جنایات عمر در ایران


by rezapci

- کشتن نجبا، بزرگان و دانشمندان.

۶- اسیر کردن زنان و بچه ها، بردن آنان به عربستان و فروختن آنان به صورت برده.

۷- از بین بردن فرهنگ و تمدن ایران.

۸- ممنوع ساختن نوشتن و خواندن به زبان ایرانی وهزاران جنایت دیگر

۹- شلاق زدن ایرانیان در مدینه به اتهام فارسی صحبت کردن

قسمتی از نامه معاویه به زیادابن ابیه

زیادابن ابیه برادرخوانده معاویه و والی کوفه و خوزستان و فارس و عمان نوشته شده و متن این نامه توسط منشی زیاد بن ابیه به ابان بن سلیم که دوست نزدیکش بوده امانت داده شده‌است که آنرا بخواند، و وی با توجه به مضمون بسیار جالب نامه رونوشتی از آن را برای خودش برداشت

" قوم ایرانی که به نام موالی در میان ملت اسلام به سر می برند، جز با سیاست عمر بن خطاب اداره

شدنی نیستند این ملت را باید اسیر کرد، باید ذلیل کرداین ملت را به همان روشی که عمر می کوبید، باید طوری کوبید که هرگز نتوا ند سر بلند کند.

برنامه ی تو در برابر ایرانیان چنین باید باشد:

. 1 تازیان حق دارند با ایرانیان ازدواج کنند، ولی ایرانیان از این حق محرومند، زیرا عرب باید از خانواده های ایرانی میراث ببرد، ولی ایرانیان چنین حقی ندارند

. از جیره ی آنان که حق عمومی ملت است، تا می توانی کسر کن.2

. در تقسیم خوار و بار و ارزاق، تا می توانی از سهم آنان ببر و فقط نان بخور و نمیری به آن ها بده.3

. تازه نفس دشمن قرار گیرند 4 در جبهه ی جنگ، صف مقدم و سپر حمله ی نخست دشمنان را از ایرانیان گذار تا طعمه ی حمله

. به آنان واگذار 5 در جنگ ها کارهای سخت بدنی، صاف کردن راه ها، کندن موانع و هر کار دشوار و طاقت فرسا.

ایرانی هر قدر هم که صالح و پرهیزکار و دانا باشد، حق امامت جمعه را بر مسلمانان در نماز ندارد. 6

. ایرانی هر چند پاک و شریف و فداکار و مومن به اسلام باشد، نباید بر عرب برتری داشته باشد.7

. ایرانی نباید در صف اول نمازگزاران قرار گیرد.8

. ایرانی را به هیچ وجه برای فرمانروایی و پاسداری مرزها نفرست.9

10هیچ ایرانی حق حکومت بر شهرها را ندارد

. ایرانی هر چند فقیه و عالم باشد، حق داوری و قضاوت را ندارد.11

برادر ! به جانم سوگند، اگر عمر و اوبکر کرسی خلافت را در نمی ربودند، امروز ما و ملت اسلام در چنگ

هاشمیان و ایرانیان خوار و زبو ن بودیم. اکنون خلافت در چنگ ماست و بر توسن آرزو سواریم، ولی

باید بدانیم که نژاد ایرانی دشمن حکومت و قدرت امویان است.

اگر امید داشتم که آنچه می گفتم اجرا می شد، مقرر می داشتم که نژاد ایرانی در قوانین اسلام با تازیان

برابر نباشد. مثلا اگر یک ایرانی یک تازی را می کشت او را شدیدا محکوم می ساختم، ولی چنانکه

یک عرب یک ایرانی را می کشت، قاتل او را معاف می کردم و دیه ی او را نصف می نمودم.

ولی جهد کن تا ایرانیان را ذلیل کنی، به ایرانیان توهین کنی آنان را از دستگاه ادارات دور کنی،

و در رتق و فتق امور از آنان کمک نخواهی و به خواست های آنان بی اعتنا باشی. "

سند : در جلد ششم ناسخ التواریخ، مورخه الدوله سپهر، نامه‌ای از ابان بن سلیم نقل شده‌است.

* ابن بلخی. فارس‌نامه. به سعی و اهتمام گای لیسترانج و رینولد الن نیکلسون. کمبریج: مطبعهٔ دارالفنون، ۱۹۲۱م.
* دریایی، تورج. شاهنشاهی ساسانی. ترجمهٔ مرتضی ثاقب‌فر. چاپ دوم، تهران: ققنوس، ۱۳۸۴
* طبری، محمد جریر. تاریخ طبری [تاریخ الرسل والملوک](۱۷ج). ترجمهٔ ابوالقاسم پاینده. چاپ چهارم، تهران: اساطیر، ۱۳۷۵.
* گردیزی، ابوسعید عبدالحی. تاریخ گردیزی [زین‌الاخبار]. به تصحیح و مقابلهٔ عبدالحی حبیبی. چاپ اول، تهران: دنیای کتاب، ۱۳۶۳.


more from rezapci


by Paykar on

Since you enjoyed George Carlin, here is another one for you.








by MM on

I perfectly understand you.  You say that "this is not the Islam that Mohammad preached and what Soosan practices".  That is also what I hear when discussing Islam and its history of violence.  On the other hand, I, along with some here, say that violence has been an integral part of Islam, from the time of Mohammad until now regardless of whether that violence was directed at Iranians, Arab Jews or others.

