Help With News And Opinion Section


News Goffer
by News Goffer

Dear Registered Users:

It is truly a welcome change on the site to have any registered user be able to post news items of interest. This collective work is so important to the site’s mission to reflect any and all users’ points of view and interest. The News and Opinion section is slowly becoming an integral part of the website, where people go to read the recommended pieces and engage in dialogues about them. If you have never posted anything in this section, I encourage you to look into it. You can read Jahanshah's April blog, announcing the birth of this section (// Please participate in creating useful and informative content for the site. It really is a very good deed for the community!

I would like to make some suggestions about posting news items.

1. Please take a look at the previously posted news items to ensure you are not linking an article which has been featured recently.

2. The space in the Excerpt section of the news item is rather limited. Please take extra care in copying and pasting an important part of the article in the Excerpt section. Many times people copy the beginning of the article which usually reflects only the background on the issue, but not the essence of the piece, so reading the excerpt isn't helpful in telling the story of the piece.

3. Please be careful in posting the source and author of the piece. It may take a few seconds longer, but this way the submitted piece will have all the necessary information in the post.

4. Please choose a short supertitle. Please refrain from using profanities or uncivil titles for your posts. After all, here is an educated, well-informed member of this community, trying to convey a message of (hopefully) learning to others! Your language must act the part!

5. Please do leave a comment in the “Short Comment” section of the post. This will help the readers to see your viewpoint in making the recommendation. Please, however, be careful with the comments you do leave in that section as you would be with any other comment you leave on the site, because they will be reviewed by the moderators.

Thank you for your contributions and looking forward to getting this section better and better everyday,

Your Friend,

News Goffer


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News Goffer

Dear IRANdokht

by News Goffer on

Thank you.  You bring up an important point, which I have been thinking about, too.  Perhaps the co-existence of news and opinion in that section is serving as a hinderance for its realizing its full potential.

It is in the nature of "news" to change and get updated.  A news section that stays stationery for a whole day is hardly being informative!  It is, however, more in tune with the nature of "opinion" for it to stay up longer for people to think about it and to engage in dialogue about it.  It is an issue JJ will have to think about. 

Thank you for your participation in some of the threads in that section.  Certainly your presence could make discussions a lot livelier!


NG jan

by IRANdokht on

You are right, if everyone took a little care in posting the news, it'd be a great source of information.

With all the repeats and some unnecessary multiple entries, the page scrolls down so fast it's hard to keep up with it, nevermind have a discussion about the subject.

Keep up the great work



What,s the point if your views get ignored?

by samsam1111 on


It,s a waste!.

News Goffer


by News Goffer on

I suggest you blog about that, as our departed Jax's pedigree and interests are hardly news or opinion or related to this post.


I used to have a blood hound..

by Parthian on


 I used to have a blood hound bred in Minnesota who loved going after goffers, chasing and hunting them down. RIP Jax!