Ya Hossein: The Blood of Allah


Ya Hossein: The Blood of Allah
by salman farsi



Imam Hossein (as), the second son of Imam Ali (as) and his wife, the prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) daughter Fatemeh Zahra (sa) is known as the saarallah (the blood of Allah). His martyrdom at the hands of the people of Kufa, near Karbala in Iraq in 680 AD marks the most significant event in the Shi'a calendar. The life and martyrdom of Imam Hossein (as) had impacts on the Mulsim world and in particular on Iranians who have special affection for the Imam. Look how the Iranian Marxist activist and poet, Khosrow Golsorkhi, starts his defence in the military court in 1971, by his great praise for Imam Hossein (as) and his campagin against injustice. Rumi (Molavi) remembers them in his poetry:

کجایید ای شهیدان خدایی
بلاجویان دشت کربلایی
کجایید ای سبک روحان عاشق
پرنده​تر ز مرغان هوایی
کجایید ای شهان آسمانی
بدانسته فلک را درگشایی
کجایید ای ز جان و جا رهیده
کسی مر عقل را گوید کجایی
کجایید ای در زندان شکسته
بداده وام داران را رهایی
کجایید ای در مخزن گشاده
کجایید ای نوای بی​نوایی
درین بحرید کین عالم کف اوست
زمانی بیش دارید آشنایی
کف دریاست صورت های عالم
زکف بگذر اگر اهل صفایی
دلم کف کرد زن نقش سخن شد
بهل نقش و به دل رو گر زمانی
برآی ای شمس تبریزی ز مشرق
که اصل اصل هر ضیایی

Iranians great respect and affection for Imam Hossein has its roots in Imam's first wife, Princess Shahr Banu, the younger daughter of Yazdegerd the 3rd who was chosen as a suitable wife for his hounger son by Imam Ali (as). The eminent Harvard professor and researcher Dr Ahmad Mahdavi-Damghani  has done extensive research on this topic and has proven that Shahr Banu was indeed Imam Hossein's wife and therefore all the other nine Imams of the Shi'a sect had Iranian blood in their veins and their ancestry can be traced back to the kings of the Sassanid era and the kiani traditions.

Dr Mahadavi-Damghani has been a proferssor of Islamic sufism and Arabic lterature at Harvard School of Divinity and university of Pennsylvania since 1987 (see the vdieo).

Iranians have mourned the tragedy of Karbala in the most emotional ways even by the leaders of the Sialmic regime who have betrayed all Imam Hossein's (as) Ideals and principles:

Imam Hossin in Karbala (recreation):

This is the most famous prayer for Ashura:


