Persia for Persians

Maryam Hojjat
by Maryam Hojjat
The influence of Arabic words in Persian culture has been bothering me a lot lately, particularly since the tragic revolution of 1997. We, as Persians, must strive to remove as many Arabic words from use in our daily lives and practice not useing them.  A perfect example would be to use the word Droud instead of Slam.   To the young Iranians who have made us proud of being Iranians/Persians for the past 3 months of courageous uprising, I have an idea for the continuation of the Green Movement.  The idea is to remove every Arabic street sign from every city across the country and dispose of them.  All that is needed is a screw driver to do the job, and a couple minutes some dark evening.  This could be a very effective way to offend this anti-Iranian regime.  Think about it, thousands of signs disapearing every night.  Sure, they will put them back, but, after a couple weeks you can take them again without worrying about getting into too much trouble and making a powerful statement at the same time.  This will positively drive them crazy and the risk is minimal.  Keep fighting the good fight.



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Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

kheyli sepaas Ebi

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on



ebi amirhosseini

Natalia aziz !

by ebi amirhosseini on

I hope this helps:





 Find the 'A Concise Pahlavi Dictionary',it's the best.

Ebi aka Haaji


Samsam and others

by jamshid on

ekhtiaar daarid jenaabe Samsam. maa be farde mihanparsti hamchon shomaa eraadate khaasi daarim.

Natalia, you stumbled into the right blog for your request. A good teacher of pure Farsi words is none other than Samsam himself.

Mariam, Farsi language is what saved Iran from loosing its identity (as in Egypt and Syria). It is our first line of defense against what Samsam calls Ommatis.

Maryam Hojjat

Thanks Samsam1111

by Maryam Hojjat on

for your poem & having confidence in me.

Payandeh IRAN & Iranians

Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez

Maryam Hojjat

by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

I have been searching the web for a source of information in which to learn some of the Pure Persian words. However, what I kept finding is information on the difficulty of taking the Arabic and other cultures influence out of the Persian words.

Does anyone on this thread know of a source? Maybe I am not using the right combination of words in my search.

I e-mailed a very good Iranian friend of mine and I am awaiting his reponse on this issue. :o) He is very good with this type of questions.





by SamSamIIII on


Sarvareh azaadegan, Kourosh Anshaan va shayesteh farzandanash hamcho Jamshid-e gol.Cheers!!!




 Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan






by jamshid on

Damn good poem!


Bravo Maryam jaan

by SamSamIIII on



Hope we,ll get more conversts to the cause of true patriots for the trend to set in . & I gotte  appreciate your unwavering support for the cause of true Iran from day one .May your breed multiply ;) k

cheers madmoiselle


کنون پند گيری ز سام سام همين
که او گويدت ساليان اينچنين
بيايد به روزی  ز  ويران  زمين
ز فرياد ايرانيان  راستين
به انبوه ان پرچمان ارغوان را بدست
که خواهند ايران ز ايين تازی برست
که گويند سيروس و کاوه و بابک تو را
ز جنبش ,درفش کاويانی به  پا
نه شيخک پرستند, نه ال عبا
نه سردار قادص رضايي, و يا خاتمی الرضا
که انان بکندند سبز جامه از تن  چنان
بپوشند سرخ جامگی بابکان زين  پسان
بشورند ز بيداد ضحاک تازي, سيا لشگرش
بريدند  مار ستمکار را از سرش
به فرياد گويند به مردم ز دنيا , انيرانيان
که زين پس اين سرزمين باشدش بهر ايرانيان
وزين گه ,ستم زندگی را به ايران بس است
زبان را و فرهنگ و نامان قادص ز ايران برست
هوا سرخ و زرد و کبود و بنفش
کنون  پرچمم باشدش کاويانی درفش
من اين خاک کردم ز فرياد کورش به خشم
که ويران دگر باره ايران شود بهر رستم و رخش

سام سام

Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan