Moral Bankruptcy of Green Leaders, and The Quds Day


by Jaleho

The leaders of the failed "Green Revolution" in Iran who tried to ride on the back of Iranian youth's frustration, are now attempting desperate measures to resurrect themselves!  Despite all the help, hype, and propaganda that the western media offered them, the leaders of the "Green Movement" were not able to call for a single general strike. That failure is a reflection of the fact that the majority of working class, industrial workers, peasants, and bazaris in Iran were part of the 24 million strong Ahmadinejad supporters who had no interest to see their own votes be overturned by a Facebook and Twitter propaganda.
Iranians who were charged up by a sense of security ushered by friendly gestures of the new US president Obama, and a seemingly open environment of freedom of expression reflected by the pre-election debates, participated en masse in a monumental election with an 85% turnout. Forty million Iranians including 24 million Ahmadinejad supporters and 13 million Mousavi supporters defied the calls for boycott of election by reactionary elements, and passionately participated in one of Iran's most impressive elections.
In the aftermath of a highly emotional election, millions of Iranian youth poured into the streets releasing their pent up frustration. The natural frustration of the youth because of decades of restrictive and humiliating dress codes imposed on women, and the limitation on the youth freedom in general, were added to the anger of many who were told by the Green leaders that the election was rigged. The situation became dangerous in the city of Tehran where the 2.2 million Mousavi supporters in fact outnumbered the 1.8 Ahmadinejad supporters, and the ensuing riots led to bloodshed in the streets and a brutal suppression by the police when the riots were getting out of control. The continuous propaganda of the digital media to propagate the claims of the "Green Leaders" added log to the fire of the Iranian youth, many of whom naturally believed that their votes were robbed as they saw the huge number of pro-Mousavi supporters in affluent Northern Tehran and parts of some other university towns. Yet, soon the pro-Ahmadinejad groups who saw their own rights being challenged, in turn poured in the streets and their sheer number fizzled out the Green movement greatly. However, unlike the Green protest, the pro-Ahmadinejad demonstrations was not showcased in CNN and Face book repeatedly, neither was it as angry as the Green protest since they had actually won, and did not need to protest the results. But, the most important factor that killed the "Green Revolution" was the inability of its leaders to call for a general strike which showed their lack of widespread support among different strata of the society. Finally, the efforts of Iranian monarchist expats and the mujahedin who tried to hijack the casue of Iranian youth; and speeches like that of Makhmalbaf in the EU parliament on behalf of the Green Movement, a speech in which he tried to scare Europrans of Iran's nuclear advancements and shamelessly asked the Europeans for more sanctions against Iran, proved the anti-Iranian nature of the Green Movements and its leaders. Naturally, many Iranians who originally had sympathy with the movement, distanced themselves from it and its leaders. 
Now that Mohsen Makhmalbaf has managed to successfully put a last nail in the coffin of the so called "Green Revolution" by his anti_Iranian speech in the EU parliament, his daughter Hanna Makhmalbaf, has tried to continue the path of her father by appealing to Europeans through her movie, buying a few moments of personal fame for herself at the expense of selling the Quds Day and betraying the Iranians who are passionate about its cause.
The Green leaders who failed to gather a large group of Iranians for a sustained and effective duration of time, now are trying to convert the gathering of millions of Iranians on the historic Quds Day, and abuse the Iranian people's passion one more time in a pathetic effort to resurrect themselves from ashes. Clearly, this effort will fail again.  It will only reveal the moral bankruptcy of the Green leaders further. 

Ironically, the Green movement's effort to hijack the Quds Day message is near the time that Ahmadinejad is preparing for his yearly address in the UN. Ahmadinejad has bravely spoken about Israeli crimes in the international podium in the past, and his success in breaking the taboo of criticizing Israeli crimes openly has helped the international community with the type of current UN inquiry which for the first time in the history of the UN is finding Israel guilty of war crimes in Gaza.


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more from Jaleho

ommaties (to ShAer)

by kharmagas on

ShAereh, actually ommaties were a nice group of intellectuals who right after the revolution tried to change the course of the events and prevent IRI extremism ... unfortunately they were mostly cleansed and got nowhere.

