
Nazanin Ghasemian
by Nazanin Ghasemian

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


Recently by Nazanin GhasemianCommentsDate
Oct 18, 2008
Oct 16, 2008
Oct 12, 2008
more from Nazanin Ghasemian

Relax everybody... Nazanin's a sweetheart

by Good Work! (not verified) on

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Nazanin is a confused power-hungry attention-starved sweetheart. No need to take the substance (or lack thereof) in her posts seriously. We're all getting a little bit too worked up over her person... honestly, her comments are too empty to warrant thoughful discussion.

A new generation of "losers" has emerged. Yes, you guessed it, Nazanin is one of its prototypical members. These hapless individuals are to be pitied, not deplored. They are victims of the tragic exodus which resulted from the revolution and their minds will forever reek of the filth we find in blogs such as this.

These sorry citizens are too detached from the motherland and too confused by their current abodes to realize that they would do best to keep their pathetic opinions to themselves. They have not lived in Iran, and never will, so they will never understand the frustration, the corruption, the terror, and the injustice that is tormenting their country. At the same time, as any admirable Iranian, they find it difficult to stay silent in the face of belligerent and seditious claims made against Iran. Stuck in the middle, they just fail to sort out the mess... They don't know who really calls the shots - in Iran or America; they don't draw lines between the nation and the state; they don't understand the realities behind such conspets as reform, revolution, dialogue, or isolation; and finally, they don't even know who they are themselves. This new generation is, at once, more patriotic, apologetic and reckless than the mullahs are...

It sure sucks to be in this group. Instead of attacking people like Nazanin, realize that they have good intentions. I say, let them spew... for in so doing, maybe they will finally cleanse their putrid minds of the filth they have unknowingly and unwantingly been washed with...

Keep working Nazi... I see a light at the end of the tunnel for you...


Re: Nazanin

by jamshid on

Thank you for your answer. But your answer targetet another question, the question of a Iran-US war.


Setting aside all analogies, similarities, relations, dependences between a Iran-US and the Iran-Arab war of 1400 years ago,  I still would like to know if you were taken back to 1400 in the heat of the Iran-Arab war, which side would you take? The Iranians who fought against the invading Arab armies, or the Iranians who directly or indirectly supported the Arabs?


You may know the answer and just not want to share it with us, perhpas I am wrong and you sincerely don't know what the answer is. In that case you need to do some sould searching and figure the answer for your own sake.


It is by answering the diffucult questions that one's character develops and then others would be able to take him/her seriously.


The US-Arab analogy

by Nazanin Ghasemian on

Your analogy between the two conflicts is weak, almost non-existent. The pro-war expatriates are just that - expatriates. They aren't Iranian citizens, and some of them may never have been to Iran, or lived there after the revolution. For them to advocate a war against a country they do not even reside in is ridiculous, unless that country attacks or threatens to attack the country they presently reside in.
As for the Persian Arab conflict, I'm guessing that as a woman, my opinion would not have mattered very much. I can't make an assessment about whether the invasion would have been in my favor. I dont even live in Iran now and I don't pretend to know what's good for Iran, which is why I hate to hear administration officials make a policy based on rumors or bitter exiles. They have the tools and resources to make a smart, safe policy and I hope they will do it, because Americans and Iranians deserve that if we are to ever have a lasting resolution to this sour political relationship. I really appreciate you reading and writing back, and I don't have any reason to dodge your questions. I just have lots of family in Iran and I think a military conflict is really not a wise solution. I also think that for American military families it is unwise. My dad sometimes does work at Walter Reed and the stories he tells me about his patients and their families is incredible. These people are heros, but I can't help but feel sad that they are part of a conflict that isn't their fault and that in many cases, they do not have the tools to fight against or understand.

Jamshid: thanks for your response. I never called for Iranians to fight against Americans! I'm not a hypocrite and I don't have a chip on my shoulder because I think another military conflict is not what America needs, and will not be beneficial to changing Iran for better.



by Muslim (not verified) on

if she's a muslim and she is anti-war she is hypocrite that is what you say? but many non moslems are against war too


"THE" question...

by MightyQuestion (not verified) on

"THE" question.... "THE" question sitll remains unanswered and it's hanging heavy. You'll have to delete this blog Nanzani, otherwise as someone else said here, "THE" question will become a monkey on your shoulder....

WHY don't you answer it?


