I feel Obama

persian westender
by persian westender

This morning when I woke up, I had an ‘Obamaic’ feeling, coming out of nowhere.

I wanted to change everything; re-paint my room, change the layout of my computer desktop, change my email name, even water the dried plants of the balcony.

I wonder if this feeling was the result of the dreams I had last night which I could not remember anyway.

Above all, for a long time I’d thought I never could be overcome my shyness and ask that cute Korean pharmacy assistant girl for a date. And today I feel: “ Yes I can..!”.

I‘m so excited and so empowered.. oh thank you Obama!.. For such a great inspiration! The pharmacy is just down the street where I live …I’m dressing now to go to ask her for a date.

I’ll let you readers know about it………see ya!


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...and also would like to add this link to read

by persian westender on

persian westender

Thank you all for

by persian westender on

Thank you all for reading.

Souri: As long as it has meaning and insight for you I'm content...I'm not gonna ask what are they.

Desi: My comment was reflection of what happened in the pharmacy. May be I had to be more clear, but I rather not.

American Wife: You're a concerned and optimist commentator. I like you! The story of balcony is over, for now I have no more interests to objectified romance!


But seriously, I only hope the long lasting dream and potentials for change will not be replaced with apathy in the result of disappointing steps at worst or status quo in disguise at best .


American Wife

good luck!

by American Wife on

What a cute story... good luck with the pharmacist... keep us posted!

But what is the balcony going to think when you bring her home for the first time?


Voted for Mccain!!!  What!!

by desi on

Voted for Mccain!!!  What!!  It's those kinda thoughts that precipitate nose bleeds.  Wipe off your nose and go ask that pharmacist out for a date.  PHARMACIST!  That's just bonus either way.


Nice as always

by Souri on

Your short story was full of meaning & insight for me as usual! and I'm sure you are not even aware of them , as usual :D)

I love this part :

I wonder if this feeling was the result of the dreams I had last night which I could not remember anyway.

Thanks for your good story.

persian westender

ehmm...May be I shoud've

by persian westender on

ehmm...May be I shoud've voted for Mccain

Sorry I gotta go...my nosebleeding doesn't stop......