As for me, I didn't support them, I was a lunatic radical (such as jenAbAli) then ..., I wanted nothing less than IRI gone!

Mardom Mazloom

Kramer vs Kramer (Kharmagass vs Jaleho)

by Mardom Mazloom on

When you have nothing to say, better to hide your self behind your ommatie camel Esfehooni breathe than to talk intelligently. Isn't it?


*&$# Gholam

by Faramarz_Fateh on

The real question is why you have the prefix "shah" for your ID!

JalehO was born in Iran.  She considers herself an Iranian.  She is pro IRI.  She hates the U.S. and its government.  And you are asking why she needs to go back to the IRI?!!!  I'll tell you why:

1)  To help fix 17% overall unemployment; 25% among women, 23% among young men between 18-30

2)  To help reduce prostitution among young women.  Prostitution has increase 700% since the time of the Shah. Iran's population has increase 200%

3)  To help IRI suppress 50 million people who oppose its fascist methodology for running Iran

These 3 projects should keep her busy until she passes. 


inclusion, Jaleh

by kharmagas on

Jaleh, if those statistics are indeed true, that puts even more burden on those of you who support Ahmadinejad to press him for inclusion of patriotic and progressive greens whose ideas are represented here by people such as Q, Irandokht, Mammad,..., and many others.

Needless to say I could care less for inclusion of lunatic "greens", whose ideas are represented here by supporter of Sazegara, ..., and crazy ShAer! 

You guys need to put some pressure on that kalle khar Ahmadinejad! 

Mardom Mazloom

Picture that proves Iran election rigging

by Mardom Mazloom on

In the following Picture the Iranian state TV shows the ballot counting at two different moments. At 9:47 (the day when Kha.R. announced that A.N. won), they counted 633048 votes for Rezaei and 4 hours later, while counting the number of votes was said to be 587914! Hehe, Jaleho you who like Math, enlighten us how this could be possible?


Close your eyes to REAL DATA ;-)

by Jaleho on

Thank you Shah Gholam for providing the REAL DATA. Truthseeker also gave the new poll result in another link, and for completeion of your info I will copy my post to benross here as well:

REPUTABLE POLLS recently validated the other reputable poll that has been conducted 3 weeks prior to the election in Iran. These are internationally respected agencies. You are proposing that we ignore those and accept your opinion instead? I guess tens of millions of Iranians who poured in the streets in 1979 revolution, and thousands of videos of them won't convince you that Iranians didn't care about monarchy! Let me copy the poll that truthseeker provided, maybe you want to note that it validates EXACTLY the poll that international agencies have taken before the election. coincidence, you think?!

"IRAN: New Poll Finds Strong Domestic Support for Regime
By Jim Lobe

WASHINGTON, Sep 19 (IPS) - Despite persistent mass demonstrations protesting June's disputed reelection of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a new survey of Iranian public opinion released here Saturday suggests majority domestic support for both him and the country's basic governing institutions.

Four out of five of the 1,003 Iranian respondents interviewed in the survey rekeased by (WPO), a project of the highly respected Programme on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) of the University of Maryland, said they considered Ahmadinejad to be the legitimate president of Iran.

Sixty-two percent of respondents said they had "a lot of confidence" in the declared election results, which gave Ahmadinejad 62.6 percent of the vote within hours of the polls' closing Jun. 12 and which were swiftly endorsed by the Islamic Republic's Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Three of four respondents said Khamenei had reacted correctly in his endorsement.

Opposition candidates and their supporters contested the official results, setting off mass protests centred in Tehran. At least 30 people were reported killed and thousands more arrested by the regime's paramilitary and security forces in the days and weeks that followed in what most analysts consider the most serious domestic challenge to the Islamic Republic in its 30-year history.

The new poll, which was conducted Aug. 27-Sep. 10 by native Farsi speakers who interviewed respondents by telephone from outside Iran, also found that 63 percent of respondents favour restoring diplomatic relations with the United States; 18 percent said they "strongly" favour renewing ties; 43 percent said they favoured it "somewhat".....