Nazanine is a Jendeh

by I Hate Nazanine the Jendeh (not verified) on

Hey Jendeh, why did you take the blog off. Are you afraid that people will see how you tried to dodge the questions?



by Nazanin Ghasemian on

Nations must settle disputes by law. Otherwise, the problems associated with the issue increase and worsen. If this administration wants to save the iota of respect remaining with regard to their foreign policy, they will do follow international law, and learn from the mistake of the Iraq war. As for Iranians hoping for an Iraqi Iran, that's a question for the sociologists or psychologists. I made my attempt. I've hit a raw nerve, which is cool, because the point isn't to make people agree or change, but to learn how to tolerate each other, which in any Iranian forum is difficult. Thanks for reading!!


you get my back up big time!

by Tonya (not verified) on

Dear Nazanin... it has nothing to do with politics...or opinions... or facts.  You bring out the bitchy female in me and right now all I'd like to do is bitch slap you.  You're pretentious and hypocritical.  You use iranian.com as a forum to further your lust for attention.  Jeez... Iranian or American... you're the most dangerous kind of female...one with better than average intelligence and with a chip on your shoulder.  It doesnt matter who you serve... although its apparent you are NOT who you expound to be.  Actually, you're embarrassing rather than dangerous.


Re: Nazanin is copying other people's writing....

by Jamshidd (not verified) on

A text from an old Iranian general who was fighting the Arab invaders at the end of the Sassanid dynasty has been recently discovered. It has been translated from the old Pahlavi language to Farsi.
After reading it, I noticed that word by word it matches what Nazanin has written. Read her article and then read the discovered text below and judge for yourself. Nazanin, are you copying others' writing?
The Iranian Sassanid general was refering to Salmane Farsi and other Iranians who were supporting the Arab invaders. Here is the text of his letter to Salman. (I added some text in parenthesis for clarification). Notice how it matches word by word with the 1st paragraph in Nazanin's article.
The Iranian general wrote:
"I have read some of the rationalizations by Iranian expatriates (Salmane Farsi and other Iranians supporting Arab invaders) arguing in favor of attacking Iran. “At any cost”, “Zorostiran clergy is worse than anything in the world”, “We want to go to Iran, free Iran!” Others have responded to these statements to point out how ridiculous they are. Indeed, arguing with militants like these is tiresome."
Nazanin, this matches the text in your first paragraph exaclty word by word! You just changed the word Zorostrian to Muslim.
Now notice how Nazanin's 2nd paragraph matches with the old text WORD BY WORD! The Iranian Sassanid general continues:
"No decent man can support an attack on his native country (Iran). However, it can be made easier. Since these expatriates’ (Salmane Farsi and friends) opinions are based on hate, an attack seems long overdue, rather than requiring any moral grapple. They were silent when Iranians were depicted as "najess" among Arabs earlier this year. Instead, they giggled. In addition to their hatred for Iranian Zorostrians, who they consider “stupid Mojavas”...."
Nazanin? What's going on? You pasted his text into your 2nd paragraph and then just replaced the word "Arab" with "American" and "Zorostrian" with "Muslim", etc.?
Now on to Nazanin's 4th paragraph. Again notice that the general's text matches WORD by WORD with Nazanin's 4th paragraph. The Iranian Sassanid general continues:
"For pro-war expatriates (Salmane Farsi and other Arab supporters), it seems rational to support foreign (Arab) attacks because they have divorced themselves from the concepts of Iran and Iranian. They proclaim how they have rid themselves of every Zorostrian atom in their bodies and minds by converting to other religions, which I never understood, since they argue religion is the root of Iran’s problems, and by changing their names to Mohammad, Aboo-taaleb, etc. They ridicule Zorostrians. That is how they demonstrate their hatred. But by supporting a foreign agenda that includes (Arabs) invading their native country (Iran), they demonstrate that they've made the ultimate sacrifice: their Iranian identity, which has nothing to do with Islam, and everything to do with their desperation."
The general was right on the money. Again, Nazanin, you copied his text into your 4th paragraph, then just made two changes, replacing the word "Koorosh" with "Mohamad", and the word "zorostrian" with "muslim".
Then in your last paragraph you did the same, but this time you didn't change a single word. The general wrote:
"Changes in identity can be acceptable reactions to lost glory or hope. But in the case of pro-war expatriates (Iranians who were support Arabs) it is dangerous because they have lose sight of where they came from."
Nazanin, what's going on here? I mean this is almost word by word copy of the general's text!
But that does not matter, since, it seems that the general and you are both in agreement, at least in principle.
Now Nazanin, back to the original question: If you were taken back in time to the Iran-Arab war, would you support that general and the Iranians who fought against the Arabs, or would you support the Arabs and their Iranian supporters?
This won't go away Nazanin. We want an anwser!
Can anyone else see the irony and delima in which Nazanin has become trapped in here?


