Bin Laden was at war with Islam

salman farsi
by salman farsi


Ever since the crimes against humanity that took place on 11th September 2001 in New York City, the holy faith of Islam has wrongly been associated with the anti-Islamic deeds of a fringe group of anti-muslim activists called Al-Qeda and their leader Osama Bin-Laden. In the last few hour since the killing of Bin-Laden was announced the holy name of Islam is once again being associated with his evil deeds. There are a number of misguided muslims who ask why was he not buried according to the Islamic rituals or not returned to his families. This question should be passed over to the families of the Muslim, Christian and Jewish victims of Bin-Laden's vile ideology whose loved ones were not returned to them to be buried according to their rites and rituals. There are no muslim rituals to be held for an apostate, Osama Bin-Laden, who stained the holy name of Islam and caused it to be associated to his anti-Islamic thoughts and deeds.

بلي من كسب سيّئة و احاطت به خطيئته فاولئك اصحاب النّار هم فيها خالدون

For an Islamic democracy


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salman farsi

First an Arabic lesson Pendar

by salman farsi on



You must add "al" to Ghassem otherwise it is wrong:

بسم الله القاصم الجبارين

As for inserting Arabic words without distorting the format (of English text)  I am afraid you should ask JJ. I had no part in it.

For an Islamic democracy


بسم الله قاصم الجبّارين


I am not sure Osama was at war with Islam, and I am not sure if he commited the crime of 9/11.

I could have been convinced about both cases had he been given a chance to appear in front of a panel of Islamic scholars on the first charge, and in front of a judge of the International Court for the second one.



Now, as a good Muslim tell your brothers and sisters how you inserted Arabic fonts into your text without distorting the format. Insha Allah!

salman farsi

Sorry Afshin you need to do some research

by salman farsi on

I suggest to start here:


 For an Islamic democracy



by afshinazad on

They were two.

if you know who wrote them?

salman farsi

Afshin I know who wrote the Qur'an but did you know ...

by salman farsi on

how many people wrote it? :))

Funny enough, I agree with you regarding religious khorafat.

 For an Islamic democracy



by afshinazad on

do you know who wrote your quran ?

real Islam is what ben laden and IRI are preaching.

there is no democracy in religion of islam nor in other religions and if you haven't accepted that by now you are in fantacy world, you could deny the fact and reality but thanks to 21th century human is more evolved than before and still there are some people need to be educated about religion khorafat.

salman farsi

Thanks DA (sorry I mean CC)

by salman farsi on

That was a good link. As for not being interested in arguing about Islamic demcoracy well don't worry, next time I choose a subject you can cope with :)

 For an Islamic democracy

Mash Ghasem

It all depends on the ocassion

by Mash Ghasem on

if it's sort of 'official' party or May First,... Hoshang is a better choice. Old mashti here is good for ' good ol shog and jive.'

You sound very confident in your argument, which is reassuring, and heart warming, Salman jan you're still avoiding the question. I'm sure your a BETTER muslim than him. That is not the issue. Islamic Republic is as true an embodiment of Islam ( 'uniquely' Iranian-Shia-Khomeini type) as it gets, cheers, outta here

salman farsi

RB you contradict yourself

by salman farsi on

Moderate muslims, by definition, do not seek confrontation and do not "confront" the extremists otherwise they wouldn't be moderate would they?

Also how many more like Boroujerdi and his followers, plus many unsung heros who beleive in Islam, should be captured, tortured or killed to satisfy your criteria for confrontation?

 Finally I was not being sarcastic but you seem to have a great sense of humor. If , in your estimation, there are a few million muslim extremists (say 10 millions) out of one thousand and two hundred millions in total that makes one out of every 120 muslims must be extremist, i.e. less one per cent!! is this too much for you? :))

 For an Islamic democracy

salman farsi

You ask such insightful questions MG!!

by salman farsi on

Khomeini may have had greater knowledge of Islamic jursiprudence than me, (I repeat may) but does it make him a better muslim than me? Don't think so.


