من , تو , او


by Khar

"نویسنده ناشناس"

من به مدرسه ميرفتم تا درس بخوانم
تو به مدرسه ميرفتي به تو گفته بودند بايد دکتر شوي
او هم به مدرسه ميرفت اما نمي دانست چرا

من پول تو جيبي ام را هفتگي از پدرم ميگرفتم
تو پول تو جيبي نمي گرفتي هميشه پول در خانه ي شما دم دست بود
او هر روز بعد از مدزسه کنار خيابان آدامس ميفروخت

معلم گفته بود انشا بنويسيد
موضوع اين بود علم بهتر است يا ثروت

من نوشته بودم علم بهتر است
مادرم مي گفت با علم مي توان به ثروت رسيد
تو نوشته بودي علم بهتر است
شايد پدرت گفته بود تو از ثروت بي نيازي
او اما انشا ننوشته بود برگه ي او سفيد بود
خودکارش روز قبل تمام شده بود

معلم آن روز او را تنبيه کرد
بقيه بچه ها به او خنديدند
آن روز او براي تمام نداشته هايش گريه کرد
هيچ کس نفهميد که او چقدر احساس حقارت کرد
خوب معلم نمي دانست او پول خريد يک خودکار را نداشته
شايد معلم هم نمي دانست ثروت وعلم
گاهي به هم گره مي خورند
گاهي نمي شود بي ثروت از علم چيزي نوشت

من در خانه اي بزرگ مي شدم که بهار
توي حياطش بوي پيچ امين الدوله مي آمد
تو در خانه اي بزرگ مي شدي که شب ها در آن
بوي دسته گل هايي مي پيچيد که پدرت براي مادرت مي خريد
او اما در خانه اي بزرگ مي شد که در و ديوارش
بوي سيگار و ترياکي را مي داد که پدرش مي کشيد

سال هاي آخر دبيرستان بود
بايد آماده مي شديم براي ساختن آينده

من بايد بيشتر درس مي خواندم دنبال کلاس هاي تقويتي بودم
تو تحصيل در دانشگا هاي خارج از کشور برايت آينده ي بهتري را رقم مي زد
او اما نه انگيزه داشت نه پول درس را رها کرد دنبال کار مي گشت

روزنا مه چاپ شده بود
هر کس دنبال چيزي در روزنامه مي گشت

من رفتم روزنامه بخرم که اسمم را در صفحه ي قبولي هاي کنکور جستجو کنم
تو رفتي روزنامه بخري تا دنبال آگهي اعزام دانشجو به خارج از کشور بگردي
او اما نامش در روزنامه بود روز قبل در يک نزاع خياباني کسي را کشته بود

من آن روز خوشحال تر از آن بودم
که بخواهم به اين فکر کنم که کسي کسي را کشته است
تو آن روز هم مثل هميشه بعد از ديدن عکس هاي روزنامه
آن را به به کناري انداختي
او اما آنجا بود در بين صفحات روزنامه
براي اولين بار بود در زندگي اش
که اين همه به او توجه شده بود !!!!

چند سال گذشت
وقت گرفتن نتايج بود

من منتظر گرفتن مدارک دانشگاهي ام بودم
تو مي خواستي با مدرک پزشکي ات برگردي همان آرزوي ديرينه ي پدرت
او اما هر روز منتظر شنيدن صدور حکم اعدامش بود

وقت قضاوت بود
جامعه ي ما هميشه قضاوت مي کند

من خوشحال بودم که که مرا تحسين مي کنند
تو به خود مي باليدي که جامعه ات به تو افتخار مي کند
او شرمسار بود که سرزنش و نفرينش مي کنند

زندگي ادامه دارد
هيچ وقت پايان نمي گيرد

من موفقم من ميگويم نتيجه ي تلاش خودم است!!!
تو خيلي موفقي تو ميگويي نتيجه ي پشت کار خودت است!!!
او اما زير مشتي خاک است مردم گفتند مقصر خودش است !!!!

من , تو , او
هيچگاه در کنار هم نبوديم
هيچگاه يکديگر را نشناختيم


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more from Khar
mostafa ghanbari

Dear Souri

by mostafa ghanbari on


We have been  going  the wrong  way for thirty years  and it simply  means  we have been ignorant  as no wise and realistic society goes the wrong way for so long. So, we have to accept our failures otherwise we will lose more things.


Dear Mostafa

by Souri on

Wise comment!

mostafa ghanbari

So bitter and penetrating

by mostafa ghanbari on



من ، تو، او

هیچگاه در کنار هم نبودیم ، هیچگاه یکدیگر را نشناختیم"

Dear khar

I enjoyed this blog very much; but what made my enjoyment doubled was the  noticeable changes in your attitudes towards our social problems in Iran. 

In a few occasions I have had a bit of communication with you and I found you a very bright guy with some remarkable potentials in observing and expressing; but honestly  I thought I would not be able to have any constructive communication with you as I felt some sort of fanatical approches in your mind towards our self-created problems in Iran. But now after reading some of your recent blogs I am very happy to see you more realistic and closer to the hidden and really destructive social flaws and failures which have already fettered us in different ways.

In order to get out of all those messes we have to release ourselves by the way of revealing our failures and exposing ourselvse to the light of truth and realities which have been lost in our distorted insights.

Yes, you are right ,we have never been together; we have never known each other. And it means there are somethings badly wrong.


