Judas Priest

Judas Priest
by Robert

This is a video that uncle jj told me to put on the iranian of me playing "Breaking the Law" by Judas Priest:

And this is judas priest breaking the law live 2004:


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Robert, you're awesome. My

by skatermom (not verified) on

Robert, you're awesome. My son is 10 and he's a drummer. He too is a "hesh". He's in a band that practices at our house once a week. I loved your piece on ancient Persia and I love that your rocking out on a flying V. Your parents should be Iranians of the day for raising such a fine Iranian boy.


Ok, the concert clip just came...

by ThePope on

That's pretty cool. Thanx for sharing. A classic song, but definitely one of their best. A master piece. My favorite is the "Pain Killer" album cuz it's totally speed-metal with a "high"(pitch) performance by Rob (vox)... Pain killer is considered as one of the best albums ever in the heavy metal genre. BTW, you guys are "breaking the law" right here on this site. I think, We've never had anything like this posted before. If I'm not wrong! Ah, I'm getting too old for this...


Y E A H !

by ThePope on

That's wicked. Does this really means that,,,, rock is not dead (with the younger generation)? The clip is soooo cool, eventhough I'm not a Judas Priest fan... I'm more into altern/punk/hard-core underground stuff... But still, it was amazing. Keep up the good work (practicing). When I was your age, I was only good to play the triangle and the flute! :) At the time, I was a good "claque" too!! :)lol