درود بر تو باد اى وارث حضرت آدم برگزيده خداى
درود بر تو باد اى وارث نوح پيغمبر خدا
درود بر تو باد اى وارث ابراهيم دوست خدا
درود بر تو باد اى وارث موسى هم سخن خدا
درود بر تو باد اى وارث عيسى روح الله
درود بر تو باد اى وارث حضرت محمد حبيب خدا
درود باد بر تو اى وارث على امير المؤمنين ولى خدا
درود باد بر تو اى وارث حسن شهيد سبط رسول خدا
درود باد بر تو اى زاده رسول خدا
درود باد بر تو اى پسر بشير و ترساننده و پسر آقاى وصيين
درود باد بر تو اى پسر فاطمه سيده زنان جهان
درود باد بر تو اى ابا عبد الله
درود باد بر تو اى مختار خدا و پسر مختار خدا
درود باد بر تو اى خون خدا و زاده خون او
درود باد بر تو اى كشته‏اى كه خونخواهانت كشته شدند
درود باد بر تو اى امام رهبر پاك و بر ارواحى كه به آستانت خفتند و در جوارت آرميدند و وارد شدند با زايرين ات
درود باد بر تو از من مادامى كه بمانم و بماند شب و روز
پس به تحقيق بزرگ شد به تو مصيبت و انبوه شد سوگ در مؤمنين و مسلمانان و در همه اهل آسمانها و در ساكنان زمين پس بدرستى كه ما از براى خداييم و ما بسوى او بازگشت كنندگانيم و درودهاى متصل خدا و بركات و تحيات خدا بر تو و بر پدران پاك و پاكيزه و برگزيدگان و بر اولادان هدايت كننده و هدايت يافته ايشان .
درود باد بر تو اى مولاى من و بر ايشان و بر روان تو و بر روان ايشان و بر تربت (پاك) تو و بر تربت ايشان .
خدايا به رحمت و رضايت و روح و ريحان با آنان ملاقات فرماى
درود بر تو باد اى مولايم اى ابا عبد الله ! اى زاده خاتم پيغمبران و اى پسر آقاى وصى ‏ها و اى پسر سيده زن هاى جهانيان
درود بر تو باد اى شهيد اى پسر شهيد اى برادر شهيد اى پدر شهدا
بار خدايا او را برسان از من در اين ساعت و در اين روز و در اين وقت و در همه وقت تحيت بسيار و سلام
درود خداى بر تو باد و رحمت خداى و بركاتش اى پسر آقاى جهانيان و بر شهداى همراهت ؛ درود پيوسته تا پيوسته است شب و روز ؛ درود باد بر حسين پسر على شهيد درود باد بر على بن الحسين شهيد
درود باد بر (حضرت) عباس پسر (حضرت) امير المؤمنين كه به درجه شهادت رسيد درود باد بر شهيدان از فرزندان امير المؤمنين (ع)
درود باد بر شهداء از فرزندان امام حسن (ع)
درود باد بر شهداء از فرزندان امام حسين
درود باد بر شهيدان از فرزندان جعفر و عقيل
درود باد بر هر شهيد همراه آنها از مؤمنان
بار خدايا درود فرست بر محمد و آل محمد و برسان ايشان را از من تحيت فراوان و سلام
درود باد بر تو اى رسول خدا سر سلامتى خوبى دهد تو را خداى درباره فرزندت حسين
درود باد بر تو اى فاطمه سر سلامتى خوبى دهد تو را خدا درباره فرزندت حسين
درود باد بر تو اى امير مؤمنان سر سلامتى خوبى دهد تو را خداى درباره فرزندت حسين
درود باد بر تو اى ابا محمد الحسن ‏سر سلامتى خوبى دهد خداى تو را درباره برادرت حسين
اى مولايم اى ابا عبد الله من مهمان خدا و مهمان توام و پناهنده به خدا و پناهنده به توام و براى هر مهمان و پناهنده پذيرايى باشد و پذيرايى من در اين وقت اين است كه بخواهى از خداى سبحانه و تعالى كه روزى من گرداند رهايى تنم از آتش زيرا كه او شنواى دعا و نزديك است و اجابت كننده.

 And it has a politcal significance for Iranians in ther fight against the Islamic republic:


more from salman farsi
Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


This circus has been going on since the Safavids. It will keep going until someone puts these guys in a padded cell. Honestly I would ban the whole Ashura joke in Iran if I ever had the power.


Is this circus still going on?

by anglophile on

As one of the commenters pointed out the blogger's avatar is similar if not the same as the thugs who invaded the UK embassy in Tehran yesterday. Does it say something about Hossein or our blogger?


No arabic on this site please.

by Siavash300 on

والسّلام و علکیم و رحمت الله و برکاته " Salman Farsi

Please substitude persian words for above statement. This is Iran.com NOT arab. 



Students occupied UK embassy today while playing the Aashoora

by Disenchanted on


         songs! Yet another indication that it is a potent force after centuries! No doubt!


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


If Shia are so big on Sassnid blood they should love the Bahai. Here is a bit of history. Bahá'u'lláh is believed to be a descendant of a long line of kings in Persia through Yazdgerd III


Thanks almighty! I am relived

by Disenchanted on


  "The eminent Harvard professor and researcher Dr Ahmad Mahdavi-Damghani  has done extensive research on this topic and has proven that Shahr Banu was indeed Imam Hossein's wife and therefore all the other nine Imams of the Shi'a sect had Iranian blood in their veins and their ancestry can be traced back to the kings of the Sassanid era and the kiani traditions."

     The only question is if having Sassanid blood and traditions were so good, why some celebrate their demise in the hands of Arabs so much?!


