Uncertainty about the cases of Ronak Safarzadeh and Yaser Goli


Sayeh Hassan
by Sayeh Hassan

The cases of Ronak Safarzadeh and Yaser Goli two Kurdish students from the city of Sanandah who were both arrested 13 months has still not been dealt with. These two students who were arrested on the charges of acting against national security spent the first three months of their imprisonment in the Ministry of Intelligence detention centre in the city of Sanandaj, under severe torture.

Mr. Goli submitted his defence to Section 2 of the Revolutionary Court two months ago, however the Court has refused to issue a judgement in his case. Ms. Safarzadeh started her trial in April of 2008 however after 7 months the Revolutionary Courts refuse to continue with the second part of her trial.

It must be mentioned that both Ms. Safarzadeh and Mr. Goli have been subjected to threats both by the prosecution and by prison officials in Sanandaj, which has been cause of great concern for their families and lawyers.

Ms. Safarzadeh is a women's rights activist and a member of the One Million Signiture Campaign, and Mr. Goli is a student activists.

By: Arez Andaryari
Translated by: Sayeh Hassan

دو دانشجوی کرد پس از 13 ماه بازداشت کماکان در وضعیت نامشخصی میباشند
روناک صفازاده و یاسر گلی دو دانشجوی کرد سنندجی که 13 ماه پیش دستگیر شدند کماکان در وضعیت نامشخصی به سر میبرند.این دو دانشجو که سال گذشته به اتهام اقدام علیه امنیت ملی دستگیر شدند مدت 3 ماه از بازداشت خود را در داره اطلاعات سنندجزیر ازار و شکنجه سپری کردند..لازم به ذکر است که یاسر گلی اخرین دفاعیه خود را 2 ماه پیش نزد شعبه دوم دادگاه انقلاب سنندج ارائه داد اما کماکان از صدور حکم وی خوداری گردیده است.و روناک صفازاده هم اسفند سال گذشته اولین جلسه دادگاهیش برگزار گردید اما بعد از گذشت 7 ماه از برگزاری جلسه دوم دادگاهیش خوداری میگردد.گفتنی است که این دو دانشجو بارها از سوی دادستان،قضات و مسئولین زندان سنندج مورد تهدید قرار گرفته اند که این امر موجب نگرانی خانواده و وکلای انها گردیده است.روناک صفازاده از فعالین حقوق زنان و کمپین یک میلیون امضا می باشد و یاسر گلی نیز از فعالین دانشجویی می باشد.



more from Sayeh Hassan
Sayeh Hassan

Dear Ignorent Reader

by Sayeh Hassan on

Thanks for your comments, I always indicate at the end of the text that I am the translator because I am not a professional translator, I've been out of Iran since I was 7, but I think its very important that this news gets out, even if its not word for word, as long as the general message is convayed...

Now if you're volunteering to do the translation that's another story ;)



Sayeh Hassan



Nice avatar

by Ignorant Reader (not verified) on

...except there is a patch of gray matter on the top left side of your head. What is that? Also, your avatar is too narrow. If you could make it to a square it might even look better, and get ride of that gray thing.

Your translation is not consistent with the accompanying Farsi (Persian) text. For example the first sentence in Farsi says: "Two Kurdish students are still in unknown condition after 13 months of incarceration." Yours says, "The cases of Ronak Safarzadeh and Yaser Goli two Kurdish students from the city of Sanandaj who were both arrested 13 months has still not been dealt with." The inconsistencies continuo on to the end, however overall it conveys the intent of the text. One lesson in English for free: "...has still not been dealt with." should be written as "...has not yet been dealt with."

It looks like the Kurds are very active in Iran nowadays. Maybe they can get rid of the mullahs for us, but only if they don't want to separate from the rest of the country.