Massacre Oublié en Iran


Jahanshah Rashidian
by Jahanshah Rashidian

Quelques jours après que le fondateur de la République Islamique d’Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini, accepte la résolution 598 en juillet 1988 et la fin de la guerre avec Irak, lance un fetwa, décret religieux, pour anéantir tous les prisonniers politiques en Iran.

On a d’abord cru que le fatwa avait initialement ciblé les prisonniers du MOK, Mojahedine du peuple d’Iran, qui est un groupe musulmane qui avait tourné le dos aux mollahs en se réfugiant en Irak de « profane » Saddam, mais en effet le fatwa avait été tellement rectifié qu’il avait envisagé tous les prisonniers politiques.

D’après M. Abrahamian, un chercheur de ce génocide, les exécutions des prisonniers ont été secrètement organisées avant l’attaque militaire du MOK.

Le MOK franchit en juillet 1988 depuis l’Irak la frontière iranienne juste après le cessez-le-feu pour tenter de renverser le régime. L’opération appelée « Forough Javidan » échoua après quelques jours de guerre et coïncida à une répression sanglante en Iran, exécutant des prisonniers politiques. La décision des exécutions des prisonniers n’était pas due à cette opération, mais à un génocide Islamiste qui visait le MOK, comme tous les autres opposants, indépendamment de leur manœuvre militaire tardif.

Pendant les mois août et septembre, aux prisons d’Evin et Gohardasht à Téhéran, les sbires du régime ont exécuté toutes les heures de 7h30 à 17h00 sans relâche. Les jeunes, y compris des mineurs ou des femmes enceintes, étaient massacrés à ce rythme tous les jours ; en total plusieurs centaines d’exécutions par jour.

Il fallait tuer tous les prisonniers avant l’entrée scolaire en Iran. Mais étant en retard, vers la fin du délai, ils en ont tué deux cents en 20 minutes en servant des rafraîchissements empoisonnés aux prisonniers suffoquant de chaleur dans leurs cellules. Deux médecins ont supervisé les exécutions en travaillant avec le fameux bourreau du régime, Mr. Lajavardi, le directeur de la prison d’evin.

La majorité des victimes ont été pendues dans les prisons à Téhéran, et certains ont été fusillés aux provinces. Le procès ne durait que quelques minutes, on leur a demandé s’ils étaient d’accord à abandonner leurs idéaux politiques tout en collaborant avec le régime. La formule était simple : Es-tu fidèle à la République Islamique? Fais-tu tes trios fois prières ? Veux-tu collaborer avec nous? Ceux qui refusaient la soumission étaient immédiatement conduits sous le peloton d’exécution.

La plupart des victimes étaient des simples sympathisants de groupes d’oppositions. Ils n’avaient rien à faire ou à comprendre avec la position belliqueuse de leurs groupes vis à vis du régime. Ils étaient condamnés pour avoir lu ou distribué un journal d’opposition. La plupart étaient teenagers au moment de leur captivité et auront du être relâché après avoir terminé leur terme d’emprisonnement. Ils étaient pourtant exécutés sans aucune preuve valable.

Le nombre exact d’exécutions et les conditions d’exécutions n’ont pas été rapportés par la République Islamique ou ses fractions islamiques. On estime le nombre des exécutions de 4485, publiés dans le média de l’opposition, à 30,000 ou même plus.

À Téhéran, les corps étaient secrètement, mais hâtivement enterrés dans les tombes collectives dans un endroit en dehors de Téhéran qui s’appel Khavaran. C’étaient les chiens affamés qu’en déterrant les cadavres ont premièrement découvert ces corps.

Dès lors, certains noms des victimes des exécutions, les noms des juges et responsables d’exécutions, des exécuteurs, des bourreaux, et des complices du massacre ont été dénoncés par les rescapés du massacre ou par certains déserteurs du régime à l’étranger.

Il est maintenant reconnu par l’organisation de l’Amnesty International qui a consacré 1er Septembre comme la « journée internationale du souvenir des prisonniers politiques » en souvenir du massacre.

Bien que le principal coupable du massacre s’appelle Ayatollah Khomeini, mais beaucoup d’autres dirigeants actuels du régime y ont participé. Ces coupables ont été promus jusqu’aux ministres de cabinets dans les gouvernements de président Rafsandjani, Khatami et surtout dans le gouvernement d’Ahmadinejad.

