بدبختی جدائی


Multiple Personality Disorder
by Multiple Personality Disorder

بدبختی ما اینجاست که برای اول شدن باید یک زن و شوهرِ عاقل، بالغ، فهمیده، باهوش، مؤدب، و منطقی را به جانِ هم انداخته، یکی را راهی کانادا و دیگری را گرفتارِ پیرمردی مریض، و سومی را زنی محتاج، و چندمی را قلدر، و یکی را دزد، و دیگری را اسیرِ شرایط زندگی کنیم. حالا بعد از این همهِ بدبختی‌ها بعد که اول شدیم نمیدونم چی‌کار کنیم، چه خاکی تو سرمون بریزیم. دست بدیم؟ روبوسی کنیم؟ اصلاً با این زنِ پتیارهِ مدونا چی‌کار میشه کرد. زنیکهیه فاحشهیه نیم‌لختی آخه خجالت هم خوب چیزه! باز خوب شد اقلاً یه نیم‌دستکشی تو دستاش بود، وگرنه اگه دستش به دست اصغر میخورد دیگه چه واویلائی میشد.

بابا صد رحمت به اصغر که از مقامِ معظمِ رهبری تشکر نکرد وگرنه کُفر همه‌رو در میآورد. بازم صد رحمت به جد و آبادش که گفت ایرانی‌ها مردمِ مسالمت‌آمیزی هستند، وگرنه از فیلمش، و از مجادله بر سر نیروی اتمی، و موشک و قمه‌زنی که اصلاً نمیشه فمهید ما آدمهای مسلمت‌آمیزی هستیم. من که خودم داشت کم‌کم شک‌م می‌برد، آخه این روزها هر چی از ایران بیرون میاد خون و خونریزی و جنگِ اعصابه، و اعدام با جرثقیل... آخه یکی نیست بگه کدوم ملت آرام و صلح‌طلبی تو دنیا هست که با جرثقیل آدم دار می‌زنه، اونم در ملاء عام. بابا قبایل آمازونی هم دیگه تو ملاء عام آدم‌کشی نمی‌کنند. آخه نمی‌گن در ملاء عام آدم کشتن اعصابی برای ملتِ ملایم‌مسلک باقی نمی‌ذاره. خُب راستی اگر ما آدمهای مسالمت‌آمیزی هستیم، تو را بخدا این فیلمِ اعصاب ‌خورد کن رو واسه چی ساختی، اصغر؟ می‌خواستی آرامشِ ما را به هم نزنی؟

خُب دیگه کشش نده، میگن آدم خشنی هستی.


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more from Multiple Personality Disorder

Okay, I finally saw it!!

by Mehrban on

Thanks to all the warnings as to the depressing nature of the movie.  I did not get half as depressed as I would have otherwise. 

In my opinion A Separation does not deserve all this attention. Although I am glad it has gotten the attention :).   I think the industry of cinema is in crisis hardly any great movies are being made and Separation is no exception. 

However, separation is us, it shows us and our most profound short coming.  The genetic (?) inability to make compromises, it is this quality that ends most situations in a lose lose.  It is amazing that even the Law has to put a ten year old in the position of making the most painful decision possible which adults and the law fail to make.  Typical of us.

Farhadi too can not (or does not) make a decision for the ending of his movie and he is just as happy leaving it to everyone else to figure out or not.  Or saying there is no answer or saying that we are doomed to wallow in dilemmas that we set up ourselves.  It is a painfully old formula to watch again. 

Having said that, I hope A separation wins an Oscar too.  What can I say, I am biased :). 

Multiple Personality Disorder

Wow! What happened!

by Multiple Personality Disorder on

I was just rambling, well thank you for liking it.  All eyes are focused on the Oscar now, and everyone in it.

Esfand Aashena

Faramarz jaan he will be at the eye to cleavage level!

by Esfand Aashena on

Apparently Farhadi is short, very short.  Look at his picture standing next to Angelina Jolie that Darius jaan had posted in his blog.  Jolie is very short herself, 5' 3" or something so imagine Farhadi's height.

Aghdashloo is tall so if she wears that and furthermore had to bend a little to come to Farhadi's height to present him the Oscar he will be at the eye to cleavage level!  That picture will cause major controversy possibly leading to closing the Straight of Hormuz!  Poor Farhadi may end up with 60 lashes for posing in such a picture!  It will not be fair!

Everything is sacred


If She Wears That!

by Faramarz on

If she wears something like that, then there will be a big fight "Separating" Asghar Farhadi from her!

Esfand Aashena

Faramarz jaan what if she wears something like this!

by Esfand Aashena on

At the 2009 Emmys.  

Everything is sacred


Esfand Jaan

by Faramarz on

You must have had a rough weekend!

First Shoorangiz Tabatabaii's legs and now Shohreh Aaghdashloo's racks! 

I can't wait for your next comment.



Thank you MPD for the funny stuff.

Esfand Aashena

MPD جان من خودم برات DVD شو می‌خرم که مرتب نگاهش کنی‌!

Esfand Aashena

I own only a handful of DVDs and they've all been gifts!  I don't usually watch movies more than once but for you perhaps you should own several DVDs so you can have plenty in your library, in case one DVD gets scratched or something!   I do own dozens of Iranian movies since they're cheap and no other way to watch/rent them, in Iran I buy them for about couple of dollars only.

Madonna was a good choice, everyone in Iran knows her and she too is a child of the revolution!  She became famous in early 80s!  Now imagine if Shohreh Aghdashloo decks out and wants to hand the Oscar to Farhadi with cleavage and all!  Oy vey!


Everything is sacred



by Fatollah on

والله چه عرض کنم، حق با شماست، م پ دی

لا مصب بدجوری گیر آفتادیم، خیلی بد

بخصوص اصغر خان


I am so proud of Asghar Farhadi

by Souri on

Both for his wonderful statement and for his great movie!

And you,,,,,,,, go back to sleep!

Your blog was too funny, though :)

Maryam Hojjat


by Maryam Hojjat on

IRR/IRI Is a blood thristy & warmonger who have destroyed IRANIAN Image in the world.  How Shamful we have let these filty akhoonds grow in our sleeves.