Iranian Embassy norooz card returned for the 4th year in a row


by mahmoudg

Letter i wrote to Rahmani, the man in charge of the terrorist regime's embassy in Washington DC

مصطفى رحمانی؛

سرپرست دفتر حفاظت جمھوری ننگين اسلامی. پس از سی و دو سال، شما ھنوز از دروغ، دغل بازی، چپاول اين ملت بد بخت دست بر نداشتيد. نامه فدايت شوم سراسر دروغ سال نو شما بدست من رسيد. به اين نتيجه رسيدم، که شما دست از فرستادان اين ناماھای ساليانه به اينجانب، بر نخواھيد داشت. که البته فرصت طلايی نيز برای من ھست، تا با صد ھا ھزار ايرانی بيرون و داخل ايران درد دل کنم. شما از برکاته پيامبر گونه امام صحبت ميکنيد. آيا اين ھمان حيوان درنده ايست که دستور قتل ۶ ھزار نفر را در ساله ١٩٨٨ داد؟ او پيغمبر شماست؟ اگر به اينجورانسانھا علاقه منديد خواھشمندم ازھيتلرنيز در نامه تان تمجيد کنيد. از رھنوردھای حکيمانه رھبر فرزانه انقلاب صحبت کرديد. آيا اين ھمان رھبر فاشيست شما است، که ملت بيدار را فتنه گر مينامند، يا با چشم باز کور کورانه اجازه ميدھدھزاران نفر در زندانھايش کشته شوند و يا تجاوز جنسی بشوند؟ آيا اين اسلام ناب محمديست که شما از ان دم ميزنيد. به بيکاری ٣۵ % افتخار ميکنيد که ان را پيشرفت شگرف ميناميد. آقای محترم، دنيا در حال بيداريست جھل، اسلامی زمانش به پايان رسيد. خاور ميانه درحال بيداريست، در حالی که تنی چند ازشما مکاران عرب ھنوز به خون پارسی تشنه ھستيد. من به عنوان سيو ھشتمين نسل از نوادگان ابوذرغفاری، ميگويم تفو بر محمد و الش که در قرن ٢١ ھنوز اندر خم کوی ھفتم ماندند. نام يکا يک شما در قلب ملت بيدار ثبت شده است. امٽال شما، خامنيھا، رفسنجانيھا، جنتيھا، احمدينژادھا، مصباح يزديھا، و ھزاران نفراز ارازل جمھوری ننگ اسلامی در پيشگاھه ملت آزادی خواه سياه شده. دگر حتی توبه برای شما دير شده است. کار را خودتان به جايی رسانديد، که کشورھای ھمسايه نيز از شما نفرت دارند، ھمان اربابان عرب، و تروريستھای حماس و حزب اله نيز از شما رو گردانند. پس از افتادن در زباله دانی تاريخ، دگر سوريه و ليبی ھم وجود نخواھند داشت که شما در ان پايان عمر بگذرانيد. بدانيد که سازمان ملل، جھان غرب و به خصوص ملت ايران شما را به عدل غربی محاکمه خواھد کرد. امريکا و اسرائل دست در دست آزاديخواھان دنيا وايران، شما را به سزای عمل خودتان خواھند رساند. به اميد پيروزی مردم بر جھل اسلاميه ١۴٠٠ ساله. . مبه همین دلیل نامه شما را برای بارچهارم برایتان پس میفرستم و در تارنماهای ایرانی چاپ میکنم، تا اولا شما در پرونده من قرار بدهید، تا روزی سند افتخار من باشد و دوما مردم ببینند، پایهای جمهوری ننگ و اسلام در ایران کوروش بزرگ سست شدند، و دیگر به اتمام دیکتاتوری آخوندیسم وقتی باقی نمانده است.


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more from mahmoudg
Kaveh V

Well done

by Kaveh V on


This is nothing short of community service to remind everyone of the historical facts. Every historical recount of the conquest and Islamization of Iran attest to the genocide and perpetual barbarity of the Islamic hordes and their descendants on the Iranian plateau. The lingering opposition to these historical facts by Islamists, and their sympathizers, is an accurate measure of the Islamic deception penetrating, the ever so, compromising Persian culture.


