Debunking the Propaganda Against Mossadegh by Pirooz Mojtahedzadeh


Debunking the Propaganda Against Mossadegh by Pirooz Mojtahedzadeh
by Masoud Kazemzadeh

The right-wing extremist Dr. Pirooz Mojtahedzadeh, who was close to Shahollahis (e.g., Ardeshir Zahedi) and then with the fundamentalist regime (read his praises for fanatic and weird Mahmoud Kashani), has made attacks on Dr. Mossadegh. Of course, it is normal for Shahollahis and Hezbollahis to attack the pro-democracy leaders and groups such as Mossadegh and Jebhe Melli. What is bizarre is for someone who is supposed to be a scholar to use vulgar, insulting, and childish arguments as has Mojtahedzadeh. I have serious disagreements with Dr. Mansour Bayatzadeh. However, I am posting his three articles which debunk the propaganda of Mojtahedzadeh.

Mansour Bayatzadeh’s debunking of Mojtahedzadeh’s vulgar propaganda:

part 1:


part 2:


part 3:


Pirooz Mojtahedzadeh’s propaganda against Mossadegh and JM:


and the follow up on Khabar online (I think Khabar online belongs to Ali Larijani or is affiliated with him):


The collaborations of Shahollahis and Hezbollahis against Mossadegh and pro-democracy parties is similar TODAY as it was during the 1953 coup when Ayatollah Kashani, Fadaian Islam, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, Fazlollah Zahedi, Ardeshitr Zahedi, Akhund Falsafi, Ayatollah Behbahani, collaborated under the leadership of the CIA and MI6 to destroy our independence and lukewarm democracy.

The right-wing anti-democratic reactionaries (monarchists and fundamentalists) unite in their common struggle against democracy. I hope to see that all those who support democracy also unite against these dictatorial reactionaries.



more from Masoud Kazemzadeh

Not sure why my post here got deleted

by aynak on


and what the criteria is for doing so.  If I call someone who takes pride both on MI6 work and Rashidian's borthers operation,  an illegitimate  child of the two, it should be a source of honor for him, and the truth.   After all, Rashidian brothers, did return the extra cash they did not need intact back to their masters.    They would only accept the plunder of Iranian wealth, but the good dogs bthey were, would be very honest in keeping clean sheet in that regard when it came to British interest.

Anyway, it is funny how those who are supporters of a total besavad like Mirfetroos, with *no* academic credential are trying to question the credential of a known academian.   It is also funny the same bunch who support sabeti the fullest, the same group who used to call other tortureres "doctors" and "mohandes", are now questioning a real one's credential. 






Masoud Kazemzadeh


by Masoud Kazemzadeh on


You are really clueless.

1. My university was ranked among "Regional Universities" until last year by the U.S. News and World Report. The regional universities are divided among four regions (West, South, North, Midwest. My univ was ranked among the 2nd tier among the universities in the West. Form this year, they MOVED UP my university from a regional university to the "National Universities." For the definitions see:


The category "National Universities" includes Harvard. They include the top universities with many doctoral programs which are committed to producing ground breaking research. To be in this category is huge. It would probably take a few years for the university to move up the rankings in this category.

2. For a position in my area (Comparative Politics, International Relations), we usually get about 80 applicants. To get my position, I surmise that I made it over about 80 other applicants.

You are sooooooooooooo clueless, you have no idea how clueless you are.


Re vulgarity

by Arj on

Dear MK, vulgarity is one of the common characteristics of Monarchists and Shahollahis on the one hand, and IRI-supporters and Hezbollahis on the other! The only difference is that Shahollahis hide their vulgar nature under the cloak of "civility," whereas Hezbollahis hide it behind the veil of relligious "morality!"

To see the naked faces of these savages, all one needs to do is to check the YouTube entries that involve Pahlavis and Khomeini/Khamenei, and see the amount of shcoking vulgarity and profanity exchanged in the comments section that often border on bestiality, pedophilia and necrophilia!


So what went wrong Masoud joon?

by anglophile on

Why despite having such a glorious (!!) CV you landed in an unranked uni. In fact the only rank I found is:      //


جناب کلروفیل!


والله من وارد این این جر و بحث شما و مسعود خان نمیشم ولی این لینکی را که از جناب مجتهد زاده فرستاده بودید را نگاه کردم و بنظرم خیلی گلابی اومد! از جمله:

"پیروز مجتهدزاده در سال ۱۳۴۴ در مدرسه پهلوی پیشین واقع در خیابان ری در رشته ادبی با معدل یازده دیپلم گرفت."

