Moral Bankruptcy of Green Leaders, and The Quds Day


by Jaleho

The leaders of the failed "Green Revolution" in Iran who tried to ride on the back of Iranian youth's frustration, are now attempting desperate measures to resurrect themselves!  Despite all the help, hype, and propaganda that the western media offered them, the leaders of the "Green Movement" were not able to call for a single general strike. That failure is a reflection of the fact that the majority of working class, industrial workers, peasants, and bazaris in Iran were part of the 24 million strong Ahmadinejad supporters who had no interest to see their own votes be overturned by a Facebook and Twitter propaganda.
Iranians who were charged up by a sense of security ushered by friendly gestures of the new US president Obama, and a seemingly open environment of freedom of expression reflected by the pre-election debates, participated en masse in a monumental election with an 85% turnout. Forty million Iranians including 24 million Ahmadinejad supporters and 13 million Mousavi supporters defied the calls for boycott of election by reactionary elements, and passionately participated in one of Iran's most impressive elections.
In the aftermath of a highly emotional election, millions of Iranian youth poured into the streets releasing their pent up frustration. The natural frustration of the youth because of decades of restrictive and humiliating dress codes imposed on women, and the limitation on the youth freedom in general, were added to the anger of many who were told by the Green leaders that the election was rigged. The situation became dangerous in the city of Tehran where the 2.2 million Mousavi supporters in fact outnumbered the 1.8 Ahmadinejad supporters, and the ensuing riots led to bloodshed in the streets and a brutal suppression by the police when the riots were getting out of control. The continuous propaganda of the digital media to propagate the claims of the "Green Leaders" added log to the fire of the Iranian youth, many of whom naturally believed that their votes were robbed as they saw the huge number of pro-Mousavi supporters in affluent Northern Tehran and parts of some other university towns. Yet, soon the pro-Ahmadinejad groups who saw their own rights being challenged, in turn poured in the streets and their sheer number fizzled out the Green movement greatly. However, unlike the Green protest, the pro-Ahmadinejad demonstrations was not showcased in CNN and Face book repeatedly, neither was it as angry as the Green protest since they had actually won, and did not need to protest the results. But, the most important factor that killed the "Green Revolution" was the inability of its leaders to call for a general strike which showed their lack of widespread support among different strata of the society. Finally, the efforts of Iranian monarchist expats and the mujahedin who tried to hijack the casue of Iranian youth; and speeches like that of Makhmalbaf in the EU parliament on behalf of the Green Movement, a speech in which he tried to scare Europrans of Iran's nuclear advancements and shamelessly asked the Europeans for more sanctions against Iran, proved the anti-Iranian nature of the Green Movements and its leaders. Naturally, many Iranians who originally had sympathy with the movement, distanced themselves from it and its leaders. 
Now that Mohsen Makhmalbaf has managed to successfully put a last nail in the coffin of the so called "Green Revolution" by his anti_Iranian speech in the EU parliament, his daughter Hanna Makhmalbaf, has tried to continue the path of her father by appealing to Europeans through her movie, buying a few moments of personal fame for herself at the expense of selling the Quds Day and betraying the Iranians who are passionate about its cause.
The Green leaders who failed to gather a large group of Iranians for a sustained and effective duration of time, now are trying to convert the gathering of millions of Iranians on the historic Quds Day, and abuse the Iranian people's passion one more time in a pathetic effort to resurrect themselves from ashes. Clearly, this effort will fail again.  It will only reveal the moral bankruptcy of the Green leaders further. 

Ironically, the Green movement's effort to hijack the Quds Day message is near the time that Ahmadinejad is preparing for his yearly address in the UN. Ahmadinejad has bravely spoken about Israeli crimes in the international podium in the past, and his success in breaking the taboo of criticizing Israeli crimes openly has helped the international community with the type of current UN inquiry which for the first time in the history of the UN is finding Israel guilty of war crimes in Gaza.


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Yes, Jaleho

by anonymous111.2 on

you are correct when you say:

"Hell, some hardliner crowds even were angry at the Green leaders attempt at diluting the Quds event enough to penetrate the reformer side and attack the person of Khatami! The police and his supporters reportedly had to save him! "

These "hardliners" (i.e., Ahmadinejad supporters) are like animals.  They always "attack" when they get "frustrated".