Back to the interpretetion of this poem:

by yousef on

Regardless of who  wrote it, and what his/her point was, this is my interpretetion, based on my own experience of life in Iran and west:

We are all born the same. At birth, we are all like an unwritten blank sheet of paper. But depending on which social class we are born in, the life would offer us different opportunities. Based on those opportunities, in an extreme case, some of us end up getting good education, and jobs. Others end up with no education, get involved in crime and worse. This is why I aspire for a classless society as optimum solution to social ills, and social justice and democracy as a minimum requirement for a civil society I'd like to see in our country Iran one day.

Thanks Again Khar for posting.


voting patterns...

by Q on

let's take a wild guess which one of the three voted for Ahmadinejad, which for Mousavi and which is a Monarchist.

Ari Siletz

Just brilliant!

by Ari Siletz on

گاهي نمي شود بي ثروت از علم چيزي نوشت


Anahid Jaan

by Khar on

as you said, indeed we are fortunate to have the opportunities that we have had in Life.


NB Jaan you are very correct

by Khar on

We all are product of our surroundings and the society, product of the opportunities that were given or taken away (or never given) to us in life, especially at the early stages in life.

bajenaghe naghi

Khar Jan

by bajenaghe naghi on

This was a beautiful and poignant piece. It brought tears to my eyes and pain to my heart. It is easy to say our world and life are the result of our own choices and actions. This may be true for some, but not all.


Anahid Hojjati

thanks khar, this blog is so true

by Anahid Hojjati on

Dear khar, thanks for reminding us all that most of us (At least most of those in US) have been fortunate to have been born in families who have provided for us nicely growing up.


It's really good. But we

by benross on

It's really good. But we should be wary of the fine line between upper class romanticism and true lovers.


Mr. Faramarz

by Khar on

Thanks to you the "unknown" poet! ;-)


Now let's go back to the point of this blog...

by Khar on

In my view no one is born with a pre determined path in life. This story brings out and points so eloquently to the fact that we all are born the same. What makes the difference is the opportunities we been given throughout our lives especially in the early age or lack there of. More closed and undemocratic the society, there will be less opportunity for all especially the less fortunate among us. These opportunities must be economics, social, personal & educational in nature, and we all are involved in this task from all level of soical standings. What do you think?

"I claim that human mind or human society is not divided into watertight compartments called social, political and religious. All act and react upon one another."
-Mohandas Gandhi

"The principle that human nature, in its psychological aspects, is nothing more than a product of history and given social relations removes all barriers to coercion and manipulation by the powerful."
-Noam Chomsky



ما، شما، ایشان



A Personal Story

از شاعر ناشناس فرامرز



با کیف و کتاب و قابلمه

رفتیم به سوی مدرسه

مادرخوب و مهربان

همش به فکر این و آن

از سر صبح  گرگ و میش

بدون فکر به حال خویش

درست میکرد غذای گرم

میخوردیم ما بی قید و شرم

طبقه اول عدس پلو با خرما

طبقه دوم پیراشکی ومربا

خیار و سیب و گیلاس

قایم میشد تو  لباس   

فراشه  نگاه میکرد به قابلمه

میخواست یک لقمه  از همه

کوفتش بشه اون سگ پدر

دزدید غذای اهل شهر





Thanks Jahanshah jaan!!

by Khar on

Will do. 

Jahanshah Javid

Thanks Khar

by Jahanshah Javid on

When there's no mention of another author I will usually assume that's it's written by the blogger.

If you don't know the author, just say at the top or bottom author unknown.

Thanks. I'll feature it.


Ey baba ....chi shod agha?!!!!

by Souri on

I didn't mean anything bad !

That came as a big surprise to see your harsh comment.

I was just wondering if we don't have a friend (in DC area) in common.

That was all.

What's all the fuss baba jon?

I will delete my comment now, no worry!

ebi amirhosseini

President e Mahboob !!

by ebi amirhosseini on

Humbling & wise comments!!


Ebi aka Haaji


Doostan Azizam,

by Khar on

To all of you who have left comments regarding the content of this blog please note, this blog is not written by me but I thought you would enjoy reading it as much as I did .

I Thank you and I'm sure the unknown author thanks you!



by Khar on

Do you really think its all about you? sorry I have a bit of a news for you its not !! besides being paranoid is not good and it makes you age faster.  I have other friends outside of IC circle of friends sending me emails as well, I’m very sure none of them know you and why should they. Plus the internet is way bigger than you and I, it is not limited to yours or my email distribution list. 

The "unbelievable" is how self-conceited you are!

Jahanshah jaan, would you please remove this blog? My intent was to post a good read, but since it’s a point of contention for Souri Khanoom and since she received the same thing in an email. :-)


Jahanshah Aziz,

by Khar on

Source is unkown I received it on an email. Never the less its a good reading, sorry for not indicating that when I posted. It was late when I posted it I was on my way to bed.

added the words "unkown writer" on the top of the blog.



by Souri on


Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on



Khar khan

by Fatollah on

to be reminded of the injustice, especially the kind childeren have to endure, you made me think and to remember the lost details.

Great read and thank you

Maryam Hojjat

Very Powerful indeed.

by Maryam Hojjat on

May we all make an IRAN in future where no child be left behind.


wonderful, and touching,

by yousef on

This reminds me of Abbas, a class mate I had back in Iran who'd often miss school and get punished by Nazeme bi rahm. I knew he had to help his dad who was a banna, because the father was quite old and often sick. we were only eight, perhaps nine. I often think about Abbas and where he is these days.... 

ebi amirhosseini

President e Mahboob !!

by ebi amirhosseini on


Ebi aka Haaji

Masoud Kazemzadeh

thank you Khar

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Khar jaan,

Thanks.  Powerful story.




by Majid on

And.............thank you.