If you say Islam is the religion of peace and ......  then show us the blueprint.  Who has the rulebook, how many practice it and if so, why don't the leaders of it come out and show OUTRAGE when there is Muslim-on-Muslim or Muslim-on-nonMuslim violence!


@ sosan khanom: "none of you here understands me "

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

My comment was not to you but to the blogger. But it seems you did not understand it. But that's OK too dear, some of us go through our  lives just feeling misunderstood, I understand that :) 

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Soosan Khanoom

All I am saying here is

by Soosan Khanoom on

"Look it up .....The Arab conquests (632-732) of non-Arab peoples began after Mohammad's death......."

Read your history before make assumptions .........

They lived and died more than 14 century ago ....... whatever they did will be on their shoulders ....... whatever .. right or wrong that only God knows  ....Each of us is responsible for her or his  actions and assumptions and steps we take in our lives ......

WE ALL can repeat things that  we have heard but never been there to see

so COP your question perfectly applies to you as well ......

MM and Everyone,

I think everything got lost in translation ......... 

"You Shall Not Kill" Has No Meaning In the Real World of Religion

and I am asking

Come , Let's Fall In Love Again 

 Paykar thanks for the Humor  ....  It made me laugh  : )   

Roozbeh  those who you are talking about in Iran are the ones with their heads being stuck in the Jamkaran's well till the day they die ......


Bottom line is that none of you here understands me ......  

but it is OK  :)





Dont leave Hossain and Ali out of it...

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

If you want to attack islam, do it all the way sir, or just dont do it at all!

 Some argue, and produce historical evidence that these two imams that we modern day shiats Iranians worship in a cultish, crazed manner,  have also committed numerous acts of murder and genocide upon Iranain people.

As for the 12th shia Imam, the "missing one", his physical abscence has not stopped his devout followeres in the islamist regime from criminal acts ranging  from murder, rape and torture of Iranians to dreams of buying a nuke warhead in order to wipe off other countries, all in his name....

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


Soosan, were you there

by Cost-of-Progress on

when the "prophet" was alive, or are you just restating the nonsense that has been force-fed to Iranians for centuries.

I never understand the Iranians who continue to believe in Islam while faced with its atrocities and its doctrine at work, and in practice.

This IS Islam. What you see is what you get - PERIOD. We Iranians must stop being kaaseye daagh tar az aash before it is way too late, which it may already be.... 





Soosan Khanoom

by MM on

I have a bid of problem with your statement on "this is not Islam".

You see,

* Everytime, we discuss the atrocities committed by IRI, al qaeda, Taliban, Saudi Arabia, extremists..... my elders tell me that is not Islam and so and so have hi-jacked the real Islam. 

* When we discuss the Bani-this and Bani-that, folks like you come out and tell us about real Mohammadi Islam.

* Even at the time of the prophet Mohammad, when such and such tribes were massacred, beheaded, enslaved and .... may be Mohammad did not know about it???  If so, how about all the passages in the Quran that talks about killing / maiming and doing horrible things to the non-believers, by which the Islamists justify their atrocities with?

So, my basic question is: What is real Islam and who has a copy?

I bet you that if you ask the above question from varous sects, you get as many asnwers.  The second problem is that the so called "true Muslims of the world" do not come out screaming bloody murder when atrocities (either Muslims on Muslims or Muslims to non-Muslims) are committed in the name of Islam so the primitive/outdated label sticks, so to speak.

Unless there is a real change, a renaissance of the oder 15 on the richter scale, this is the Islam that has always been there and will be there in the eyes of the world.

PS, The blog here is not the first describing the condescending / demeaning tone against Iranians.  You can even see it happen when a Shi'a goes to Saudi Arabia for Haj.


Soosan Khanem

by Paykar on

as "Ghatebeh" would have pronounced your name. Mohammed did far worse to all the tribes he attacked, after he returned to Mecca. This psychopath terrorized every non-moslem for ten years- he participated in 63 battles...

After this bastard died, many people turned away from Islam, but having the sword of Islam bless their necks, they were forced to accept islam again.

There is no good Islam. Before you start listing all the contributions some moslems made to science and mathematics, I would say, it has nothing to do with Islam itself per-se. I can hear you say that Islam says education is mandatory for man and women; yeah it does but its "science" is all B.S. Example, a shooting star is God's arrow to devil. I know your gonna say oh koran's language is symbolic, to which, I would say, bullshit.


You might say I am insulting 1.2 billion people, to which I would say, you bet I am; this is absolutely nothing compared to the assult of Islam on Humanity.


This is as polite as I can get when it comes to the most destructive, psychopthic....and barbaric  of the three major religions.


Now for a little laughter watch these:




Soosan Khanoom

Waders .....

by Soosan Khanoom on

I don't know what the intentions of this blogger is. This is my first time reading his post and may be you know him better then.....

I am not sure what really happened in Iran ........ but whatever happened did not happen at the time of Prophet ....... 

look it up .....The Arab conquests (632-732) of non-Arab peoples began after Mohammad's death.......





by Waders on





this sounds alot like the Shia establishment

by Waders on


treating Iranians and religious minorities.

Some things never change! 

When one read some of your previous garbage it becomes clear that you are far worse than that Ebne moa vee yah.

I suppose that Mavali treatment got to some and they become true mavalies.

Stop spreading HATE against your own moslem brothers and OTHERS as well.


Soosan Khanoom

None of these happened when

by Soosan Khanoom on

None of these happened when prophet was alive. Things went so wrong after his death ....... The daughter of prophet was not treated any better after prophet's death either .....