How ironic that this expression comes from you!!!!  Think Jaleho, think before you write!!!! 


Kharmagas jan, I beg to disagree

by Jaleho on

I think that the Iranian majority is indeed heavily anti-Israel and pro-palestinian, it is all for Iran's nuclear right (an Israeli sore spot), and supports the government in its foreign policy in general.

See, today was the opposition's very best chance for a revival, using the traditionally big gathering of the Quds Day to show force. AND, the opposition DOES HAVE very legitimate frustration with the government's internal policy too. However, since Quds Day is about Iran's foreign policy, and in particular towards Israel, this is what happened according to Associated Press new:


"In sheer numbers, the opposition turnout was far smaller than the mass pro-government Quds Day marches .."

Hell, some hardliner crowds even were angry at the Green leaders attempt at diluting the Quds event enough to penetrate the reformer side and attack the person of Khatami! The police and his supporters reportedly had to save him!


1.8 Ahmadinejd supporters?

by capt_ayhab on

The most ridicules claim of delusional criminals and their nutcase supporters are shown in this photo of Ahmadinejads alleged 1.8 million supporters who allegedly came out after the election.

Click here to see how the picture was photo shopped:



Ahmadinejad and paid ajeers around him are indeed morally bankrupt.


P/S to all decent hamvatans, are you guys bikar? Naravad mikh e ahanin dar sang khanoom ha va aghayane mohtaram. ;-o)



by anonymous111.2 on

you know what pisses you, and the IRI, off more than anything else when it comes to Iran's uprising?  It's the fact that despite how hard you try to portray these people as "Mojahedeen", "monarchists", British agents, Israelis, twitter ghosts, etc., it just doesn't work anymore.  

People have eyes.  They can see for themselves.  The MKO is an obsolete cult exiled to the Iraqi desert.  It is universally despised by all Iranians.  How can they possibly get millions of Iranians out of the streets?  And monarchists?  When was the last time anyone in Iran shouted "javid Shah"?!!!!  These are Iranians from inside Iran, who despite your leader's best efforts to arrest their leaders, torture, threaten and abuse them have taken upon themselves to organize, get unto the streets and stand up to tyranny. 

So, give it up.  It doesn't work anymore.  You are also obsolete, your slogans,  your threats, your lables and your diversions are obsolete, and pretty soon your beloved regime will be relegated to the trash bin of history to take its rightful place next to all other tyrants and dictators who have met their demise at the hands of their people. 

So, that's why you, your "Rahbar" and your paasdar role models are frustrated.  Know this, and mark my words:  this movement is not going away anytime soon.  There will be fundamental change in Iran and the IRI, as we know it, will cease to exist. 

PS/ you've really GOT to come up with a better line of defense than just accusing them of being foreign agents.  The Shah tried that and it didn't work.  It's not going to work for you either.


not so Jaleh

by kharmagas on

Jaleh, I do believe much of IRI foreign policy has been correct, otherwise there would be hundreds of thousands of mercenaries (Black Water ...etc.) in Iran right now. However you are wrong in thinking that Iranians are united behind those foreign policies. They were not so even long before the election. This kind of thinking reminds me of Shah in 1975 ... in one of his interviews he said he was well connected with the Iranian people!


anonymous111.2, fool yourself all you want!

by Jaleho on

MILLIONS of Iranians went out FOR THE QUDS DAY AGAIN. Claim it (uselessly) all you want, but the foreign policy makers in the west saw what they NEEDED to see, and they will act accordingly. That is, they understand that Iran's foreign policy regarding the balance of power in the region REMAINS the same, and Iranians are exactly united behind those foreign policies as they have ever been!

The only lesson that you must get from the videos you're posting is this: The monarchists and the mujahedden group who are claiming the youth movement for themselves as well, should feel the hard slap on their faces! Besides MILLIONS who were out for Quds Day shouting Death to Israel, as they were supposed to, the othe side slogans had " Mousavi, Karoubi, or Rafsanjani" names in it ;-)

Anonymous Observer

Let's take a break from

by Anonymous Observer on

Jaleho's charandyat, celebrate Iranian's people's courgae and bravery in the face of a ruthless dictatorship, hope that they get what they want (and not what someone in the U.S. says is good for them) and listen to this wonderful song:


Zendeh bad mardom ghahreman-e iran!!