معدل یازده در رشته ادبی در سال ۱۳۴۴ از مدرسه ای تو خیابان ری یعنی اینکه طرف افلاطون ویا ارشمیدس نبوده!

"پیروز مجتهدزاده در سال ۱۳۵۰ از دانشگاه تهران فارغ التحصیل شد."

به عبارت دیگر شش سال طول کشیده تا لیسانس بگیره. یعنی که دو کلاس یکی هم نکرده!

"دکتر عالی خانی، رییس دانشگاه برای تشویق او شرایط سفری به شیخ نشین‌های خلیج فارس را برایش فراهم کرد."

یعنی اینکه پارتی داشته و یک کار گلابی براش جور کردند!

Masoud Kazemzadeh

Democracy vs. Tyranny

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on


1. Here is my cv (with the list of publications) from about 2 years ago:



2. The Shahollahi/Hezbollahi dude is much much older than I am.


3. Waaaaaaaay before I get to be as old as he is, I am sure I will have many many more publications than he does.  Already, my peer-reviewed articles are published at very very highly regarded publications.

4. Having mentioned the above, the main difference is that I support democracy, freedom, and human rights in Iran.  The dude is on record supporting Ardeshir Zahedi (Shahollahi) and Mahmoud Kashani (Hezbollahi).  The monarchy and fundamentalist regimes have committed crimes against the Iranian people including assassinations, torture, and rape of the Iranian people.  The pro-democracy activists, like me, oppose these extremist violent savage monarchsits and fundamentalist terrorists.  If Iran is going to have democracy and freedom, it would be due to the activities of  decent pro-democracy activists.  


Ghatreh ghatreh jam gardad, vangahi darya shavad.  If I have contributed one ghatreh (drop) to the ocean of our people's struggles, I have at least contributed something worthwhile, ethical and moral.  What should be criticized and condemned, in my opinion, are those who side with the enemies of democracy and freedom such as the monarchists and fundamentalist terrorists.

5.  The fact that a NOKAR of the UK supports Shahollahis and Hezbollahis is how it has been and is.  Nokar's support for tyrannical groups vindicates our struggles.






یه مجتهد زاده می‌ارزه به هزارتا کاظم زاده



فقط کافیه به سوابق آکادمیک پیروز مجتهد زاده نگاه کنید



و مقایسه کنید با سوابق "ایرانیان دات کامیک" مسعود مصدق زاده (اوخ منظورم کاظم زاده بود)  




Masoud Kazemzadeh

Clueless Robert

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on


You are clueless.  One of the main factors in the emergence of freedom and democracy is the existence and the struggles of DEMOCRATS.  In this struggle for freedom and democracy, the democrats fight against dictators. 

This is precisely what is going on here as well as elsewhere among Iranian democrats (JM) and Iranian dictators (monarchist and fundamentalists).

Freedom and democracy has the highest likelihood of triumphing in Iran if the pro-democracy forces such as the JM defeat the forces of tyranny (monarchists and fundamentalists).

You are clueless.



Masoud Kazemzadeh

Shazde jaan

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Dear Shazde,

You are most welcomed.  Glad you liked it.





Shazde Asdola Mirza

Priceless ... Sepaas

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

Dear Masoud: you have a great capability to touch the Tyrannical nerves of the Iranian dictator-worshippers ... old and new. Many thanks for that.

The picture is priceless too! Shaboon khan and Ayatofla Kashani. I can't stop laughing. Do you have any with Shah and Shaboon bimokh?



bar elaha

by robertborden54 on

  .امیدوارم هر که مصدق اللهی است زودتر فدای سر کچل مصدق بشود .امیدوارم هر که شاه  اللهی است زودتر فدای سر پوسیده آریایی اعلیحضرت بگردد .امیدوارم هر که حزب اللهی است زودتر فدای ریش امام سقط شده و جانشینش بشود .شاید بعد از مرگ همه اینها ایران و مردمش بتوانند نفسی به آزادی بکشند


Right wing

by MRX1 on

Exactly who or what is right wing exterimist in Iran? wish we had some! All we have is shiekh o omati folks either in green, mossadegholahi or communist flavor of some kind................

Masoud Kazemzadeh

For Nokar Englis

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on


Here we go again!

by anglophile on

The same JM creative history and repetitive fabrications. I say, good job I drew your attention to Mojtahezadeh article couple of weeks ago!! Why don't you publish something original for once instead of hiding behind another stooge.




Nokare Engleesa :)