Now may i ask you an equally insightful question Mash Ghasem:


Who is a better rafigh? You or Hoshang Targol :)

 For an Islamic democracy


Spot on! Here's an article in support of your blog

by ComraidsConcubine on




"But for the Muslim world, bin Laden has already been made irrelevant by the Arab Spring that underlined the meaning of peoples power through peaceful means. 

It is also worth recalling that bin Laden's al-Qaeda and its affiliates have killed far more Arabs and Muslims than they did Westerners. 
And it was only after they failed to garner real support in the Arab world that they ran back to Afghanistan and began to target the West.
After long hijacking Arab and Muslim causes through its bloody attacks on Western targets, al-Qaeda has been discredited since 9/11 and its organisational capacity diminished by Western counter terror measures. 

Al-Qaeda's bin Laden has provided the Bush administration with the excuse to launch its disastrous and costly wars in the greater Middle East." 

P.S."Islamic democracy "however is just to plain barmy to even bother to argue with. 



by Reality-Bites on

It looks like you need things broken down to you, so you can understand them.

First, I didn't quote a specific number of extremist Muslims around the world. So please spare the sarcastic "have you conducted a survey" remark.

I stated that there are millions of them, which out of a total of 1.2 billion and rising, around the world and considering that they are in various conflicts from Iraq to Israel/Palestine to Afghanistan to Chechnya to Sudan to Somalia to Yemen to Pakistan to India to Thailand to Indonesia to Philippines to Lebanon and also those who rule and their supporters in places like Iran and Saudi Arabia and those who live and are engaged in terrorist activities, and supported in those activities, in various Western countries, I don't think an estimate of millions is wide of the mark.

Regarding to your point about Ayatollah Broujerdi and his followers, is that it? Is that all you've got in response? And exactly what have the good Ayatollah and followers done, i.e. what actions have they taken to confront the extremists? What about all the other hundreds of millions of "moderate" Muslims around the world? What are they doing to confront the extremists? Zilch, that's what.

Heck, the fact that Bin Laden was killed in a fortified and huge compound, far bigger than nearby properties, in a Military town, with army barracks down the street, points to the fact the many of the "moderate" Muslims actually support and give sanctuary to extremists like him.

Mash Ghasem

Khomeini actually has a theory of state, he's a lot more ' true

by Mash Ghasem on

muslim' than you imagine. It is true that Khomeini's promotion to higher ranks was a political move and not due to his Jurisprudence. But he was a lot more educated in Islam that you might want to acknoweledge. Just out of curiosity, in terms on an understanding of Islamic Jurisprudence, how would you compare yourself to, let's say Khomeini?

He is a True Muslim, you're not, which is your constitutional right (it almost ryhems!)

Me thinks he's a lot more Muslim that you might want to admit, hence the source of your problem. As a relic of an era gone by, political islam might have a presence, but as a serious contender in the 21st century (at least in Iran)? fat chance. If still in doubt I humbly refer thou to the May First protests of yesterday all across our most beautiful hoemland, NOT A SINGLE RELIGIOUS REFERENCE, not to mention the increasingly anti-religious tone of street demonstrations,popular culture...cheerio

salman farsi

You mean you have been there all that time??

by salman farsi on

"I can attest to it after 1400 years of seeing, hearing ..."

You must be the second coming of Noah!! if you have seen and heard all that over 1400 years! :))

 For an Islamic democracy


The next thing

by MRX1 on

we will be hearing is: even at the time of Mohamad Islam was not implemented correctly! Apparently the founder himself didn't know how to implement his own brain droppings.

salman farsi

Afshin Azad

by salman farsi on

First please tell me where is Qur'an you have seen what you are quoting from. Second you are making the same false assumptions that some others do in insisting Islam is what they "prefer" to see in order to feed their hunger to cleans muslims from the face of the earth. Are you by any chance a follower of Radovan Karadzic?


sorry for writing in mixed case :))

