Hypothetical question

khaleh mosheh
by khaleh mosheh

Putting in context the recent attacks on Gaza and on Lebenon in 2006, I get the feeling that if things had gone better in these areans for Israel, do you think they would have attacked Iran? 

If so how may of our relatives and compatriots will they have killed? Do you think they would have spun this as the Mulla's hiding amongs the Qum or Tehran's population? 

Interestingly they would have loved to follow exactly the same strategy in Gaza in Iran bygetting the US to blockade the persian gulf.

Asteh mereh, Asteh meyad-- Khaleh Mosheh


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Mehdi Mazloom

Better and mosr effective method.

by Mehdi Mazloom on

No, there is not need for military operation in Iran. Things are working against the Mullahs just fine.

- 80% of Iranians hate the regime, and wish to see it.

- 90% of the young and educated Iranians want freedom of expression.

- Oil prices are 1/3 from what they were just a year ago. Bye bye subsidies to the base constituency in Iran

- The regime in Tehran is pretty much isolated and mistrusted by the rest of the world. No real friend left. The few one who are sticking around, are bought with hard cash money. (Hizbollah, Hamas, & Syria.

- Most western intelligent services are working day in and day out to slow down and sabotage the nuclear program. (opps, that generator had just broke down, and that chemical needed for processing, is found to be no good, contaminated with other chemical).

- There are more then 60 opposition groups throughout the world, waiting for their moment - on top of which MEQ.

It is just a matter of time, before this backward regime will collups under its own weight, and evaporate in the thin air.