Dear Molla, you said,

by Jaleho on

"was the treatment of the protestors the reason why the leaders of Green movement were not able to call for strike?"

I don't believe ANY treatment will prevent a strike if different strata of the society are in line with it. We know this not only from every successful uprising in the world, but also from our very own recent revolution.

I believe the fact remains that it is the youth and in particular the university students who have very legitimate frustration with the regime and their personal freedom who are willing to quit their "jobs" and go to streets. It won't be sustained precisely for that reason.

As to the comments of Setareh and Khar on this question-- Setareh has many valid points, like the fact that the city youth has access to digital media and can organize through it, and the fact that some of Ahmadinejad's popular policies have "bought" him votes. I agree, and I hope every president be able to "buy" a lot more millions of votes by giving what those millions are looking for. If it is more food on their table, let's put more food on their table. That's what I want my president to do for me, get my taxes and buy my vote. I agree with a good amount of Setareh's post, the difference I guess is that I don't see them as negative.

Khar's comment on the issue, that is: " "She is perhaps old enough to remember that revolution of 1979 started in 1976 and it took 3 years to complete."

I completely disagree with. That is so, because I fundamentally am in disagreement with him on the nature of this movement. I don't believe this is any revolutionary process, it is an evolutionary process instead.

Furthermore, since I believe this is a legitimate release of the youth frustration, I disgaree with him on the time factor as well. That is, I believe that the movement also enjoys a fortuitous slice of historical time in which Iran has a huge energetic youth majority. In 4 years, the momentum will be much less, not more, simply because of that!!

khaleh mosheh


by khaleh mosheh on


IRANdokht aziz, hello

by Jaleho on

again. Few points you brought up. I believe that I have stated very clearly in many comments,  that protesters should not be mistreated, imprisoned and the Green leadership above and beyond anything must set forward this as its number one demand. I guess the only person who clearly did this was Rafsanjani in his Friday prayer, and the others followed later (much after they engaged in their personal ego, their family, their wife....). That said, I still believe that certain amount of violence and riot police interference is unavoidable in a civil unrest in a big city where 2.2 million Mousavi supporters are set against 1.8 million Ahmadinejad supporters, with the riot police duty being the control of riot and be in the side of the government whose job is to clamp down riot and provide security for businesses and people outside of the protest. As such, I have condemned the savage acts commited in Tehran university dorms, as well as the killing of the basijis.

As far as condemning rape and torture, no, I would not join anyone here on IC to do such things. I don't believe there is any clear case or complete evidence for me to go and shout together with Karoubi supporters on the case of rape. I do mourn the death of Neda and Sohrab the same way as you do, however I find the case of Sohrab's killing clearly obvious and criminal on the side of government, but I am not still clear on the death of Neda and enigma around it. I'll let those who seem to be sure of all of these issues do whatever they find useful and calming for them.

The trials I found the most disgusting show, and I believe I said so. Not sure if you saw it. And, BTW, there are cases that I see eye to eye to with people in here, but I don't always go and write, "hey I agree with you," sometimes I do.

Thanks again for taking the time for another nice comment. Best to you.


Sazegara-ist "greens" (Khaleh Mosheh)

by kharmagas on

So your spritual leader is Sazegara! No wonder you are so militant, ...., those videos have done a good job of brain washing.

Your cult like following for Sazgara is not any better than almost cult like Jaleh's following of Ahmadinejad.

Check this green article about your cult leader (Sazegara):



khaleh mosheh

Green movement..has moral capital

by khaleh mosheh on

aplenty as evidenced by the turn out at demonstrations today.

They also have great planners, strategists and tacticians.


The fact that jaleho has to spread disinformation and has to invent kharmas as a supporting username is further evidence of the greens moral capital. 



Here's a video for you Jaleho

by anonymous111.2 on



where people call your "Rahbar" a murderer (as he is).

It also shows the thugs--you know, the ones that your favorite government unleasehs on people on motorcycles-- waiting to give the Iranian people a taste of what happens to the Palestinians....

Well, I guess at least it's educational... 

Anahid Hojjati

Souri jan, thanks for your comment

by Anahid Hojjati on

Dear Souri, Thanks for your comment.  I don't read too many blogs and don't know exactly how people treat Jaleho.  Kharmagas talked about people lynching Jaleho.  However, the only real lynching that I have seen, has been done by AN government that Jaleho supports.