 For an Islamic democracy


Islam is vile. PERIOD

by mahmoudg on

I can attest to it after 1400 years of seeing, hearing and reading about what it has done to humanity from its inceptio.  Is/are Christianity and Judaism and the rest of the "isms" any better? absolutley not, all are the same crap.



by afshinazad on

Islam is at war with everyone, and there is no question Islam is at war with non muslims, Islam war starts with anyone who is not muslim and who ever is the competing with Islam. do you recall why muslims call non muslims dirty or your quran say to slave and rape and kill non belivers, Islam and quran is not a religion, it is a istruction how to kill human.

your democratic Islam is now in our country and we all couldn't be more proud of them! or I should say the muslims should be proud of them for rape and killing Iranian.

Only coward american will say that ben laden is in war with Islam and american are not in war with Islam, yes indeed american are not in war with islam, but Islam is in war with them and the world and as long as moron politician will deny the fact and misguid the public from reality, cycle will continue and there are a lot of evil people like ben laden in this world and it will not be over till these evil people exist.

salman farsi

I am not here to convince anyone but ...

by salman farsi on

I am here to tell you how misguided the views of some of you are in relation to Islam. But obviously those of you who are frozen in their misguided view are happy to remain frozen!

Cost of Progress

The meaning of the verse I used is:

آري كسانيكه تحصيل گناه كنند و آثار گناه سراسر وجودشان را بپوشاند،آنها اهل آتشند و جاودانه در آن خواهند بود

As for the "billions of silent", you must have conducted a global census, haven't you?


The real enemies of Islam are the insiders not those standing outside the faith. Now you may read the rest of the blog :))

Reality Bites,

Again you must have conducted a survey of extremist muslim as you are so sur of their number!! As for my fellow moderate muslim under the IRI, have you heard of Ayatollah Kazemini-Boroujerdi and his followers?

Mash Ghasem

Again you insist on remaning frozen in your misguided view of who is muslim and who is not. Those people you are refering to are not muslims let alone "my fellow muslims"!!

Anonymous Everyday,

You got it boy! Stalin was indeed at war with communism. Doubt it? ask Marxist-Leninists and Trotskyites :)


 For an Islamic democracy

Mash Ghasem

Islam is at war with itself, and incomaptiable with 21st Century

by Mash Ghasem on

Salman jan, you forget to mention all the atrocities committed by your fellow muslims in Iran, from raping virgin political prisoners , before executing them to stonning to death, to...Any religion ( or ideology) in power is beyond hope, and degenerated.

Crimes of Islamic Republic against Iranian people makes Bin Laden look like a boy scout, as we say in Persian : khejalat ham khob chizieh .

Apologist for IR and political Islam have no place in ranks of Freedom loving, Justice seeking movement of Iranian people, cheers

Anonymous Everyday

yadi yadi yada

by Anonymous Everyday on

... and Stalin was at war with Communism. Give me a f#$^&ing break.

Go sell this crap where you find more gullible buyers.



by Reality-Bites on

The people you need to convince first and foremost, of your belief that "Bin Laden was at war with Islam" are the millions of extremist Muslims around the World that have either materially or ideologically supported Bin Laden and his cause.

Furthermore, you also need to convince your fellow "moderate" Muslims that silence and inaction in the face of growing power of their extremist brethrens is no longer an option, if they wish to coexist peacefully with the non-Muslims of this World.



by Raoul1955 on

You are so right, and that is why he attacked the NYC instead of Mecca.  I read the title only and since I agree with you, I skipped the rest.   :-)
allah-akbar to you,
Ayatollah Raoul, the Grand Imam of Mecca.


yeah yeah...

by Cost-of-Progress on

Let me take out the violin first. 

Here's yet another so called Iranian "kaaseye dagh tas az aash" who beats his chest for islam and how peaceful this religion is. I suggest you contact the other billion silent muslims who turn a blind eye to what political islam is doing in the world.

At least write something in Farsi as your signature. the NON-persian script at the end is rather disturbing. I am SURE you know what its saying, I do NOT!


