Cartoon: Zahak


Cartoon: Zahak
by Omid Hast

I've decided, from now on if everything goes well, to post my cartoons and drawings as Blog Images instead of submittals to the Editor for approval.  There are several reasons for this decision, and I'm not complaining, just giving explanation for my decision.  After being absent for 10-11 months, I came back before Delara's execution and sent in a drawing of her as my contribution to the cause to save her life, but that didn't get posted.  After she was executed I did a “Posterized” painting of her, which was also not posted.  When the boy with nay that was supposed to be executed for so long  and his life was spared at the last day died of a drug addiction I did another drawing of his situation, which was also not posted.  Since then, I have done 2-3 more drawings that are also not posted either.  So, by now I'm think there is a problem with email delivery system, because these have different subject matters and the reason for not posting them can not be because the Editor did not approve them, since in the past I've submitted other worthless drawings that were posted, so I can't imaging that the Editor might not have liked any of them.

Another reason is that cartoons are usually time sensitive.  Something that might be appropriate and timely today might be a dud by tomorrow.  So if I post them myself as Blog Images then they don't have to go in a holding bin.

Another reason is that for a long time I couldn't figure out why I draw with crisp colors but by the time they get posted they look smudgy, so then eventually I figured out that sometimes when I do a "Redo", a step backward, for some reason the drawings get smudged, and also when I "Save", and "Compress" also cause them to smudge, so now I try to draw with one stroke, so to speak, began the process and never go back till the end and "Save" the file then, a very frustrating process.  Then I discovered some drawings also get smudged after I sent them to the Editor and they get "Resized" or “Compresed” for publication, I'm sure the Editor was not aware of that either.

As a Blog Image I also have more control if I need to make changes to what I post, or in case I decide to delete.

So, for the next few days, if things work out well, I'll post those drawings that didn't get posted till I'm caught up.

So, by the way, also, anyway, I'm not an artist.  What I do might look like art, but I'm not an artist.  I just learned to operate a very basic software, and my imagination.  I do love cartoons, caricatures, so maybe that's why I got attracted to doing what I've been doing.

Thank you for visiting this blog.


more from Omid Hast
Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez


by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on



Omid Hast

Zahak the Dragon King

by Omid Hast on

For a comrepensive translation into English of the poetic story of Zahak the Dragon King, depicted by Ferdowsi in Shahnameh, The Book of Kings, please see the link below:


And for the same story in fluent Farsi prose please see the link below:



Mardom Mazloom

Zahak Passt

by Mardom Mazloom on

‫‫ایا خامنه ای، ملعون پست
‫تیغ شمشیر را میکشی همچو زنگی مست؟

‫بکشتی جوانان مملکت را بی شمار
‫بسوزاندی روح ایرانیان را بر صد هزار؟

ای که تو از جاه ظلمی میکنی
‫دانک بهر خویش چاهی میکنی

ندانی که ‫حمله بر خود کردی ای ساده مرد
‫همچو آن کفتاری که بر خود حمله کرد؟

‫بپاخیزید جوانان ایران زمین
رها سازید این بوم را از ننگ و کین

‫چو ایران نباشد، تن من مباد

Shazde Asdola Mirza


Shazde Asdola Mirza

گفته بودم که دگر فحش به ملا ندهم،

صحبت بد نکنم، تهمت بی‌ جا نزنم.

بعد قرنی عرق و ماست و خیار مشدی،

دست نماز گیرم و لب را به نجستی نبرم.

توبه کاری کنم و راه به مسجد بکشم،

جای دیسکو و کلاب، میل به کعبه بکنم.

روی ژامبون و ورق خط بطالت بزنم،

میل روزه و نماز صبح صادق بکنم.

حیف، در این سفر دینی و روحانی خود،

چشم خود را نشد از دیدن دنیا بکنم.

دیدم اینجا ز جنایات آخوندان بلواست،

من چگونه بتوانم که نجستی نخورم؟

دیدم آنجا به سر پیر و جوان باتون است،

بنده اینجا دست نماز گیرم و نیت بکنم؟

مادرت را به خطا خامنه‌ای، کز ستمت،

من ندانم که به قبر علی‌ و گور محمد چکنم!



Most excellent. You should

by msdf (not verified) on

Most excellent. You should do different versions of this monstrous man with different colors. thank you.


Al-Zahak Khamenei

by Anonymous (not verified) on

This carton is the real image of Al-Zahak Khamenei.
Thanks for drawing.

Omid Hast

Zahak has 6,000+ fans!

by Omid Hast on

I'm sure most of them are Palestinians and Lebanese.

Azarin Sadegh

I forgot to tell you...

by Azarin Sadegh on

Omid jan,

Your unique sense of imagination, observation, humor and your creative and original way to make us think (when sometimes we don't  know if we should laugh or cry), plus your wit and how you care about the world through one single person's story (like Sina or Delaram) ... it is what makes you a real artist. 

Don't be shy or modest! You are an artist!


Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

Omid Jan

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

Thank you for the compliment on my avatar. I was going to change to a green dress but my avatar person has been rather busy lately. She is the essence of whom I am


Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

He's on facebook?!

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on



Azarin Sadegh

Not only two snakes...

by Azarin Sadegh on

Dear Omid Hast,

Maybe you need to add more snakes to his shoulders. I've heard he has killed 200 people in the last 10 can do the math :(  

BTW, I just found his page on facebook! Can you believe he has 6000+ fans?


Omid Hast

فريدون توئى

Omid Hast

...از این پس ديگر ضحاکِ اژدها دوش ِ ناپاک را شاه نمى‏دانيم و همه از برنا و پير و سپاهى و شهرى، به فرمان فريدون باشيم.  بدين سان بود كه همه همچون كوهى استوار در برابر سپاه ضحاک بايستادند.

بيا تا جهان را به بد نسپريم                 به كوشش همه دست نيكى بريم‏
نباشد همى نيک و بد پايدار                 همان به كه نيكى بود يادگار
همان گنج و دينار و كاخ بلند                 نخواهد بُدن مر تُرا سودمند
سخن ماند از تو همى يادگار               سخن را چنين خوار مايه مدار
فريدون فرّخ فرشته نبود                      ز مشک و ز عنبر سرشته نبود
به داد و دهش يافت آن نيكوئى             تو داد و دهش كن، فريدون توئى

Omid Hast


by Omid Hast on

You have a beautiful avatar.  Is that you in the picture?

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

Persian tale........

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

Once upon a time there was a great and beloved King that ruled all of Persia but he became very full of himself and ignored his people. He was attacked and defeated by a man/being with two creatures that were upon his shoulders. To satify its thirst for blood it would constantly have to be fed young Persian blood which went on for years. Darkness fell upon the land.

One day the former King's son was old enough. He rose up to defeat this evil being. Peace, tranquility, justice, prosperity was then again returned to the land of Persia.