Mola Nasredeen

Khar and Setareh Cheshmakzan, you both have valid points that

by Mola Nasredeen on

cannot be overlooked by Jaleho. She had stated: 

"the leaders of the "Green Movement" were not able to call for a single general strike.That failure is a reflection of the fact that the majority of working class, industrial workers, peasants, and bazaris in Iran were part of the 24 million strong Ahmadinejad supporters"

Setareh you stated: "With all due respect, the answer to your question, originally raised by Jaleh khanoum, might lie in the fact that there is no freely organised labour force in Iran.  The channels of communication and the mass media all belong to or are controlled by the regime.  The Twitter and Facebook and internet websites, emailing etc belongs to the urban areas and are not generally accessed regularly by the wider population.  Even these channels accessed by the better off urban population is severely restricted!"

Khar, you said: "She is perhaps old enough to remember that revolution of 1979 started in 1976 and it took 3 years to complete."

Thank you both for taking your time to reply.


Anahid aziz

by Souri on

I know this is a very sensitive subject. Emotion run high and we can't help it. That's why  I try to stay away of such debates when it is all insult and emotional behavior and nothing really constructive.

To be honest (and you know me :)) I have found Irandokht response to you, very much articulated. Even in her post to Jaleho, Irandokht had pointed to some very sensitive cases, which takes lots of courage for anybody, to stand for, here in this site where we are all dispose to all and any kind of abuses from all and any kind of suspected people.

One thing I can say about that and then I will stop there, is this:

ID is right about Jaleho not being responsible for the massacre of our people. She is not the one who should be targeted by all those profanities and insulting behavior. ID is Jaleho's friend. We usually do respect and care about our friends, even the virtual ones.
Same thing is going for me (and maybe yourself) regarding Manouchehr, our dear poet.

We do like some aspect of some of the personalities. That doesn't mean that we do/have to agree with everything they say or they think. You, Anahid jan, comes from another political and social layer than most of these people present here. You, among all of others, should know better, that human behavior is not something black and white. The best approach is to be open minded and discuss every issues which seems odd to us.

What we have here essentially is this:

A tyrannic government is abusing our people and we are frustrated, irritated and outraged.

1) someone says : That government is not a tyrannic one but a very progressive and good one. But she never elaborate on the next part, which is the atrocities done to the people.

2) The opposite party, get outraged and start becoming insulting and offensive to that person.

3) Someone from the same opposite party, stand up for the legitimate right of belief and ideas and speech. Try to meditate and makes a room for a debate, in hope of something constructive will come out from that debate, instead of spreading hate and rage.

4) another person from the same party (you) comes to oppose the person in #3, and ask her not to support the first person.........

What can I say here my dear Anahid?

Would I have add my little person to this war too, it will never end. I had just came here to tell you that your post has not been deleted.

I let people insult and kill each other. This is not my cup of tea and I like to stay out of it.

Some of the posters here, are among the real Internet trolls and will go every where to say anything just to get attention. some others are the real good people with right purpose but get lost in their emotion and mislead by the climate of hate and rage, created by the first group.

This is not my place, honey. I can't stay here and talk to everybody that I don't know (or sometimes know too well) their real motivation.

You want to know my personal opinion? Yes, I think Jaleho is being provocative by posting this blog. She may have even some very right points there, but it is not the right time to blog it with such a title.

Now, being fully aware of the audience's reaction to her blog, she just did it!

Do you think I will come here to spend time on such unproductive debate? Why should I?




by kharmagas on

There are many of us who insult each other .... that is inevitable. But there is a difference between that and lynching. ... look more carefully, many of these guys get sadistic pleasure from their group attack.

I criticized Jaleh's pro Ahmadinejad views long time ago, long before the election (as anonym7, and I can find you the link if you request) ...., and I did not vote for either of the main candidates (I voted for Karoubi) ..., but I find these sadistic attacks appalling. Some of these guys hate Basijs actions, but given the opportunity they will act the same way if not worse. 