How Low One Go?

by Tavana on

First came name callings: Taliban, Sufi, Wahabbi, & You Name It!

Then came: All those flawed logics in reasonings with the others!

Now is : Ridiculing & back to the name callings: Prophet, A New Religion Inventor, & You Name It!

Said that before: This commentator @ no way is getting involved with 'debate' with anybody here on IC.

As for the rulings??? of Namaz: Such Cme through granting of Prophet Inrahim's prayers (Ghoron 2:128) by GOD & finalizing it with Prophet Mohammed, s.a. & after he had spent spent 25 years of his life praying alone day & night in an Arabian desert cave & after he had been become a GOD's message carrier. Since then such has be followed by the Moslems through many many generations. Yes, that is a 'Sunnah' of Mohammed, s.a. But guess what? No Muslim scholar in the world ever asks Muslims to follow with 'Sunnah' of Prophet by spending 25 years praying in a cave, or do they??? And more strangely, the so called 'Shias' even bargain for the numbers of Salats (Namaz) per day & simply reduce such from 5 to 3 times per day as a matter of convenience!

As for the spelling of GHORON as GHORON: How then one could write GHADEEM (Old Times), or ROWFAGHA (Friends), & etc. with the Arabic/Farsi pronunciation of the letter 'GH' in it?

Yet, verily, you are bound to die, and, verily, they, too, are bound to die: and then, behold, on the Day of Resurrection you all shall place your disputes before your Sustainer. (GHORON 39:30-31)

As such day could be as early as tomorrow, why not then leaving one in his/her overweening arrogance, blindly stumbling to & fro??!! 



حسین نماد توحش است


Isnt it so revealing how the hooligans storming the UK embassy today were waving flags of "Yaa Hosein"?


salman farsi

Using Arabic as opposed to Farsi words for Namaz

by salman farsi on



This borther NaTavana is making up his own cut and paste religion which has nothing to do with the mainstream Islam (Shi'a or Sunni). OK brother be happy in your own little world and I hope you can find your own followers one day (but I doubt it).  But please don't pass your self-made stuff as Islam.


On Namaz vs Salat - you have shown how superficially you have just memorized the Holy Quran (or your wierd spelling of GHORON!!!) without knowing anything about its meaning.  How many of these people understand the meaning of Salat? But you lose the debate when it comes to answer the question: where are the rulings of namaz in Quran? Instead of answering the question you hide yourself behing another self-made interpretaion of Quran by saying that it would have been too robotic!!


Brother NaTavan: I declare your as the new prophet of a new faith but please don;t call it Islam - you can't even explain a simple question.

For an Islamic democracy

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Re: Mourn aliens

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I do mourn the ones in Roswell. Only if their ship had not crashed maybe they came in peace.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Tavana Namaz is

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


a Persian word which was used by Zoroastrians for the prayers. You may not be aware but Zoroastrians pray five times a day. Because day is divided into five Gah or watches. The names are:

  • Havan Gah:  sunrise to noon
  • Rapithwan Gah: noon to 3 pm
  • Uziran Gah: 3 pm to sunset
  • Aiwisruthrem Gah: sunset to midnight
  • Ushahin Gah: midnight to sunrise

There is a prayer or "namaz" associated with each Gah. The word "namaz" is based on the old Persian word "nemangh". Please do not spread false information. You may know about Islam but you don't know about Persian terms and practices.


Mourn the aliens

by Cost-of-Progress on

A bunch of arabs killed each other over a struggle for power and dominance. Iranians pour in the streets 14 centuries later to mourn them.

To any group or nation, this is one of the most backward and anti nationalist things a nation can do.

And YOU do it.

Now is it any wonder why Iran is in the shape she is today?
Thanks to you so called "IRANIANS".





A Blogger's Sticker!

by Tavana on

Very recluctantly need to response with the blogger's 'sticking' repetition about the absence of 'Namaz' in Ghoron. Here we go for the last one ever dealing with the total 'ignorance' of a blogger:

1. First of all 'Namaz' is an old Persian word & not an Arabic one. It is a man made substitute for the Araic/Ghoronic word of 'Salat.'