Thanks for the letter

by Siavash300 on

Islamic monsters destroyed our beautiful country for last 32 years. Iran is going through the darkest time in it's history. What is hurting us are traitors. Those bastards selling their own country men and women for a few bucks they're receiving from stinky mullahs.


Damet Garm

by Simorgh5555 on

Afarin Mahmoud Jan! just read your letter. Bravo!


I salute you

by پندارنیک on

Despite our different views on how to tackle our national affairs, I, as mentioned on previous occasions, salute your conviction, and honesty. These virtues should be valued even by your enemies, and maybe that's why you keep receiving greeting cards from them!


salman farsi

Thank you Afsaneh khanom

by salman farsi on

My respect for you is truly justified. You are a true student of Hafez. The anti-Islamic Republic of Iran needs characters like this gentleman (misuse of the term) because as long the empty slogans shouted by him and likes of him exist, they have nothing to worry about. No wonder they keep sending him invitation cards.

 For an Islamic democracy


Nobody sent me a norooz post card...

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Not even the islamist regime! 

But Kudos to you Mahmood for your forthright and robust response. Mine would have been more targetted to their intellectual gutter level, questioning their parentage and female members of their family, although that'd make them come back more than your four times, as I am convinced these islamist murderers and rapists just love to be insulted!

You continue to remain my favourite right winger on this site. Just go easy on the israeli and airstrike things, and you might even get a postcard off me as well. Of course, with no return address, just in case!

Cheers and keep up the good work!

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Soosan Khanoom

Mr. Mahmoudg Really !

by Soosan Khanoom on

You keep sending them these love letters and they still invite you ..... 

I am kind of new here and I am getting to know each posters a little bit better  ....... I am not sure Iran would be in better hands if it gets run by people like you Mr. mahmoudg. You sound so much like kalkhalee if not Hitler himself  .... 

And you are waiting for Isreal to free Iran ....... WOW ....  nothing beats that one ......   !

I suggest you take it easy .. it is not good for your blood pressure dear ....

Soosan Khanoom

Afsaneh Jan

by Soosan Khanoom on


 Great points ...... thank you 




OK, Hafez, see if this'll make you feel better

by Cost-of-Progress on

We are lucky we were invaded by the noble arabs of the sahara who brought us Islam and freed us from the burden of ourselves. We were nothing but savages before this noble religion saved us.

I think the one billion muslims would appreciate this, don't you?  It's not factual, but hey let's not confuse the issue with facts.




Hafez for Beginners

How Cyrus built an Empire

by Hafez for Beginners on

If Cyrus wanted to go around bad-mouthing all the I'm sure "weird" religious cults and groups he came across, then he would never have succeeded in building the most religiously tolerant Empire in history. The Jews would never have been allowed to go back and rebuild their temple in Jerisualem, etc. etc.

Just a reminder, that insulting 1 billion people can't possibly get us anywhere. Having disagreement with various governments is one thing - and kudos to you to following your beliefs - but as soon as mass public insult is thrown in - that applies to 1 billion Moslems - then I always remember what Cyrus would have thought of this. Just a reminder - his edict of "Tolerance" had no cherry picking  - it is harder to Tolerate that you find unpalatable.

It's terribly un-Persian - in the mould of Cyrus - to go around bad-mouthing billions of people's beliefs -  My theory is it's sadly this "Me Good - You Bad" attitude that has in fact left us living across 7 different continents.

Sorry - as soon as I read the Mohammad dissing line, you lost me.  



I am sure not.

by mahmoudg on

Just to get under my skin I suppose, as they do with millions of others, it is just that I have the credentials to attack them by pen (or in this case the keyboard) and prove to them and the world, of the attrocities committed by Mohamad and my ancestor in the name of this cult of Islam for 1400 years. 

Maryam Hojjat

Bravo, Mahmoudg

by Maryam Hojjat on

I like you letter.  What does IRI/IRR want from you?  Your support?

Ali P.

4 year in a row....

by Ali P. on

مگه این ها از رو میرن؟!