Anahid Hojjati

Dear Souri, your input is always welcome,

by Anahid Hojjati on

Souri jan, my main point is that I wish IRANdokht aziz did not call Jaleho azizam,  This is really disappointing to still stand up for somebody like that. 



by Souri on

baaz fozouzi bija kardam, bebakhshid :)  lol


Anahid Hojjati

People can't respect Jaleho after what happened in past 3 months

by Anahid Hojjati on

IRANdokht, issue of Jaleho is not issue of respect.  If today's date was June 11th/2009 and people insulted Jaleho, maybe I could understand you standing up for her but now, many things have happened.  People have been raped and killed and Jaleho still defends AN.  If this is not evil.  What is evil? 


GREEN Rain on Ahmadi's Parade :)

by capt_ayhab on

Happy ruze Qods to Mr. Ahmadinejad. Seems like it rained GREEN on his parade. People of Iran in fact WON BIG :-o)

Mr. Khar, excellent post


Setareh Cheshmakzan

Molla jan

by Setareh Cheshmakzan on

"the leaders of the "Green Movement" were not able to call for a single general strike.

That failure is a reflection of the fact that the majority of working class,

 industrial workers, peasants, and bazaris in Iran were part of the 24 million strong Ahmadinejad supporters"


With all due respect, the answer to your question, originally raised by Jaleh khanoum, might lie in the fact that there is no freely organised labour force in Iran.  The channels of communication and the mass media all belong to or are controlled by the regime.  The Twitter and Facebook and internet websites, emailing etc belongs to the urban areas and are not generally accessed regularly by the wider population.  Even these channels accessed by the better off urban population is severely restricted!  However, as someone mentioned in another comment on this blog, the mobilization would gather force over time, as it has done in the past.

 Here, I am not discounting the massive vicious propaganda by those 'revolutionaries' trying to hijack a genuine movement, spitting Islamophic, anti-Palestinian venom, attacking Iran's nuclear program and calling for sanctions. They are part of the equation and will remain part of the equation.  The more repression and violence in Iran, the more empowered they will get and and more able to fish in muddy waters of confusion, resentment and trauma.   

The more deprived sections or the working class has been the recipient of Ahmadi-Nedjad's 'hand-outs' and 'crumbs' as a way of buying them off, but also the recipient of its propaganda - in the absence of a regular and viable access to media technology.  So the fact that the regime has 'many supporters' with which I agree does not translate into the legitimacy and benevolence of the regime and its genuine representation of the working people/general population.  

There is also the fact that the rural population and the more deprived layers are more religious, more traditional, and more prone to being duped.  I am not disparaging the population by any means.  I am pointing out the nature of how support has been rallied.  Even if there has been none or not substantial cheating in the election - which is a possibility in that the level of support could have been such that Ahmadi-Nedjad would have won anyway - it still leaves the question about how those votes were bought and support rallied over the years through a systematic campaign of propaganda, populist exploitation of the nation's financial resources arbitrarily and undemocratically and abuse of people's deep religious sentiments and sense of national pride.  

I am not at all claiming this is a synonymous situation; but Hitler too was very popular in Germany ... so popularity is no measure of legitimacy in a real sense, because popularity can be achieved through manipulation and propaganda.  It is also the case that fear of the loss of livelihood and a state of terror can in the short term deter effective mobilization.  It is in that respect that I strongly oppose economic sanctions on Iran because it will make the population reliant on state hand-outs and would strengthen the regime's ability to control and suppress dissent.  



NEWS: Thousands of Green Protestors

by Khar on

on the streets of Iran along with Mousavi, Karoubi and Khatami. people are chipping at this wall of SHAME bit by bit and one regime holiday at a time.

Jaleho, god answered your prayers!, If I were you I'd be careful about what you ask for honey! 


Read & Weep Jaleho

by anonymous111.2 on

you stateless ommati.


My favorite part is where they chant: "na Gaza, na lebanon, janam fadayeh Iran".

kaseh kozehat ra jam kon az boston boro jonoob lebanon pishe familet.  Shayad oonja in arajeefat ra kasi kharidaar bashe.

Mardom Mazloom

Jaleho said

by Mardom Mazloom on

Clearly, this effort will fail again. It will only reveal the moral bankruptcy of the Green leaders further.

Ha ha ha
Look at these Green people chanting Marg bar Roussieh, today September te 18th, 2009.

In her first blog too she said, Iranians won big. The conclusion is that Jaleho is out of touch from the reality just like A.N. and it also suggests that she must stop to repeat Keyhan's commandments.