Shah Ghollam


by Shah Ghollam on

SamsamIII: your absolutely right about "imposters".  This guy can't even read Persian.

 Another cheap shot to assasinate charctors by an opposition supporter. No wonder why Mousavi's political fortunes have shrunk. The more he inflates his support base with monarchiests, MKOs, imposter Zionists and imposter "freedom lovers" the sooner this bubble pops. Most of these so called "supporters" are in it for alterior motives anyway. Iranians have been reconising this fact and the last poll by an American entity proves that!

As for my Persian, I have no problem to teach you that beautiful language as I have in the US universities. Far more than you can claim!


Shah Ghollam


by Shah Ghollam on

Shouldn't you go to Gaza and fight along your Hamas brothers?

No, because as I said before, the real war for Palestinians is in the US where without the massive political, financial and military support Zionists would not have much capability to conduct their own Holocaust in occupied Palestine.


maziar 58


by maziar 58 on




by anonymous111.2 on

Are you going to be in NYC on September 23 & 24 to voice your support for your boy Ahmadinejad?  Youknow you have to:


There's gonna be thousands of people demonstrating against him. I'll be one of them.  So, you'll have to "stand by your man".

Look for me if you come.  My picture is on the avatar.  Come by and say hi!


Louie Louie

by anonymous111.2 on

That's funny.  Becuase that's exactly what I told him here:


and he threw a hissy fit, calling me...what else...a "Zionist".  He's a one trick pony, you know.  He'll call you the same thing probably because you disagree with him.

Oh, and judging from his writing style, and the childish name calling, he's probably 12 years old!!!

SamsamIII: your absolutely right about "imposters".  This guy can't even read Persian.

Louie Louie

Well Shah Gholam,

by Louie Louie on

Shouldn't you go to Gaza and fight along your Hamas brothers?

Shah Ghollam

Why she is living here in the U.S.

by Shah Ghollam on

Why she is living here in the U.S.

At least the guy Reza Pahlavi could say his life will be in danger if he goes to Iran.  What is JalehO's excuse?

- she can do more for Iran from the U.S. ?  hmm, no

- she is a typical 2 faced coward who would support anyone who pays her?  hmmm   I let you decide. 

Far more appropriate to ask this question from the vehement opposition in the US/Canada/Europe than from Jaleho. The fight for freedon is on the Iranian streets if these people are serious enough in their cause. Why would Jaleho go to Iran, she has no beef with what has happened in post election.

Again, the appropriate question must put on the opposition beleievers/sympathizers "what are you doing here?" when your shear presence on the streets will help your cause, NO? Don't you claim, on on going basis, that the NUMBER of opposition supporters are large in this mass demonstration or that? What are you doing here in your comfortable chairs encouraging teenage yongesters to go on the streets and face possible danger for you while you are sipping your beer in the backyard? That is Cowardice to say the least!!!!!!



