
by nahidi

از زماني که اهورا رخ پاک از ناپاکي ها پنهان کرد و.. قوم آريا را تنها گذاشت ..از همان روز که بابک ديگر قصه سرخ نخواند ..و  مازيار در آغوش عشق خود تنها ماند ..يا از آن روز که عقايم عرب قصه پستي خواند .....و امروز کودکانند که سياه مي پوشند آه........کودکان امروز مثل شاپرک هاي روح سرگردان خفته در خاکند و...صبورانه بر ايوان سنگي  ساخته از صد دلسنگ آويزانند و..شب و  روز  و  چهار فصل  سا ل سرود عزا مي خوانند..و نمي دانند که چه وقت زمستا ن بستر مرگ طبيعت را جمع ميکند و...بهار از چه راهي مير سد و ..واي به بهاري که همزمان مي شود با عزاي  رسولان و اين طفلان معصوم که همچنان جامه عزا بر تن دارند  در  شکوفائي بهار شام غريبان بپا ميکنند و  آواز درد  يا مظلوم مظلومان سينه سياه شبهاي نورسيده نوروزي را ميلرزاند..و من فکر ميکنم  کجاست آريا ؟ در کام بهشت خرم پنهان است؟


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Nazy Kaviani

Nahid Jan

by Nazy Kaviani on

Did you know that goldfish must never be released into rivers and streams? They disrupt and destroy a river's fragile ecosystem, I have learned. In Iran at a veterinarian's office I once saw a poster which looked like a stop sign--you know, with the circle and a diagonal line across it. In the middle of the circle was the picture of a goldfish. The poster was intended to tell Iranians not to release their goldfish into streams. It is now pretty well understood in Iran, at least in Tehran, that goldfish must live in small, closed waters, such as ponds.

When I lived in Tehran, I used to "free" my goldfish into the Park Mellat pond after 13 bedar. Now I only buy one and give it to my sister who has an acquarium tank with some 10 goldfish in it, left over from Nowruz's past. They have names and they seem to be happy hanging out with their other friends.

The color of blood can only be wiped clean with knowledge and education. A nation that thinks and feels and understands will take care and cherish all human life on its land. That's the only way.