Les collègues d’Ahmadinejad sont quelques généraux de la Gardiens de la Révolution Islamique, qui ont été impliqués dans le massacre, mais pire, ce sont le Ministre intérieur, Hojjatoleslam Mostafa Pour Mohammadi (l’un des trois membres du Comité de la Peine Capitale de la ville Téhéran), un comité qui coordonnait les exécution sommaires des détenus de la prison d’ Evin à Téhéran et le Ministre d’Information Hojjatoleslam Gholamhossein Mohseni Ezhei qui sont les deux bourreaux du massacre.

D’après un document de l’organisation des Droits de l’Homme publié en 15, décembre 2005, “M. Pourmohammadi et M. Azhei ont été impliqués dans le massacre.”

Le monde “civilisé” n’a pas encore condamné ce massacre de 1988.


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Rosie T.

Yes, I know you are secular

by Rosie T. on

. I am a spiritual person and a secular government is the only one which can protect true spirituality rather than corrupt, frozen religions as tools of statal coercion.  Therefore politcally I am an ardent, committed secularist.

Having said that, of all the -isms of Islamicism at the inception of the Revolution, it is my understanding that, of those who were willing to fight (and btw, I'm also a pacifist, so...)  the Mujahaddin's interpretation came CLOSEST to something resembling a fair, secular Islamicist state. Whether or not that is an oxymoron is irrelevant to my point: that at their inception, they were no worse than anyone else, and in some ways better than many. As for their subsequent evolution...well..perhaps the sand and sun of the Iraqi desert cause mirages....Anyway,  I think you understand me very well, I guess I'm writing some of this just for clarification for other readers.

Ich warte nicht  notwendigeweise auf Antwort.  Viel besser waere eine neue Artikel auf Deutsch...toll !  :D


Jahanshah Rashidian

Merci, Danke Liebe Rosie

by Jahanshah Rashidian on

Thanks for reading my piece and your honest comment. As you know, I am secular and believe in secularism and democracy as the only preconditional premise. For the of politics, we have no right to impose any ideology. The evolution of society will pass the best judgement over what must be realised.

I am glad that you can read my German articles. I will post some soon.



Ich freue mich, daß sie Deutsch  sprechen. Ich werde bald einigen Artikel auf Deutsch schreiben. 

Mit freundlichen Grü8en

Jahanshah Rashidian



T;hank you so much for writing this....

by Rosie T.. (not verified) on

Actually I'm well aware of the massacre but I think you are right, it is generally forgotten. This is most likely because, in a political landscape in which various factions spend a large amount of time demonizing each other on single issues which destroy the ability to make common cause, the one thing almost everyone seems to agree on is that the Mujaheddin should be demonized for ALL reasons and on ALL fronts. In such a landscape, such wholesale demonization of one fringe group becomes immediately suspect. The demonization may be comforting, as it appears to legitimize all the endless other small demonizations amongst the other factions,, but it s suspect nonetheless.

Nuance, nuance...they were the only ones who dared to FIGHT Khomeini once he betrayed all his allied but before his power became absolutely entrenched. Nuance nuance...they were the ones who originally advoccated a REAL secular, progressive Islamicism. Really. Nuance, nuance, they really WERE massacred...

You all know all about their crimes and treasons. What about their sufferings? What about their contributions?

Merci bein, Jahanshah. Je voudrais aussi savoir...wann kannst Du auch auf Deutsch etwas schreiben? Dies waere ausgezeichnet.
Robin Goldsmith

Jahanshah Rashidian


by Jahanshah Rashidian on

The article describes one of the most bestial and collective crimes of the Islamists in Iran. The crimes were committed against young sympathisers of any oppoition groups and many of these young victims  were not aware of many things.

 If MOK’s sympathisers got more killed in this massacre, this will not justify their religious lines and  especially not the treachery and cult-like characteristics of MOK’s leadership.

The IRI committed and continue committing such crimes; this is all about the aim of my article.

Jahanshah Rashidian


by Jahanshah Rashidian on

Premièrement : je me débrouille mieux en français et allemand, ou j’habitais depuis que j’ai quitté l’Iran. Deuxièment : le site est international, il y a beaucoup d’iraniens qui habitent dans les pays francophones.




Mojahedin worst than hizbollahis

by was-in-iran-in88 (not verified) on

i think the problem is that for most iranians mojahedin are considered like the worst kinds of traitors to their own people. So if the majority of the people who were executed were mojaheds, then no wonder nobody cares about them.


Mr. Rashidian: A Coward and A Liar

by Amoo (not verified) on

Mr. Rashdian not only is and MKO member, he is also a coward and liar. He says he is an Iranian born German. This coward lived many years in Louisiana.


Steel Rain is coming!!!!

by Kouroush Sassanian (not verified) on

You will pay for all those lives!!! This is for all you who stood still while your brother and sisters were slaughtered.


Pourqoi ecrivez-vous en

by JD (not verified) on

Pourqoi ecrivez-vous en Francais?


English Translation (by altaVista)

by Translator (not verified) on

A few days after the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini, accepts resolution 598 in July 1988 and the end of the war with Iraq, lance a fetwa, religious decree, to destroy all the political prisoners in Iran. It was initially believed that the fatwa had initially targeted the prisoners of the MOK, Mojahedine of the people of Iran, which is a Moslem woman group which had turned the back on mollahs while taking refuge in Iraq of "layman" Saddam, but indeed the fatwa had been rectified so much that it had considered all the political prisoners. According to Mr. Abrahamian, a researcher of this genocide, executions of the prisoners were secretly organized before the military attack of the MOK. The MOK just crosses in July 1988 from Iraq the Iranian border after the cease-fire to try to reverse the mode. The operation called "Forough Javidan" failed after a few days of war and coincided with a bloody repression in Iran, executant of the political prisoners. The decision of executions of the prisoners was not due to this operation, but to an islamist genocide which aimed at the MOK, like all the other opponents, independently of their man?uvre military late. During the months August and September, with the prisons of Evin and Gohardasht in Teheran, the henchmen of the mode carried out every hour of 7h30 with 17h00 without slackening. The young people, including minors or pregnant women, were massacred at this rate/rhythm tous.les.jours; in total several hundreds of executions per day. It was necessary to kill all the prisoners before the school entry in Iran. But being late, towards the end of the time, they killed two hundreds in 20 minutes out of them while being used of coolings poisoned to the prisoners suffocating of heat in their cells. Two doctors supervised the executions while working with the famous torturer of the mode, Mr. Lajavardi, the head warden of evin. The majority of the victims were hung in the prisons in Teheran, and some were shot with the provinces. The lawsuit lasted only a few minutes, one asked to them whether they agreed to give up their political ideals while collaborating with the mode. The formula was simple: Es you faithful to the Islamic Republic? Do you make your trios time prayers? Do you want to collaborate with us? Those which refused the tender were immediately led under the firing squad. The majority of the victims were simple sympathizers of groups of oppositions. They did not have anything to make or include/understand with the quarrelsome position their groups with respect to the mode. They were condemned to have read or have distributed a newspaper of opposition. The majority were teenagers at the time of their captivity and will have being slackened after having finished their term of imprisonment. They were however carried out without any valid proof. The exact number of executions and the conditions for implementations were not reported by the Islamic Republic or its Islamic fractions. One estimates the number of the executions of 4485, published in the media of the opposition, to 30,000 or even more. In Teheran, the bodies secretly, but were hastily buried in the collective tombs in a place apart from Teheran which Khavaran call. These was the famished dogs that by unearthing the corpses firstly these bodies discovered. Consequently, certain names of the victims of the executions, the names of the judges and persons in charge for executions, the executors, the torturers, and the accomplices of the massacre were denounced by of the massacre or certain deserters of the mode abroad. It is now recognized by the organization of the Amnesty International which devoted September 1 like the "international day of the memory of the political prisoners" in remembering the massacre. Although the principal culprit of the massacre is called Ayatollah Khomeini, but much of other current leaders of the mode took part in it. These culprits were promoted to the ministers of cabinets in the governments of president Rafsandjani, Khatami and especially in the government of Ahmadinejad. The colleagues of Ahmadinejad are some Generals of the Guards of the Revolution Islamic, who were implied in the massacre, but worse, it is the interior Minister, Hojjatoleslam Mostafa For Mohammadi (one of the three members of the Committee of the Capital punishment of the Teheran city), a committee which coordinated the execution synopses of the prisoners of the prison of Evin in Teheran and the Minister of Information Hojjatoleslam Gholamhossein Mohseni Ezhei who are the two torturers of the massacre. According to a document of the organization of the Humans right published into 15, December 2005, "Mr. Pourmohammadi and Mr. Azhei were implied in the massacre." The "civilized" world did not condemn this massacre of 1988 yet.



by Anonymous007 (not verified) on

you want sympathy for them? hahaha!