Nazanine's rebooting attempt has failed!

by Anonymous1974b (not verified) on

I Want To Know Too: Unfortunately the rebooting attempt has failed. She simply will not answer the question. She has not answered any questions actually. Its like here hero president. He never answers any questions either.

Nazanine: What the hell are you talking about? You have not been accused of anything. You have been labeled (correctly so) as an Islamofascist. You make statement
and you fail to back it up; or you refuse to answer questions which would lead you to the inconvenient truth about you beliefs. This is a tactic used by all religious fanatics (muslim, christian or jewish).


If you have a problem, fight it

by Nazanin Ghasemian on

Stop accusing me and trying to do what Iranians tend to do - live by RUMOR. That's the easy thing to do. But you'll continue, because I'm sure that's what gives your groups a sense of "power".


Re: Anonymous1974B and Nazanin

by I Want To Know Too (not verified) on

Read Jamshid's remarks on how these pro-IRI dudes are just executing their program code. But I think we have found a "bug" in her program!
The "bug" being the question of the Iran-Arab war. When it comes to that, Nazanin's program just crashes!
Currently we are trying to somehow reboot her, but id does not work...
listen. Forget about connections to present. We are just asking a simple question, independend of today.
If you are taken back to 1400 years ago to the Iran-Arab war, would you support the Arabs and their Iranian supporters, or would you support the Iranians who fought against the Arabs with all their will? This has nothing to do with today or law or surgical strikes.
Just answer the question. We all know our own answers. I know mine, but my answer here is irrelevant.
This won't go away Nanzanin. Give us an answer!



by Anonymous1974B (not verified) on

Wow- you are now an advocate of the law???

Exactly which law are we talking about here? International law, Islamic Sharia law, Iranian Law (does not exist)?

Nations do not wage war based on its legality. Nations go to war based on national interests. Its in the national interest of America/Israel/the entire West, to stop Iran from becoming nuclear. See, this time its not only the so called Zionists who are after you. Its the Germans, the French, the Brits, the Americans (and Silently, the entire Arab world).

Again, you are dogging the question.

And, you say that in order to make change you need to use the tools available and in Iran its the law???
The law has to be fair Nazanine. How is the law in the IRI fair when the Judge, Jury and Prosecutor is the Akhoond? There is no Law when one person (Velayeteh Faqih) can over rule 70 million people.



by Nazanin Ghasemian on

If you want to make a difference in Iran or anywhere in the world, you have the use the tools and resources that are appropriate - in this case, it is law. Saying that has nothing to do with Velayat Faqi.


Thank you Jamshid!

by Anonymous1974B (not verified) on

Jamshid- You are right on the money. Thank you! Again, Nazanine joon doges the question. First she said "the rule of law" and now she says "ancient history".

now she is talking about "illegal" "tactical" "Surgical" strikes. Its all about legality when her puppets are being pressured. There is no legal problem with here Velayateh Faqih masters because by now its "ancient history" as well.


Ancient history

by Nazanin Ghasemian on

I won't defend my view on current events by using ancient history- Mainly because there is no connection. I'm interested in the present and the possibility of illegal "tactical" "surgical" strikes by US/Israel.
Thank you for reading!


Re: anonymous1974 B

by jamshid on

I couldn't help myself but feel sorry for your sincere attempts to respond to AnonymousIranian. You tried to present your case in a logical way, but don't you know it yet? These people don't understand logic! They understand only force which unfortunately is in their hands in Iran for the time being.


Look. I once started an argument with one of them trying to convince him that X is not bad. I presented one convincing arguement after another. I presented numbers that he could agree with. I presented historic events that he could agree with. I presented examples that he could agree with. It took us 2 hours of talking. At the end and after agreeing with most of the unrefutable arguements I presented, do you know what he said? He said: But.... man in chiza saram nemisheh... X is still bad!


They have lost their humanity. They are just robotic automations executing the program code that they were programmed with. The only hope is to remove their control from the ruling aparatus of Iran and educate the future generations in a way that their numbers are gradually reduced with time.


Logic and argument does not work with them.


Re: Nazanin

by jamshid on

Nazanin, you did not answer the question that the person with the ID "I want to know" asked you. I think that was a very intersting question and it would be interesting to read your answer.


The question was:  what you, Nazanin, would do if taken back 1400 years ago to the Iran-Arab war, would you take the side of Iranians who supported the Arabs invaders, or those who fought against the Arabs?