Beloved Ferdowsi has a word 4 the imposter Iranian,

by SamSamIIII on


چو با تخت منبر برابر شود
همه نام بوبکر و عمر شود

تبه گردد اين رنجهای دراز

نشيبی دراز است پيش فراز

نه تخت و نه ديهيم بينی نه شهر

ز اختر همه تازيان راست بهر

چو روز اندر آيد به روز دراز

شود ناسزا شاه گردنفراز

بپوشد از ايشان گروهی سياه

ز ديبا نهند از بر سر کلاه

نه تخت و نه تاج و نه زرينه کفش

نه گوهر نه افسر نه بر سر درفش

برنجد يکی ديگری برخورد

به داد و به بخشش همی ننگرد

شب آيد يکی چشمه رخشان کند

نهفته کسی را خروشان کند

ستاننده روزشان ديگر است

کمر بر ميان و کله بر سر است

ز پيمان بگردند وز راستی

گرامی شود کژی و کاستی

پياده شود مردم جنگجوی

سوار آن که لاف آرد و گفت و گوی

کشاورز جنگی شود بی هنر

نژاد و هنر کمتر آيد به بر

ربايد همی اين از آن آن از اين

ز نفرين ندانند باز آفرين

نهان بدتر از آشکارا شود

دل شاهشان سنگ خارا شود

بد انديش گردد پدر بر پسر

پسر بر پدر همچنين چاره گر

شود بنده بی هنر شهريار

نژاد و بزرگی نيايد به کار

به گيتی کسی را نماند وفا

روان و زبانها شود پر جفا

ز ايران وز ترک وز تازيان

نژادی پديد آيد اندر ميان

نه دهقان نه ترک و نه تازی بود

سخنها به کردار بازی بود

همه گنجها زير دامن نهند

بکوشند و کوشش به دشمن دهند



thx dear kaveh, for saving me time not looking for my own copy.k

Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan // //

Shah Ghollam

Jaleho, thanks for your thoughts

by Shah Ghollam on

Pehaps the affirmation of your opinion above couldn't have come sooner that by the latest AFP poll from across Iran a few days ago:

Most Iranians favour ties with US but distrust Barack Obama: Poll


and also here:

New Poll Finds Strong Domestic Support for Iran Regime


..and as for people here, don't be disheartened, many are here for alterior motives and Iran and Iranians are their last interests but a step for their bigger agenda.

Often these people are here to "silence" the poster/writer with charactor assassinations rather than to reason out the issues. That only happens when there is no convincing counter argument.

In all Iran's past thirty year history one thing is obvious, her enemies failed time and time again to turn Iran into a puppet as it was during the Shah times. They tried every trick in the book from encouraging Saddam to enetr war with Iran to supporting terrorist groups inside and outside Iran such as MKO, Jundollah, Kurdish seperatists and so on. Short of diect military attacks against Iran, which is next to impossible to afford now, they turned to breaking Iran with internal uprising. Never in the history we have witnessed such an overwhelming support of Wstern mass media against a country deemed an enemy (a non-communist country that is). Sometimes to the point of financial loss for the Western news and communication resources.

A common sense question would be to ask how a nation so hated by the West/Israel (Iran has been threatend numerous times with nuclear anhilation by Israelis and the US) its people's lives become sacred all of a sudden?

One may not understand what goes on in the box but can make proper judgement to see what goes in and then out of the box!

I personally see the so called green movement a genuine phenomena but one that quicky became manipulated and supported from outside for one single reason, that is Western/Israeli interest.

Forunately, Iranians made a right choice to contain its disasterous consequences as we have seen in Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, morocco, Tunisia and so on where people get a trait of personal freedom at the cost of losing their national independence. Iranians have been too long under massive foreign influence to easily forget its humilation. As a proud people, Iranians will pay the cost of its long overdue freedom and national independence without succoming to foreign powers and their interests.

Log live independent and free Iran



Response to Fouadk

by anonymous111.2 on

I just blogged about Foudk's comments.  Here it is for anyone interested:


Anahid Hojjati

JJ, There might be a bug resulting in deletion of comments

by Anahid Hojjati on

Couple days ago I noticed a comment that IRANdokht had written addressing me was deleted.  Souri should remember that since she commented to me to pay attention and the comment was there. WhenI checked later, comment was there.  However, I am almost sure that the comment was missing for a while.  Jahanshah should have this checked.


Okay Samsam

by Souri on

let me first say that I am as surprised to see your comment been deleted. I didn't flag it. I never flag a comment unless there's personal insult or profanity in there. Honestly I don't know what happened. Sorry about that.

Second, although the commenting is getting again an ugly face, but I will respond to you by respect, because you asked me. What I have to say about Khar's comment, is nothing new that I haven't said before. You already know my argument. Here Khar said:

"People Of Iran and the Green Movement ARE the
ones Being Intolarated, silenced, arrested, prisoned, raped and
Killed today in the streets of every cities in Iran, which adds insult
to the injury of living under backwarded ISLAMIC SHARIA LAWS AND ISMALIC JUSTICE for the last 30 YEARS, that doesn't leave much room

- So what is the alternative in your opinion? Because they are killing, raping and silencing people, we have to do the same thing to them?

