whole explanation in few words...

It seems like "some" chose to always find something in the title to complain about instead of reading the whole article that explains the details ....and that no matter what term is used, someone who is facing execution for an alleged crime before the age 18 NEEDS OUR HELP!

The time spent to discuss linguistics can surely be used to send a letter to Iranian officials or pass this to others to help.

Regardless if one can come up with A WORD (not a sentence that describes these children who are now grown) I am sure SCE, Amnesty and others will start using it too. Until then like many words in English language, the words child offender and juvenile offender can be used in two different circumstances.

Please note about more them 170 of "THEM " need our help or they will be executed , no matter what they are called !!



I don't believe in the death

by tough (not verified) on

I don't believe in the death penalty,and certainly do not know the details of this case, however, crimes commited at 17 should be treated as if an adult has done them. Teenagers are not little kids who don't know right from wrong. I wished they lowered the age for criminals to 15, to be considered an adult. Between 13 and 15 should be a gray area, depending on the particular case. There are millions of teens who never go on doing any crimes, so there should be a punishment for those that do. Life is too short, and nobody needs a teenage to ruin it for them, so let's be tough.
Last, but not least, prisoners, and/or their families should pay for their entire expenses while incarcerated.


Re: SCE Campaign

by jamshid on

Please stop using the term "child offender" in your posts.

I know with "child offender" you mean children who have committed a crime/offense. However, in the English language, "child offender" is generally understood to be the same as "child molestor", a person who committs a crime against children.

So "child offenders" may be interpreted by some as those who have committed child molestation.

A better term would be "juvenille offender". Are you so out of it, that you can't even figure this yourself? I had an American aquaitance who googled the word "child offender" and came up with so many links to "child offenders" in Iran. He was "happy" to see Iran executing "child offenders" because he thought it meant "child molestors".

You are putting so much effort in exposing the IRI's crimes. Then you come up with this fantastic blunder. Please correct ASAP.