Ahmad Batebi’s Questionable Actions


Sayeh Hassan
by Sayeh Hassan

Ever since Ahmab Batebi’s arrival to the United States there has been great controversy in regards to Mr. Batebi’s personal life. This I believe has been a great distraction from his political/human rights activities.

On his arrival to the United States Mr. Batebi announced that he had become the spokesperson for an organization called “Human Rights Activists in Iran” This group is made up of four (4) known individuals including Mr. Batebi. There maybe other members however that is not very clear.

“Human Rights Activists in Iran” has conceded that they are an organization that work within the legal frame work of the Islamic Regime. Please see their letter addressed to me from their general secretary Mr. Esfandiyar Bahaar. Not only have they openly admitted that they work within the Islamic Regime’s legal framework they have also clearly stated that their organization was created based on Section 26 of the Islamic Regime Constitution. Not to mention all other questionable activity this group has been involved with in the past year…

Many people including myself thought once free and able, that Mr. Batebi would start fighting against the Islamic Regime, a Regime he claims he has been fighting against for the past 9 years. It is therefore puzzling to see him work for an organization whose executive members are all OUTSIDE OF IRAN, yet the organization itself works within the legal frame work of the Islamic Regime.

If Mr. Batebi’s goal was to work within the legal framework of the Islamic Regime why did he feel the need to leave Iran? He could have very easily continued his activities from inside the borders of Iran. To come to a free and democratic country after 9 years of supposedly fighting against the Islamic Regime, and then to become a spokesperson for a group that is working within the legal framework of the Islamic Regime is at the very least puzzling…


more from Sayeh Hassan

I'm a person who likes to point out hypocrites

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

YOU are the one trying desperately to hide your agenda behind some stupid "concerns" and doing a very bad job of hiding it. You are making unfounded accusations and insinuations to bring down someone who you don't agree with and frankly, you don't UNDERSTAND.

Do you want me to start asking questions about your personal life, your associations and past activities? Would you like that?

I didn't make any assertions. I see nothing worth "questioning" from Mr. Batabi and I think he has earned the ability to make his OWN decision. YOU are the hypocrite.


You belittle him, I belittle you, we belittle each other

by Ignorant Reader (not verified) on

So, what's your problem? What do you mean by "great controversy in regard to Mr. Batebi's PERSONAL LIFE."? You brought it up, be specific. What PERSONAL LIFE? Isn't it enough that his wife has disappeared, but never mind that, because there is great controversy about his personal life her in the United States.

What's your problem with other people, other than you, doing what they have deemed capable of doing after paying the greatest price any person can pay, with their freedom, with their health, with great cost to their family and friends?

What's your problem with him escaping from Iran? Why do causally say he felt "the need to leave Iran" as if his life and freedom was not in danger? Why when someone in your blog accuses him of being "of no use inside Iran" and the Ministry of Information allowing him "to go to the USA and other western countries" you do not issue a correction in your blog? Did he escape with the help of Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran (KDPI) or not?

And why when someone in your blog makes the assumption that he "probably had to agree" with the IRI regime, and "Most of the jailed dissidents end up being agents of the IRI..." you don't make a correction. Why? Are you a Marxist-Leninist that only believe in fighting with guns and bullets from North America? Please educate us. If you believe in non-violent struggle to bring about change, please tell us. This is your blog, if you want to educate us go ahead, but if you want to make half concocted accusations and dictate how other people should live their lives, be aware that there are "ignorant" readers in this site who are going to question you about it.

Sayeh Hassan

Who am I? I am Sayeh, a

by Sayeh Hassan on

Who am I? I am Sayeh, a person who likes to think, question things and say whats on her mind regardless of consequences, who are you?? or are you too busy hiding behind your computer screen hiding from your own shadow to answer???

Its very interesting how people who claim to be fighting for freedom are the first ones to try to shut people up when things don't go their way. Quite disturbing... and no it's not going to work...

Sayeh Hassan



Sayeh, who are you to make such judgements?

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

Yes, he went through 9 years of prison and that's how HE thinks he could best contribute, what's it to you?

Sayeh Hassan

Ignorent reader you are

by Sayeh Hassan on

Ignorent reader you are certainly entitled to your opinion as always however you have no right to belittle me. By the way your post is quite contradictory, he went through all of that trouble and 9 years of torture and this and that so that he could leave iran and start working within the legal frame work in a way approved by the Regime? maybe that argument makes sense to you, but it certainly doesn't make any sense to me.

PS: last time I checked we I was living in a free and democratic country and if I have questions and concerns I will certainly voice them.  Isn't that what this guy is supposedly fighting for? freedom??


Sayeh Hassan



Well you went over the line this time

by Ignorant Reader (not verified) on

It’s mainly because of your youth that you attempt to belittle other people’s effort to make a dent in the regime. First of all it is none of your business what Batebi does in his “personal life”, but perhaps you mean in his political life, but regardless when you declare that “there has been great controversy in regards to Mr. Batebi’ personal life” you better be prepared to site instances, you better not leave it as factual without letting your readers know what you’re talking about.

