This man این مردکه


by آشنا

  این مرد که دست در دست همپالگی هایش انقلاب را اسلامی کرد و سه سال دانشگاه ها را بست و نسلی را بر باد داد  و بعد از باز شدن دانشگاه ها برای ورود دوباره دانشجویان امتحان مذهبی طرح کرد که آیا میدانند کفن چند قطعه است و غسل جنابت و احکام حیض کدام است، این مرد که بهترین حکومت ممکن را حکومت مذهبی می داند و عمال مذهب (روضه خوان ها) را سرچشمه شناخت جامعه می شناسد،

این مرد که در تمام عمر  فقه تنفس کرده، فقه خورده، فقه پوشیده و با فقه خوابیده و حالا خود را سخنگوی فیلسوفان غرب می داند،

این مرد که امروز با پررویی خودش را به نسل جوان و قهرمان ایران می چسباند و می نویسد:  "ما نسل کامکاری هستیم.ما زوال استبداد دینی را جشن خواهیم گرفت."

این مرد که همیشه چشم به گذشته دارد و آینده را در ظهور امام زمان می بیند،

این مرد که هم خدای انقلاب اسلامی را می خواهد و هم خرمای  مدرنیته و دموکراسی را،

این مرد که مانند دینباره ای چون شریعتی آیه از آستین بیرون می کشد و بعد مثل ابلهی چون بازرگان طلب آمرزش می کند،

این مرد که حتی به هویت خودش هم پایبند نیست و یکشبه نام واقعی اش "حسین حاج فرج دباغ" را به "عبدالکریم سروش" تبدیل می کند،
امروز در پی یک هویت ساختگی دیگر است و می خواهد با نوشتن یک نامه به سبک و سیاق خواجه نظام الملک و بالانس زدن با نثر مسجع گذشته اش را پاک کند. نامه خنکش را بخوانید:


This man, who with the connivance of religious lackeys Islamized the Iranian Revolution and closed universities for three years, spelling ruin for a generation; this man who crafted religious exams for students vying to reenter the universities with questions such as the number of pieces of burial cloth to be wrapped around the dead or religious rules governing menstruation and washing after sex; This man, who contended that best kind of governance is a religious one and that its two bit mullahs are the repository of knowledge with respect to social organization; This man, who has all his life breathed, ate, dressed, and slept by Sharia and who now pretends to be the spokesman of western philosophers; This man, who now shamelessly hooks himself unto a young and heroic generation and who writes: "we are the generation of champions and we shall celebrate the demise of religious totalitarianism";  This man, who lives in the past and sees the future in the second coming of the 12th Imam; This man, who wants to have his cake of the Islamic Republic and eat it with the utensils of modernity and democracy,  This man who like his peer Shariati, magically draws verses from the Koran from his sleeve, similar to the idiot Bazargan (first Prime Minister after the revolution) who later sought  redemption; This man, who is not even faithful to his identity and transforms overnight his real name "Hossein Haj Faraj Dabagh" to "Abdolkarim Soroush"; Now wants to clear his name and his past folly by writing a letter in the style of Nezamolmolk with a prose worthy of a circus contortionist. Read his letter.



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I agree he is no better than those he is criticizing

by mahmoudg on

As much as i like his letter and i am sure he is genuinely remorsed about the pathetic future he helped bring for Iran, but he nevetheless stayed in that country for 20 some years thinking he can reap a comfortable life from it.  Only when he saw the true side of Islam did he decided it is time to bail.  Unless he denounces Islam, Quran, Mohamad and his clan I am not ready to accept him as a convert.  He is as bad if not worse that the enemies of humanity he left behind in Iran.  He must be tried along side Khamenei and he must be forced to watch while the mausoleum of Khomeini is being brought down.

Anahid Hojjati

MOOSIRvaPIAZ,maybe if Soroush and company let us into university

by Anahid Hojjati on

MOOSIRvaPIAZ,maybe if Soroush and company let us into university, we would not be ignorant about our glorious past (30 years of glorious IRI governance) in your mind.  But really you are the ignorant one about the past.  Soroush and company did injustice to thousands of Iranian youth and 2,3, 10 announcements by him will not change it.  He was not some 20 year old who did not know better.  He was supposedly a philosopher.  What kind of  philosopher prevents 18 year olds from going to university because they dared to question some popluar beliefs.  You and likes of you have no back bone. If people of Iran do not hold Soroush and likes of him responsible, in future everybody will do wrong to Iranians and think that later on they can just say sorry and all will be forgotten. Next time you write, get your facts straight.  Maybe you had too much with your Moosir.




It's hard to take you people sersiouly when you are so uneducated and ignorant about the past. 

One thing you people and Ahmadinejadists have in common is that you  both hate Soroush. He must be doing something right if he has managed to piss you people off. 

And for the record, I dont believe in Soroush's views. religion is man made. however, I believe that Soroush's viewpoint is a necessariy step in order to get religion out of the minds of people in Iran for good in the long term.


So what?

by XerXes on

In every revolution shit happens. The fact is that you live and learn. It's not like during Shah people could have civil discussion as what is good or bad, we had to learn it all from zero. blame it all to shahanshah that had closed the society so much that the people believed a old fart mulla as their leader. now IR is repeating the same trend and soon when all doors are shut, we will revolt and fall in to yet another trap by shah's son, MKO, or some other traitors.

Anahid Hojjati

We can't forgive this man for cultural revolution

by Anahid Hojjati on

This man's name has been for me reminder of closing universities, not letting in  some good students because of them not being good Moslems , etc. However, maybe I should thank this guy.  If I had gone to university in Iran, that would mean more living under IRI and that would not have been so good.