This question has nothing to do with rule of law and failed empires and other things you wrote to dodge answering the question. Then you ask "if you see "any" connections between the past and present..."? You bet there is a connection! It's called history and culture, didn't you know that? What my ancestors decided to do or not to do had a profound effect in the future which is now considered our today.


Just answer the question. If you were droped in that period and you had to take side which side would you take? I know my answer and it has nothing to do with rule of law or failed empires. My answer is that I would take the side of those Iranians who fought against the invading Arabs DESPITE of the "poosidegi" of the Sasanid empire and the corruption of it clergy.


Which is what you are asking Iranians to do today with the looming Iran-US war, to avoid war despite of the mulllah's shortcoming. And you had presented many correct arguements on that note which I defintely agreed with you on many of them.


But what about the Iran-Arab war? Be brave Nazanin. Answer the question. Remember that Allah is watching you! So be honest. Give us your true answer. Don't dodge it! If you don't answer it, this one thing will become a monkey on your shoulder to haunt you for a long long time in Iranian.com. And if you don't answer honestly then it's worst because you'll have to deal with Allah!




by Anonymous1974B (not verified) on

AnonymousIranian- (You are probably Anonymous1974)- What the fuck you are talking about idiot??????????? What is goyim?????????? Now I'm a Jew?? Rabbis??? Before I was MEK, then you tried Pahlavi and now back to the old Zionist crap.
Can't you Hizbolahis find some other entity to blame???

By the way- you are 100% correct about the colonialist (French, British.....on how they raped the world). However, we are in 21st century now- Alot has happened since then. The west , for the most part, has learned from its mistakes. Read what I said- I did not say that the west was perfect. However, the West is a million times better than the IRI. The IRI is evil, evil, evil. When will you idiots realize that and accept the fact that the IRI
contributes to instability to the entire world?

Why don't you respond to what I have to say?

Do you want the IRI to possess nukes?

Please don't tell me the BS that the IRI has said it does not want nukes. The Pakistanis (in the 80's said they did not want nukes) look at what happened?
The North Koreans said they did not want nukes, look what happend.

You are so proud to be an Iranian, you do not care who has the power. As long as Iran is powerful, you will be proud. I am telling you that many Iranian will die as a result of the IRI's policies. Especially if they try to get nukes. Respond to this instead of trying to figure out my background.

Maybe you will say that I am a Bahai next. It does not matter.


Anonymous1974 is a Zio-Nazi

by AnonymousIranian (not verified) on

Hey lowlife, Iran is a Muslim-majority country, just like all of its neighbors (except for Armenia). What do you want it to do, stop being Muslim after over 1,000 years? No matter how much you Chosen People have been taught by your rabbis to hate the "Dirty Goyim", we are not going anywhere. Our ancestors were Zoroastrians and now most are Muslim, even if the rotten IRI and other fanatics have done bad things in the name of religion. The American, British, and French empires killed a lot more people and stole a lot more resources in Latin America, Africa, and Asia (and from their own native American Indians) than we have, and yet you don't say a word against them. Why? Do you really enjoy licking your masters' boots that much? So please kindly drop dead. Many thanks.



Nazanine Dodges the Questions, Answers & Challenges

by Anonymous1974 (not verified) on

I Want To Know: Nazanine is not an honest person. But what else do you expect from a Hezbolahi? Looking below, I see that Nazanine Khanoom has dogged all questions and challenges to her Islamofascist arguments.



by Nazanin Ghasemian on

Nations must use rule of law to settle disputes. That is what history of ancient/modern empires and failed governments has taught us. However, I think if you see any connection between the past and present, you should write about it in more detail, instead of hoping to slander me.


Re: Nazanin

by I Want To Know (not verified) on

You cleverly avoided answering my question (see farther down below) regarding the Iran-Arab war. I asked you that question because I read so many comments that are against you, and so I wanted to know if they hold any truth.
The question was: "If you were taken back in time to 1400 years ago when the Iran-Arab war was going on, would you support the Arabs and their Iranian friends such as Salmane Farsi, or would you join the Iranians who were fighting back against the Arabs?"
I had put this question in context with the possible Iran-US war, but you cleverly did not answer it. This was your excuse for not answering: "I can't imagine ancient life and its lawlessness. Today the rule of law guides nations in resolving disputes." LOL! Who do you think you are dealing with Nazanin? A bunch of 2nd graders? I was hoping you'd have a better excuse than that!
The question was a test of you and what you stand for. It had two parts:
The first part was whether you answer it or not. You didn't. There are two possible interpretation for this:
1. You are insecure with your own views and don't want to talk about it.
2. You are secure with your views, but are ashamed to share them with us,
3, You are secure with your view, but are hiding it from us fearing for being labeled as a hyprocrite.
The second part (if you passed the first part by answering the question in the first place) would tell us a lot more about you too. But you (cleverly) didn't answer it. So we have to stay with the results of part one.
To all those who read this: Remember that Nazanin DID NOT answer a simple question about one war that is related in many ways to a Iran_US war. Keep reminding her of this and asking her this same question, in whatever article she posts until she comes out of the closet and shows that she is being sincere with us and she got nothing to hide. Until then we will call you the "Closet Nazanin"!


Friends Don't Let friends join Pahlavi Cults

by No Cults (not verified) on

same flag & psychobabble.... Iranians don't want nuclear weapons. That is another line by mek & pahlavee cult. all iranians have gone on record as stating that. read the article by CASMII.


Friends don't let friends become MEK

by Anonymous 1974B (not verified) on

Mr. No Mojahed, I am no Mojahed. I think the Americans are making a mistake by courting them. I think the Mojaheds are idiots as well. Now, are you going to call me zionist?? what is the next label for me.

I was just being a realist. If you don't want Iranians to die, the IRI should not get nukes and if it means bombing the IRI so be it. It means less Iranians dead in the long run.


Friends don't let friends become MEK

by No Mojahed (not verified) on

The dude below is mojahed. We know how proud you are that MEK gave the NUCLEAR documents to USA years ago.... they take you more seriously than pahlavi, but still, iranians don't like you!


Anonymous1974A the Khar

by Anonymous1974B (not verified) on

Idiot- why don't you respond to my other statements. You ahmag. If you don't want to respond to my comments, respond to Anonymous IRI Hater- He is right on with the reasoning.

The IRI can not be trusted with nuclear power. Period. The west has every right to stop this from happening because of Islamist's track record (not because of Iranians, not because of muslims but because of Mahdi loving IRI thugs). Also, the west is not stupid to invade the IRI. All they will do is bomb the hell out of the nuclear sites, bomb the hell out of your beloved Pasdaran and maybe a few months of blockading your oil exports (the Saudis will gladly make up for any deficiency in the market). Eventually your sigeh loving mullahs will collaps.

I don't advocate for the demise of my country as you say. My country is IRAN. I will advocate for the demise of the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN (only exists since 1979)which is not the same as IRAN. Trust me, less Iranians will die if the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN does not get its hands on nukes. That is the issue. If you want less Iranian to die, or no Iranian to die, you should be against the Mullahs having a nuke in their hands. You may think that once they will get a nuke, it will come things down, But it won't. It will make them more revolutionary (or enghelabi). That is the problem.

Again, as I said. America is the most humane empire in the world. If they did not kill all the people they did, you probably would not be alive today. Your ancestors would probably be under Soviet or German Rule without the right to face mecca every day (maybe that would have been better!)


Anonymous1974B is a bacterium; IEDs are the antibiotic

by Anonymous1974 (not verified) on

Dear Microbe,

Google the words "Robert McNamara" and 3.4 million...The real losers of any attack by the napalming scum of Washington D.C. against the Iranian nation will be subhuman traitors like you. We will find the vermin who advocate their own country's demise, and we will deal with them the same way the Mojahedin animals who preceded you were dealt with...Like I said, IEDs are only one of the many anti-microbial tools to deal with you, you useless idiot of U.S. government propaganda.



by Anonymous1974B (not verified) on

You are a lying sack of garbage. 3.4 million people killed by the Americans in Vietnam? Who is your college professor? Ahmadinejad? I know- no gays in Iran either. Your a lying piece of Ashgal. You and Nazanine should enter into a Sigeh contract. You know, there is no prostitution in your beautiful country either.


To the animal who puts out Uncle Sam's propaganda

by Anonymous1974 (not verified) on

Dear Imbecile,

You piece of scum, you try to cover up Uncle Sam's murderous deeds? According to Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara (widely considered as the chief arcitect of the Vietnam War), the U.S. killed 3.4 million Vietnamese through its vicious bombing campaign, napalming, torching of villages, massacres, Phoenix program, etc.

Any animal who tries to whitewash the genocidal deeds of the U.S. government is a scum who is eager to sell out his own people. Take your garbage about the "Marshall Plan" (which is always invoked by piece-of-scum U.S. government propagandists) and shove it. The U.S. government gave more money to France to continue its merciless colonialist war against the Vietnamese than it did for the whole "Marshall Plan". Take your garbage propaganda elsewhere; Iranian patriots won't buy it.