There is nothing wrong with “...admitted that they work within the Islamic Regime’s legal framework they have also clearly stated that their organization was created based on Section 26 of the Islamic Regime Constitution.” That’s how they operate and that’s fine with them. If you don’t like it you do it your way, which you do. A great portion of black equal rights movement in the USA was based on working within the framework of existing laws, so to condemn others for the way they have chosen to help others is unwise, and it does not matter weather the leaders of HRAI are in Iran or not, they want to work within the framework of the laws, perhaps this way it is easier to achieve THEIR goals.

Expecting others to behave in your own image by stating “Many people including myself thought once free and able, that Mr. Batebi would start fighting against the Islamic Regime, ...“ seems to be irrational as far as what he might believe in. He has paid for his beliefs with his life, and for someone to belittle it in a foreign land and in a secure and unreachable setting is borderline childish. Worse than that is to suggest that Batebi “...could have very easily continued his activities from inside the borders of Iran.” if his “...goal was to work within the legal framework of the Islamic Regime why did he feel the need to leave Iran.“ Isn’t enough that he has spent several years in prison, developed serious medical conditions as the result, he’s been in pain killers for his sufferings, risked paralysis and heart attack according to his doctor, was subjected to psychological abuse including being denied to see daylight, reported of having suffered two brain strokes, having several seizures, having his wife detained of whereabouts unknown? He finally escaped from Iran because he felt his efforts in Iran was no longer effective and the plight of Iranian political prisoners needed to be publicized in a different way.

This is just amazing.

Sayeh Hassan

Dear Sickofiri Well said,

by Sayeh Hassan on

Dear Sickofiri

Well said, here is S. 26 of the IRI constitution:


Article 26 [Freedom of Association]
The formation of parties, societies, political or professional
associations, as well as religious societies, whether Islamic or
pertaining to one of the recognized religious minorities, is permitted
provided they do not violate the principles of independence, freedom,
national unity, the criteria of Islam, or the basis of the Islamic
Republic. No one may be prevented
from participating in the aforementioned groups, or be compelled to participate in them.


groups can form as long as they meet criteria of Islam and the basis of IRI. Islamic Human Rights is as meaningless as Islamic Democracy which Khatami tried to promote and we all know how that stroy ended...


Sayeh Hassan



I've got to handed to IRI,

by sickofiri (not verified) on

I've got to handed to IRI, They are a very clever bunch. Islamic human rights is an oxymoron.

What does human right means in an Islamic Theocracy??

There are no human rights in a theocratical frame work; only religious rights are recognized, which is not much.

Who are they trying to fool?

Batebi has probably had to agree to this because he is afraid of his family getting killed. Most of the jailed dissidents end up being agents of the IRI out of fear of persecution of their family members.


Useful dissidents

by botshekan. (not verified) on

The trio of Ganji-Batebi-Fakhravar is an example of how the Ministry of Information in Tehran is letting the "dissidents", who are of no use inside Iran, to go to the USA and other wsetern countries in order to further disunites the already disunited opposition. The trio may not even have consented to it but this is effectively their mission is. And so far they have been successful.

Sayeh Hassan

Kollangi jan what exactly

by Sayeh Hassan on

Kollangi jan what exactly is it that they are getting done? please do enlighten me, i worked with the same group with 8 months VERY closely and they never got anything done. But if you know something that I don't please do tell. 


Sayeh Hassan



maybe because they want to get something DONE!

by Kollangi (not verified) on

Sayeh jan, so what if they are outside the country? They still have to get things done inside of Iran. What's the point of spending energy opposing them? At least they are doing something positive.

Just because you have an ideological policy of never working inside the IRI framework, doesn't mean everyone does. Think about it.

Sayeh Hassan

Dear Misha, I would have

by Sayeh Hassan on

Dear Misha,

I would have agreed with you except that this is NOT  group that is based in Iran.  All executive members of this group are Outside of Iran.  So to be outside of the Iranian border and to still choose to work within their legalframework is questionable to say the least.

If Batebi truly wanted to help the prisoners he could have started his own independent organization, his popularity would have enabled him to do great things and if someone like me can have contact with prisoners and activists in Iran I am sure he would have had no problem doing it.

 And let's keep one other thing in mind, most people who are in IRI jails are against the Regime and they are prison exactly because of this.

I wonder how many of them would choose to work within the legal framework of IRI if they were living in a free and democratic country... 


Sayeh Hassan



Sayeh Jaan...

by Anonymous Misha (not verified) on

I have to tell you something, but first I should tell you that I am on the side of your good intentions. Having said that, the poor souls in torturous iranian prisons need help of various forms and various shapes. They cannot wait for IRI to fall as they maybe have been sacrificed by then.

What I mean is that we need all and any sort of groups to help those victims, HR groups from outside as well as any group from inside (that since they are inside by default they have to work within the laws of IRI), but that does not necessarily mean that deep in their hearts they are with the IRI.

Ahmad has suffered a great deal, and as such he may have deep convictions to helping the victims of IRI in any form that he see most effective rather than exclusively opposing IRI which may not bear any fruit in any foreseeable future.

As this folk proverb says: sometimes you have to call an [ugly old] cat the Mrs to get your job done.

Bazi vaghtaa baayad beh gorbeh goft khaanom baaji!



by Amir Kabir (not verified) on

interesting point