Then what is the difference between them and us? Is that the justice you guys are looking for? The exact justice called "ghessaas" in shariat?

Eye for eye and teeth for teeth and blood for blood? Isn't it true that you are all living in a country where you enjoy the democracy and justice for all?

So if you like what you are enjoying now, as peace and justice under democracy, why wouldn't you stay true to this value, once you go out of this context? Why do you need that everything be right and democratically in place, for you  behave as civil and integrated human?

You (Khar) said :

"Hitler and many dictators also enjoyed support of the
population but that doesn’t mean that they are mainstream and they need
to be tolerated

Hitler supporters were not tolerated, they have exert force on the people. No one has been given the choice to be tolerant with them. How many movies you have seen about the barbaric actions toward the same Hitler supporter after the war? In all those movies (and stories) those action have been condemned, isn't it?

Then why you think they did all those movies upon the true stories? Maybe because they think that humanity should learn from the past.

Don't you think so?


heh, what happened to my comment to Souri?

by SamSamIIII on


 So predictable :), Ommatie/stalinist censorship in action. did it hit a nerve or when short on logic deletion is the first resort .how funny that they preach tolerance yet delete the fascist sam comments.

repeat of my comment;

you just proved my point, on "spoon fed reality by Ommatie regime & forced sanctioned choices" thx.

&Foad is capable of speaking for himself, without you screwing his logic for him.


Now go flag this, I,m an old timer of your Zion days tactics ;).


& souri jaan , I,m waiting to hear your argument on khar,s comment too.


Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan // //


See what I meant (to Kharmagas and Anahid)

by Souri on

Just look at the comment below, you will get what I was talking about. They are here just to derail the subject. No productive conversation. The same people are doing the exact same thing inside of Iran. They are every where.

Mardom Mazloom

همه با هم

Mardom Mazloom

مرگ بر توله سگهای رهبر − تانیه ۳۳ برای ملیجکها و امثال


Agha Foad

by Souri on

Please do answer this one, as it is addressed to you.

I'm burning for answering that comment of Khar.

Any other voluntary?


Mr. Foad K.

by Khar on

Tolerance is one of the ultimate goal for any society be it religious, racial tolerance and no one deny the fact we have to work on achieving that in Iran and in the Middle East as a whole. Iranians/Persians are historically tolerant people our current so called leaders are not. Iranians were the first nation that wrote and practiced the first deliration of human rights. From that perspective your point is very well take and understood and thank you for reminding us.

BUT, this picture is not complete! without taking in to consideration that the Iranian people and the green movement is up against a government and its supporters which are Ideological Islamists and Armed and Intolerant to the teeth and will do everything survive from using religion to killing people, to control and evade an unavoidable outcome. We Iranians have fought for democracy, freedom and tolerance for the last 150 years especially in the last 30 years. Having said that what is heard from the current rulers of Iran (Kahmeniei, Mahmoud and other like Mullahs) is: as long as you don’t rock the boat you have right to stay alive and not be raped or killed!!! This regime in control in Iran is not reform able and majority of the population and the many of the pillars and the insiders of the 1979 revolution have come to that conclusion. So votes of Mahmoud which the validity of we can debate till we turn red in face doesn’t really matter at this point. Hitler and many dictators also enjoyed support of the population but that doesn’t mean that they are mainstream and they need to be tolerated, in my opinion after the 2009 election this regime lost any legitimacy if it had any. If the Green Movement is ever victorious, are to put these Islamo-facists on a trial in an international court like the one in Nuremberg after WWII and charges against Mahmoud and Seyed Ali K. and the rest of them are CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.

People Of Iran and the Green Movement ARE the ones Being Intolarated, silenced, arrested, prisoned, raped and Killed today in the streets of every cities in Iran, which adds insult to the injury of living under backwarded ISLAMIC SHARIA LAWS AND ISMALIC JUSTICE for the last 30 YEARS, that doesn't leave much room FOR THE TOLARANCE TOWARD SUPPORTES OF THIS CURRENT REGIME.



