The counterfeit UHJ has changed the teachings of the Faith.


Orthodox Bahai
by Orthodox Bahai

It is despicable for these so-called Baha'is to attack Islam, Azalis, Orthodox Baha'is, and others. Their contempt for other religions oozes through their pretense of liberality. They have perverted many of the Baha'i ideas beyond recognition. While it is true that Baha'is teach that Baha'u'llah is a Manifestation of God who brought an independent world religion, at the same time these teachings affirm the truth of previous Revelations as coming from God, which form chapters of a single Book, and nothing but reverence and devotion should be shown to the Holy Teachings of the revealed religions of the past. The counterfeit UHJ seeks domination over every one of its members, and over the world at large. Its World Order is one in which the peoples of the world are compelled to obey them. They believe that their decisions and words give voice to God Himself, and to oppose them is to oppose God. The comments on another thread about how they harass homosexuals in the Faith shows just how far these control freaks have gone, as if they have any business policing their member's bedrooms. It seems to me that the morality laws of every religion are between God and the individual. They have no business involving themselves in the personal activities of their members. Why would they waste their time on that? The only answer is that they seek total control and total obedience.

This leads to the question why homosexuals or anyone else would subject themselves to this kind of control?

The followers of this counterfeit UHJ are grossly irrational. They assume the legitimacy of the counterfeit UHJ's power without questioning where this bogus UHJ came from, how was it created, and how it even could be the same Institution that Shoghi Effendi, Abdul-Baha and Baha'u'llah spoke of. Their "logical arguments" are circular positing the words of their own counterfeit UHJ as proof of its legitimacy when it is apparent to any informed observer that there is no real support for their laughable arguments.

Anybody who thinks he is the mouthpiece of God Himself and to disobey his order is to disobey God, is a very dangerous person indeed. The members of the counterfeit UHJ really truly believe this and they are dangerous persons and they must be called out and they must be stopped.


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I guess that makes two of

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I guess that makes two of you ! hurray


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Let me say that even though I do not believe in the validity of the Baha'i faith as a whole nevertheless I stand with the Orthodox Baha'is as well as the other non-Haifan Baha'i denominations in calling for the illegitimate, Zionist funded and totalitarian UHJ organization based in Haifa to be called out and stopped.


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