2. 'Salat' in Arabic means 'Connection' in Engish. The Salat mentioned in Ghoron covers for all the 'Prophets of GOD' prayers acts without any exception.

3. Muslims are not, & again 'are not' the only worshipers of the one & the only GOD. The 'True Believers' are only & only marked/recognized by the same GOD. The hearts' secrets are also only known to the 'heart creator.'

4. If therefore Muslims follow their traditional 'Salats' originated by Mohammed s.a., that does not mean an automatic acceptance by GOD and/or their markings of them as the 'True Believers (Momens).' What will happen to the Prayers of Old Prophets "Namazes' & their followers who are/were not Arabs?

5. If 'Salat' way had been tabulated in Ghoron by its details, that would have made the 'believers' acts like robots in their worshippings, which is 100% against the Ghoron teachings!!

6. Without a doubt, both Salman Farsi & Imam Hosein would deny many of the sayings & actions done under names, 'if not theirs', in the 'judgment day' since the times of their departures from this world.

7. Islam is the completed/pure religion of GOD to its believers & has no version(s) to it. Shia, Sunni, Vahabi, & etc. are all man generated 'thoughts' or sects.

8. When Ghoron calls for 'sticking' to that book only & that all worshipings are due to GOD alone, why do we have to 'stick' to something else instead?!

*** With special Thanks to VPK for his/her correction with the roots of 'Namaz' word. 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Christianity ; Islam

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I actually find Tavana to have a more "consistent" version of Islam than Shia. His version holds to what it was supposed to be not modified by politics. Shia is a result of politics and in fighting.

Why do you worry about who "replace Mohammad". My response is because of power. If you want to be a Muslim why should you need a Caliph. Why don't you just practice your religion to best of your ability and let Allah be the judge of it.

Same goes for Christianity where religion is a big business. It is also a hodgepodge of Judaism; Mithraism and old Roman beliefs. Do you know the Roman Senate voted to anoint Jesus a  "God". By democratic vote; all hail democracy :-) The basis of Anglican are obviously political as are others. People such as kings got sick of being pushed around by the Pope. Therefore new versions got made up. Simple as that.

salman farsi

Brother Yesterday's Youth (JavoonDirooz)

by salman farsi on



As I said to our misguided brother Tavana!! Islam is not all about Quran. Otherwise you might as well question where the Namza routines come from! There are Hadith and Sunnah as well brother. By the way why dont you ask our Christian cousins why do we have Catholics and Protestants? Why Baptist, Methodist, Anglican, Dutch, etc etc churches and denomination. Brother Javoon dirooz - come forward to emrooz! 

For an Islamic democracy

salman farsi


salman farsi


 برادر شعاع گربه ایرانی 



ادیان همه خوبند ولی پیروان ادیان بدند. هیچ دینی نمی‌‌گوید بکشید، بدزدید ، این ما هستیم که این کار‌ها را به نام دین می‌‌کنیم. اسلام به ذات خود ندارد عیبی، هر عیب که هست از مسلمانی ماست


برادر عمو جان 

کمونیست‌ها به یکدیگر می‌‌گویند "رفیق" یا "تاواریش". آنها برفتادند ولی پرچم اسلام همچنان استوار است. انشالله و تعالی همیش خواهد بود.


برادر مجنون

پس میفرمایید که اشکالی ندارد وقتی‌ شما بهأییان  عزاداری میرزا حسینعلی را می‌کنید ولی‌ وقتی‌ ما شیعیان عزاداری حسین ابن علی‌ را می‌کنیم اشکال دارد. خوب اینهم حرفی‌ است. بنده از ال بها بیشتر از این انتظار داشتم.


برادر بچه شیرازی


پس فرمودید که دولت آلمان نازی می‌‌بایست از حقوق یهودیان دفاع میکرد ولی‌ نکرد. اما به قول شما می‌‌شود که به یهودیت حمله کرد ولی‌ به یهودیان آزار نرساند!! برادر عزیز متأسفانه تاریخ از زمان انکیزاسیون تا به امروز با شما در تناقض است. 


والسّلام و علکیم و رحمت الله و برکاته 



For an Islamic democracy



by BacheShirazi on

One minute you say   that the Nazis did not ruin the synagogues out of
criticism of Jewish faith but becauase they didn't like the Jewish nose 

 next minute you say the turned their hatred of Jewish religion into the hatred of Jewish race!!!