آبکی‌؟ ل.و.ل


آخه حوصلم از  خوندن آنهمه چرت و پرت و فحش و فحشکاری
سر رفته بود...در ضمن خیلی‌ هم دوست داشتم که بخونم و از نظرات دیگران
مطلع بشم، ولی‌ دریغ از یک نظر مستقل بدون فحش و کنایه !

بعضی‌‌ها فکر می‌کنن که این کیبردشون مثل کارد میمونه تو دستشون. فقط قصد کشتن دارن....ل.و.ل

بابا یک کم رحم و مروت داشته باشین، طرف دیگه خیلی‌ میترسه‌ها ! انقدر
تهدید و تحمیق نکنید. حرفتون رو بزنید مثل یک آدم سالم. اگه حرفتون منطقی‌
باشه که مردم قبول می‌کنن، احتیاجی به قسم و فحش و تهدید نیست.............

اگر هم حرف حسابی‌ ندارید، خوب سکوت کنید. مثل من که سکوت کرده بودم، ل.و.ل

مرسی‌ واسه ترجمه. خودم فهمیده بودم یعنی‌ آبکی‌ ، ولی‌ باور نمیکردم  :)

Mola Nasredeen


by Mola Nasredeen on

Thanks for taking your time and answering the questions. There's a lot to ponder before jumping to a solid conclusion.


yani (to Souri)

by kharmagas on

yani Abaki! :)

... no, you were not wrong .... as I tell to my fellow coworkers .... our company would go down the drain if all of us have the same skills and behave the same way.....


dear Kharmagas

by Souri on

I thought I will encourage the wise and civil debate which has been started a few comments ago and is magnificiently drived by Foad now.

I always try to encourage what I see as posivitve in the people.

Maybe I was wrong ?

PS: Agha, "diluted" yani chi be Farsi :)


Souri jAn

by kharmagas on

Souri Jan, I thought you were going to stay away from this after your very diluted statement. ..... you didn't ..... because you have integrity (ma'refat) ..... and ma'refat is not a function of political views, ...., education and even how much Persian poetry one knows (as demonstrated by the fascist ShAer below).


Samsam jan

by Souri on

With this argument, you are really insulting our proud people of Iran.

I'm sorry to see this is what you think about them. Most of those people are the rational thinker, politically well integrated, at least better than  you and me.

And they are not cut from the rest of the world, as you think, Samsam. Another point:

"You see, the ilk occupied Iran, enslaved mavais, brainwashed 3 generations of Iranian kids from kinder garden to high school to detach them from truth & their true heritage, ...."

I must remind you that the younger layer of the voter, mostly has voted for Mousavi, not Ahmadinejad.

So again, I believe your argument here, has not real base.



Foad K

by SamSamIIII on


 ""...if it was flawed then 1/3 of the iranians voted for ahmadinejd. in either case those who say that anyone who voted for ahmadinejad did it because they are either stupid, or government agents,..""

 What you said is nothing but a half truth .If you place a buncha kids in a room for 30 yrs luminated only with a red light bulb,cut off from the outside world and tell em this is the "Sun", as an adult when they come out to the real world they would find the real "sun" as an imposter entity. So yes, those who voted for Ahmadinejad are very stupid (not a fault of their own)because they dont know any better from the reality that ommatie regime has fed them for 30 yrs.

 As usual, Ommaties always hijack the point after the fact . Your whole reasong is based on your own "victors interpretation" of status quo reality post 79 Ommatie occupation. You see, the ilk occupied Iran, enslaved mavalis, brainwashed 3 generations of Iranian kids from kinder garden to highschool to detach them from truth & their true heritage, fed their impressionable minds with Ommatie icons & values  and produced Stupids & morons who only know of the reality that ommatie regime forcefully brainwashed & provided them with . So to answer to your argument, I say your whole argument is false and based on victors logic hence your whole election is flawed because it,s based on sanctioned choice & not free will.





Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan // //