Have Deletions on this Website Regarding the Gaza Situation Been Unbalanced?


rosie is roxy is roshan
by rosie is roxy is roshan

 (Well, have they? I don't know. I'm asking).



Recently there have been two lengthy and  productive blogs on moderation. Because they were also somewhat tiring due to their energy and touched deep nerves, I thought it prudent to allow some time for the participants and readers, including the publisher, to digest them. Thus, I had no intention of writing yet another blog on moderation. However I feel compelled to tonight.

It was the Gaza situation that prompted my actually quite sudden decision to return to this website community as a regular member on Jan. 1, because I was very distressed not only about the situation itself but about how it seemed to be tearing this website to shreds in a way I hadn't seen since the Wild Wild West. And so I've been following it very closely here. I haven't spoken on too many blogs but I've been reading. Fortunately it seems to be calming down a bit  but something in particular still remains that troubles me.

My views as a non-Zionist, pacifist, and anti-colonialist are well-known and require no further articulation. However several times including today I've seen people I know quite well and respect who differ wi,th my views on this issue, to greater or lesser extent, voice omplaints that they or others with similar views have been subject to abusive posts which have not been deleted, while no more greatly and sometimes less abusive ones directed at the other "side" (not by them in particular but in general) have been.

In fact I myself flagged a post directed at one of the most highly regarded members of this community that I found attrociously abusive, and yet it remained. What irked me perhaps the most was that this post was written by a cowardly goldfish (not to accuse most of the goldfish of being cowardly by any means), abusing his/her PRIVILEGE of anonimity, towards one of the few people onsite who actually uses their real name. It wasn't this incident that prompted me to write this, though. n fact I'd decided not to. It was the culmination of the other accounts. 

Perhaps these are merely isolated incidents, oversights on the part of the moderation team who work so dilligently without compensation, or even recognition, to be fair and to make this website the very best it can be. Perhaps my friends who are upset are over-reacting, I don't know.  I'm not them and tensions are rstill unning high. 

But I AM, me, and I'm not feeling tense at all, and I do know about the one I flagged. Oversight? I hope so.

Have deletions on this website regarding the Gaza situation been unbalanced? I'm raising the question. That's all.

Peace Now.



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by Anonymous fishie (not verified) on

yeah girl, i been knowing you a long time. i like what you say but it just gets lost sometimes. and it frustrates me as someone who does know you and respect you but just can't deal with the verbosity sometimes. but. it's YOU and if i want to exchange ideas and debate, then i gotta deal with it. i'm totally rebelling against this whole registered/non registered, anonymous versus anonymous, crap because it is pointless. i'm not going to register, period. it is not an insult to anyone but a conscience decision NOT to engage in the bullshit theory that being registered is some kind of "real" commentating. more power to everyone who thinks it is. i don't.

iranian.com is not the same as it was 5 years ago, one year ago or one week ago. it will not be the same next month or next year. there have been improvements, great ones. there has been a distinct lack of consistency by moderators and by jj himself. but so what. it's a website, nothing more, nothing less. much better than most, not as good as others.

but you can't "prove" anything without going back and doing waaaaaaaaaay too research. and i think most people here have got better things to do. i sure as hell hope they do anyway.

anyway. good to see you back. just tone it down a little bit. :-)

rosie is roxy is roshan

What I know...

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

is that YOU know me very well from this website for a loooooong time AND you're probably a registered user, if not you surely don't usually post under the name anonymous fishie...so....

tell me who you are and I will address your points, many of them valid, all of them legitimate, and a couple of them...well...here is an example of "babbling":

adkj9u34u4ihjih987g07ui3uy[q09a[q8-[n39yr;;hklhfni809*(OYI#Hklnal;47o9(*&){#nlkjhf 'ao8^# HA;8709p;hLKjhdo;

Looking forward to hearing from you shortly,

Robin Jayne Goldsmith

Manhattan (listed)



i think there are a couple of different

by Anonymous fishie (not verified) on

subjects being discussed here.

#1. yes, there is absolutely manipulation by some moderators. i don't know if JJ gets final editing priviledges but some moderators delete based on personal likes and dislikes. this is a fact Robin and you know. as much or more than anyone, YOU KNOW THIS TO BE TRUE.

#2. there is communication between select registered users and some moderators, as well as with JJ. this partiality just contributes to the frustration of other registered users who are not "in the loop".

#3. cuss words are "offensive" but anti-semitic slogans are acceptable. "go to hell" is permissable but calling someone an "ass" is not.

#4. there is no point in having "rules". they will get broken and ignored. more waste of time on a subject that is closed as far as JJ is concerned.

robin, what kind of document are you talking about? what kind of proof do you think anyone can produce. YOU couldn't get answers from JJ. what makes you think WE can. you're getting off base again. i hope you stay but if you do, please PLEASE stop the frenzied postings. you're starting all over again and what point you may have started with gets totally lost in all the babbling.

you want proof of something? do you think most people here have enough time to print or save or copy or paste the irregularities? it happens all the time and again i say, YOU KNOW IT.

rosie is roxy is roshan

Thanks for stopping by, Shekar.

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

Have a good day at work.


rosie is roxy is roshan

Zion, did you see the post I wrote about David on that blog?

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

That's what I'd like to know.

As for management, well, whether management gives a sh-t about me or not, the reason we should respect management is because management gives us this website on which we write and built it over fifteen years and WON'T delete what you just said. That is all I have to say about management.

