بیستمین سالروز ترور دکتر شاپور بختیار

Masoud Kazemzadeh
by Masoud Kazemzadeh

This is actually should be in the news section, but the info is not posted for the public yet. So I am posting it in my blog.

The following was sent to me by a friend:

Saturday, August 6 · 4:00pm - 5:00pm
Remembrance of Dr. Shapour Bakhtiar, Former Prime Minister of Iran
date : 06/08/2011
Time: 4 pm
place. cimetière du Montparnasse

در ششم آگوست ۲۰۱۱ برابر با پانزدهم مرداد ۱۳۹۰شمسی به مناسبت بيستمين سال ترور ددمنشانه دكتر شاپور بختيار به فرمان رهبران جمهوری اسلامی در قبرستان مونت پارناس در آرامگاه موقت دکتر شاپور بختیار گرد هم می آییم


more from Masoud Kazemzadeh

Anniversary of Bakhtiar

by khengali on

"Maa raa baa yaaraane Khomeini kaari nist".

Bakhtiar have been quoted as saying to the MEK's charm offensive and its courtesy call.Succint and to the point and leaving no room for misinterpritations.Get lost you seditious MEK, says Bakhtiar.

Shortly thereafter he was assasinated.

A decade later, having lost its patron saint Saddam, and having been turned into unwelcome guest in Iraq by Iraqis and by  the Americans, MEK is reduced to ass-kissing the long dead corpse of Bakhtiar, hoping to win the corpse's favor. Na dar ghorbat delam shaado na ru'i dar vatan daaram.

What a pethetic bunch of losers these Islamic Marxist terroristsd are!.


So MEK wants to commemorate Bakhtiar's assasination day huh? Bizzaro world! If Bakhtiar was alive today, aside from the fact that he would be a very old man, he would probably say to MEK: Iraqi Boro Gomsho.





به این میگن مشت در ...ونی





I can already see the late S. Bakhtiar rolling in his grave........

اشک ریای زاهدان ریخت به خانه خدا

قحبه به مسجد افکند، طفل حرامزاده را




Masoud Kazemzadeh


by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Dear ROOG,

Not that I know of.  As far as I know this is organized by Amir Reza Amir-Bakhtiar, who is a nephew of Dr. Bakhtiar as well as a member of the INF-AO Central Committee.




Are there any remembrances

by religionoutofgovernment on

Are there any remembrances in the US?