‫ای مگس حضرت سیمرغ نه جولانگه تست،
‫عرض خود میبری و زحمت ما میداری


Re: Vast Green Movement (By Khar)

by yolanda on

Thank you for the beautiful post! I wish I could write like that!




Vast Green Movement

by Khar on

Mr. Mola very good question. I hate and I don’t know how to write a long winded essay with no substance, but I have to say the leaders of this Green Movement at the very least have conscience not to have the their supporters get beaten, arrested, raped (Man and Women), killed and that is noble in my book.

This movement is not Mousavi's, Kahroubi's or whomever movement, this is people’s movment. The young generation is using the regime’s game against themselves and so far they have been successful, they managed to shut down most sacred days for IRI or turning them upside down, regime is so scared that they have cancelled most Moharams activities. More and more this regime is contracting to its own shell. They days of large gatherings in support of IRI in the streets of Iran is over and done with, and if our resident "Political Analysts" such as the author of this blog think that this regime still has vast support among average citizens of Iran either she lives on Mars or a liar or both. She is perhaps old enough to remember that revolution of 1979 started in 1976 and it took 3 years to complete. No matter how much she tries to deny the existence of this vast (green) under current for change which has started and is going on in Iran today, it only points to the fact that how much she is disconnected from the reality.

This movement is as I call it a Vast and Horizontal movement is in every work place, masjed, school, park, taxi, bus, cemetery, street, ally, gallery, cinema, home and hearts and mind of every Iranian and that is how the Ayatollahs came to power believe it or not! And that is how they are being getting rid of! same thing is happening this time around in 2009. Time and history is on the side of people not the regime and people are chipping at this wall of shame bit by bit and one regime holiday at a time.


Manoucher Avaznia

درود بر ژالۀ

Manoucher Avaznia

درود بر ژالۀ گرامی و ایراندخت عزیز.  علیرغم همۀ سنگهایی که از اصحاب هیاهو بر شما می بارد، شادمانم که دامن شکیبایی از کف نداده، پیگیر برهان مستحکم خویشید.  براستی که مصداق سخن حافظید: نی گرت زخمی رسد آیی چو چنگ اندر خروش.  آیا از این خیل روشنبینی با نام و نشان واقعی خود هست که درس تحمل آموزد؟  ساعتی گوش گردد تا سده ای دهان؟


درود بر هردوان شما 

Mola Nasredeen

Jaleho, was the treatment of the protestors the reason why

by Mola Nasredeen on

the leaders of Green movement were not able to call for strike?


Setareh jan va Anahid aziz

by IRANdokht on

Setareh jan

Thanks for setting me straight :o)  I know I am 100% behind the Iranians who are asking for their rights, for democracy and for freedom. Unfortunately a bunch of different characters have started to use the movement to advance their own agendas and there are some who knowingly or not are supporting anyone who wears green no matter how they're trying to sway the movement to their advantage. I am not a blind follower, as you also said so eloquently, the green movement is not following people like Sazegara and Makhmalbaf as their leaders. Thanks for your beautifully written comment. Hamisheh sar boland va sabz bashi.

Anahid jan

You do know where I stand by now. This website and especially the blog section is full of anti-coup d'etat entries and I am glad to see them (not so much the radical ones though). Now every few pages, one entry is not in tune with our views and convictions. Are we so desperate as to try to silence the one blogger who disagrees with the green movement? Why not read everything without prejudice and try to reason instead of automatically pick on the one we don't agree with and attack the character of the blogger.
Mansours writes about his wishes to see Iran bombed, now I didn't even directly get in an argument with him. It was clear that mansours does not engage in any debate, throws a bomb and goes in hiding. Jaleh on the other hand is here to answer people who show enough decency in engaging into a debate with her, she also ignores most of the nonsense that is thrown at her. Sometimes she snaps back at them, but who can blame her? Everyone is attacking her from every angle and mostly in a personal way. And yet Mansours gets a more decent treatment by some of these folks!

You know I post a lot of material (not always on this website) but I am not going to take the opposing views too personally and hate the writer!

I have never attacked Jaleh's personality and character, and I have always made my stance clear. Not even once did Jaleh ever attack me either. We're two people with two different views, we're not enemies, actually I consider her a lovely lady friend of mine. I don't see why anyone would think Jaleh is responsible for what Ahmadinejad is doing! She's expressing her views which the reader either agrees or disagrees with. Why all the animosity, name-calling and character assassination?