 What are you talking about Salman. Let me break it down for you so you can easily understand it


1) The Nazis where the government of Germany, as such they should not have favoured or denounced any religion over another


2)  Critisising a religion is perfectly fine as long as you don't turn to violence or do not promote others to take part in violence.


That is Freedom of speech, get over it Salman. No one cares if your feelings are hurt when someone says something you don't like about Islam. 


Brother Salman please tell me you finally understand what I am trying to say.  It shouldn't be that hard for you. 


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

I call my some guys brother

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


It just happens that they are my brothers. I mean same mom and dad! 



Communists use too call each other, Brother also.

by عموجان on

They are all gone now. Should we expect to see same thing happen to Muslims in Iran? 


حالا ما چکار کنیم که این عربها همدیگر را می کشتند


این همه ایرانی که کشته شد به حساب نمی آید؟ آن بچۀ خردسال شمر و یا حرمله که هواداران حسین سر بریدند خونش از خون علی اکبر کمرنگ تر بود؟ خوب اینها آدمهای بی رحمی بودند که به بچۀ همدیگر هم رحم نمی کردند و نحوستشان به جامعۀ ما هم سرایت کرد. بی خودی نیست که خائن صدایت می کنند. چرا برای بابک و یعقوب دلت نمی سوزد؟

حالا هم آمده ای اینجا شهید دزدی. آن دولتتان که اجساد شهدایمان را می دزدد و تو هم آمده ای تا خاطره شان را بدزدی. آن ویدیو که در پایان گذاشته ای و آن عکسهایی که در آن است هیچ ربطی به عاشورا و روضه خوانی ندارد. این چهره های درخشان از روضه منزجر بودند. اگر مردم ما در ایران با زرنگی از عاشورا و یا هربهانۀ دیگر برای رویارویی با رژیم استفاده می کنند برای مهر حسین نیست. برای حفظ جان است. اینجا اما آزاد است و احتیاج نیست عکسهایشان را به دروغ بیالایی.


Dear Mr. S.Farsi

by radius-of-the-persian-cat on

I am mourning the many million ordinary people who were killed and turtured and raped in the name of Allah and Jesus. For me, every single of them is not less worth remembering than Hussein or Jesus. Both christianity and islam are the two most hypocrate faiths which insist that the death of their founders justifies revange by killing as many 


as possible.   



زنگ مدارس برای اشاعه خرافه و ارتجاع به صدا در آمد

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol

بنا به یک برنامه ریزی ارتجاعی از سوی وزارت آموزش و پرورش، روز یکشنبه ۶ آذر، همزمان با آغاز
''‌ماه محرم‌''‌، صدای زنگ مدارس کشور بنام آغاز ''‌هفته احیای امر به معروف و نهی از منکر‌'' به صدا درآمده است .


salman farsi

I must be intoxicated

by salman farsi on


You are right brother Shirazi I must be intoxicated by the wine of your knowledge. One minute you say   that the Nazis did not ruin the synagogues out of criticism of Jewish faith but becauase they didn't like the Jewish nose and next minute you say the turned their hatred of Jewish religion into the hatred of Jewish race!!!

taklif ma ra roushan kon baradar. 


by the way nice copy job brother - I mean your secular democracy signature. 

For an Islamic democracy


Alllaahhuuu akkkbaaar

by BacheShirazi on

if i am th eone who say we have the right to bash other verbally


Yeah.....NO. I am the one saying we have the right to bash other ideas verbally. As long as you don't verbally promote violence (as the nazi regime did at the start of their reign) or actually take part in violent actions(as the nazi regime did after they had some time in power) you are perfectly allowed to "bash" other ideas verbally. I am saying this. Perhaps your lack of reading ability is what is hindering this conversation. 


 So according to you the Nazis did not have an issue with the Judaism!


Erm, what? I am saying that governments should not get involved in verbally attacking religions. Citizens of a state are perfectly entitled to do so in a democracy as long as it meets the requirements in my above post.  There are two probelems with what the Nazi's did:


1) They turned their hatred of the Jewish religion into hatred for the Jewish people. 


2)They where the government of Germany, and with that responsibility they should not be getting involved in supporting or denouncing any religion.  That is for citizens of a country to discuss amongst themselves. 



  Is that  why their youths vandalized the synagogs and descerated their cemetaries?


Once again you fail to understand that critisising a religon is different to attacking the property of people who follow that religion.



  Brother are you sure you are not currently intoxicated? Your failiure to comprehend what I am saying is slightly worrying.




For a secular democracy

salman farsi

Brother Shirazi you are now playing with words

by salman farsi on



First of all you have cleverly chose your title and continued it into your comment as if i am th eone who say we have the right to bash other verbally. Sorry brother THOSE ARE YOUR WORDS from a comment earlier. So according to you the Nazis did not have an issue with the Judaism! Is that  why their youths vandalized the synagogs and descerated their cemetaries?


Brother are you sure you are from Shiraz? 

For an Islamic democracy


Sorry Salman, but no

by BacheShirazi on

You are confused. You say everyone has the right to bash others
verbally. Well, Nazi's said the same thing. They began with Words (Mein
Kampf) and ended up in Auschwits. 


The Nazi's where the government of Germany. And they where not debating the Jewish religion. They where verbally promoting violence against Jews. So sorry, but once again you fail and manage to embaress yourself. A democracy obviously means that the government can't come out and order people to throw stones at Muslims. A democracy obviously means that the government can not favour one group of citizens over another. A democracy does not mean that no one is permitted to voice their opinion because Salman the 5 year old girl might get his feelings hurt. 


Freedom of speech includes the freedom to say whatever you want about any religion.  Get over it.

salman farsi

Anarchy is not democracy brothers

by salman farsi on

Brother Shirazikid


You are confused. You say everyone has the right to bash others verbally. Well, Nazi's said the same thing. They began with Words (Mein Kampf) and ended up in Auschwits. 


Brother Gilani


I said Tavana is a Wahabi/Talebani in denial.  He in his confused and misguided mind thinks Quran is the only reference in Islam. Who says that except Mola Omar of Qandehar. His problem is that he has only memorized Quran without understanding it. Is there any thing in Quran about how to do namaz? This is why he is completely out of touch and has made up a self-made religion of his own.


Brother VPK


I still believe you are more honest than the rest although you are flawed. 

For an Islamic democracy


Salman the confused

by BacheShirazi on

Your bigoted anti-democratic and often vile outrageous comments are all over this site and are matters of public record


Sorry Salman, but this is just too much nonsense coming from you in a single article.


First you show to have a severe misunderstand of what makes someone part of an ethnic group.


Then you seem to be of the delusional position of believing that whatever country someone is buried in means we should praise that person to no end.


Then you prove to have a sever misunderstanding of Iranian history and religious changes within Iranian society over time.


And now your latest joke of a comment, proving you know very little about freedom of speech or democracy.


Your bigoted anti-democratic and often vile outrageous comments are all over this site and are matters of public record


This may come as a shock you. Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from hearing things you don't agree with.


In a free and democratic system, every single person has the right to bash Islam or any other belief or political stance as much as they want. As long as we keep it to just discussion. No one here said that we should ban Islam. No one here said we should physically attack Muslims.  And likewise, you have the right to preach your religion to people. We have every right to bash Islam.


نگفتم؟ موش مردگی سلمان خان/خانوم رو می‌بینید؟


Thanks for proving me right brother/sister salman.

If you were a real muslem, defending Islam & muslems here, you'd take my positive notes on muslims and islam and thank me & VPK for that. But no, you still knivingly hit back at me and VPK who also agreed with me.

"Salman", you are not even a muslim and you know it. The one real muslim here, Tavana worked out precisely who you are and what your agenda is. and then you attacked him calling him a "Wahabi". Same with others, calling them :zionist, bahai, neo con, communist. This is precisely the way Islamist regime's ministry of inteligence attacks those who oppose the islamist fascist regime.

The real - rhetorical- question here  is who you are and what you are all about.....

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


Well, Salmoni as soon as you mentioned Bahai's

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

you reminded me of this musical video. Enjoy 

