The Empty Page


The Empty Page
by Latina

It taunts me

Challenging me as I stare

A second, a minute and an hour passes by

Yet, I remain silenced by its presence

Oh, how it does torment my soul!

My mind wonders to a better place

A place of joy and comfort

How I long to be there now!

Yet again, I am reminded of the one

My tormenter waits for me

I must complete the task

Only then will I be free again

So, I undertake the task

I pick up my instrument

Finally, the words begin to flow

Dearest one, my heart is breaking

Please forgive me

I cannot be your love

The time has come to continue on my path

Forever you will be in my heart

Finally the page is filled

No more does the empty page torment me so

As I gaze upon my words

The depth of my pain takes hold of me

How can I hurt my love?

Why do I feel as though my heart is bleeding?

It bleeds for him

The life is draining from me now

I begin to feel so numb

The rooster begins to crow

I wake from my dream

As I walk towards my desk, I see the one

My tormentor still waits for me

To write upon it words of pain and sorrow

I have decided not to turn away from love

So the empty page remains

No longer does it taunt me

My story is yet unwritten

I am the captain of my destiny



Copyright © Latina





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by Latina on

Yes, you are right! It is better to love than to hate. :o)



by yolanda on

Hi! Natalia,

    There is nothing wrong with that........some people are in love with hate or hatred.......those people are in trouble!



by Latina on


I am beginning to think that I am in love with love. LOL


A hopeless romantic!



by Latina on

Thank you very much for the video clip. It is so nice and relaxing.

Yes, a lot of my poems deal with love. As you know it is a strong emotion. It can be positive or negative too.



Anahid Hojjati

by Latina on

Thank you so much for such kind and encouraging words.

 Best wishes,



vino rojo

by Latina on

Muchisimas gracias! Vos sois muy amable. Mejores deseos para vos.



by yolanda on

Hi Natalia,

      A lot of your poems are related to love......thank you! My favorite part is the last verse:

I am the captain of my destiny

Anahid Hojjati

Beautiful poem, dear Latina.

by Anahid Hojjati on

Dear Latina, you have written a beautiful poem. Thanks for sharing.

Red Wine

Tus bellas poesias

by Red Wine on

Echaba de menos a tus bellas poesias,me encantan leerlas... Gracias :=) .