Zion if you could tell me you called someone a moron and got deleted and they called you a disgusting piece of sh-t and didn't, someway, somehow, I'd get SOMEONE who was reluctant, to admit that that was WRONG.

And as far as I'm concerned...that would be worth all the trouble.

it's worth it. TO ME.



by Shekar on

Just a quick note to tell you to ignore the ignorant.  Seeing her in full operation right here, I think you will see quite a lot of the background to the problem.  Irrational, heartless, and rude to anyone who disagrees with her, she is really a waste of time for you or anybody worth their salt.  Ignore her.  Let her go celebrate with her friends whose links she shared with you. They all deserve each other. 

You mean well and you have good points, though I don't agree with the premise of your blog.  Just reading the two of you side by side, anyone can see in full light the difference between a peace loving Jew and a Zionist.  Maybe that's why she hates your presence and your comments and wishes to push you off the site?

I'm afraid I have to dash out to work now.  Until next time, rememer to push the ignore button on ignorant people.


I don't expect you to be anything

by Zion on

No, and I don't think the "management" that I am seeing gives a sh*t about your methods of "accomplishing" anything either. Are you blind? I don't see why this "management" is worth any kind of attention whatsoever from us in the first place. Actually I don't see why this "management" is worth anything at all.

That is of course my opinion. You don't need to agree. Just stop these role plays, would you? That is all I am asking. Please just stop this kind of acting like you are an innocent newcomer, as if you are blind or you don't see what is taking place here... or whatever. It is silly. That is all.

Take care Robin.

PS. I forgot to add this other link. Not that it matters here anymore. I just wanted to add it in the first comment so here it goes:

rosie is roxy is roshan

Zion, I DON'T know...I SUSPECT...but I DON'T know..

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

IF my suspicions are correct then I WOULD LIKE A DOCUMENT...

and it took me a damn long time to write this blog and a LOT of thought and NO ONE ELSE DID IT, no one else BOTHERED...

ONLY me..

and all you keep doing every time I try my best to do my best to be fair, lately all you do is keep throwing sh-t in my face. WHY???!!!  Did you expect me to suddenly come back here a Zionist? You called me an ANTzionist. I am not. I have never used that word to characterize myself and I characterize myself all the time: non=Zionist, pacifist, new Left (Green, Labor, Social Democrat hybrid..) I've NEVER said antZionist because it implies:

I would not support a tws-state solution if the parties involved could make peace that way although I PREFER a onstate solution; I do not lump all Israelis MUCH less all Zionists into a CLUMP, I am not ANTI my father; I do not tolerate terms such as Nazi State of Israel or wipe off the map, page, whatever, or ANY hate speech toward Israel itaelf;What do you want from me? Why are you witch=hunting me just because everyone ELSE is at each others' throats and I'm not?What's gotten into you? I ask you to debate Q as two knowledgeable intellectuals of polar opposite views on a special blog..you character=assassinate me, he doesn't say boo.

Me playing games...yeah, politics is THE BIG GAME. I try to mediate among BIG GAME PLAYERS...I have no models because I'm the ONLY one here who does...and btw my recent history with management which you so nicely threw in my face the other day doesn't make it easier...so...

Yes my dear I PLAY A BIG GAME.

It's called rug of war


ZION do you think that if I came on this blog railing accusations it would accomplish anything w/the management?

and where ARE all these injured parties who've been treated unfairly?



Stop your silly games, Robin

by Zion on

'I don't know. I'm asking'

... yeah right! It is crystal clear what is going on here.

Crystal... Clear:

...and it ain't gonna work. We are here to stay. :-)

rosie is roxy is roshan

fishies, ps j

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

fish #1. Welcome to the forum. Don't be so disappointed, that's why we have this capability to talk about these things through blogging and don't forget the moderation systemis relatively new and things take time.  However I have to say that if you're NEW and you've ALREADY seen a problem, there prooooooooobaby is one and not a small one, either...

fish #2  Well you see, last I heard j. does approve all final deletions, but here's a possible problem with your scenario: if the screening moderator doesn't approve one flagged post for deletion, it will never get to j. and it'll stand on the thread, while if he does approve another flagged post for deletion, j will see it and it will look offensive and he will approve the deletion...so if there's a (consciously or unconsciously biased moderator...see what I mean?

ANYWAY, J that's part of why I keep saying we need a list of the rules (I mean the system, the mechanices) of moderation: how many, hierarchy, procedue for protesting deletions, etc..)


that that should go in a section in the white space called "How this site works.." or something like that.  So people won't have to wonder whether youhave final say over deletions or not, etc. It's not just freedomof speech, j. it's freedom of hearing, too...


JJ should oversee deletion box

by Anonymous (not verified) on

JJ seems a very fair minded, and unbiased person when it comes to freedom of speech. Even if he doesn’t say it officially, behind the scene, he should check the deletion box for comments on daily basis. If any comment is being deleted unjustly, with his mentality, I am sure it will be restored.


Bias Among Certain Moderators

by Anonymous112 (not verified) on

Yes, I have seen it is well with a certain moderator. I don't know who all the moderators are but I know of one who has clearly furthered his or her bias the issues by not allowing posts to go through or alternatively, allowing insults by one side to stand while deleting or not letting responses from other side to pass through. As someone new to this forum I have to say I am somewhat disappointed that moderators would unlevel the playing field with such bias. It diminishes the quality and integrity of this forum and makes it a much less serious competitor in the blogging market. Word about this kind of bais travels quickly in the blogging world.