بقا رژیم در انحطاط ما است


Jahanshah Rashidian
by Jahanshah Rashidian

به ميمنت رژيم جمهوری اسلامی، فرهنگ، اخلاق و معنويات جامعه ما به سرعت در حال انحطاط هستند. و اين علاوه بر رشد روزافزون قتل، سرقت، کلاهبرداری، اعتياد، فحشا و ديگر طحفه های ج.ا است. امروز تنها قساوت و جنايت، ميوه تلخ اين رژيم نيست، تنهاظلم، فساد، فقر و خطر جنگ و تحريم اقتصادی نيستند که ايران را تهديد ميکنند، هويت و تماميت ارزشهای اخلاقی و انسانی مردم مادر خطرند.

يکی از اهداف مخرب رژيم زدودن احساس هبستگی در جامعه است: قربانيان نبايد رژيم را بلکه همديگر را مقصر شناسد و اين خود عمق فاجعه است. اين همان منشی است که در بازداشتگاه های مرگ نازيها بوجود ميامد (تعدای از يهوديان در مواضع و اعمالشان با کسانی که آنها را در اسارت گذاشته بودند همگون ميشدند تا حدی که ماهيت و اصالت خود را تحقير ميکردند تا بدين طريق شانس بيشتری برای بقا کسب کنند.)

رفتار بخشی از اپوزیسیون مسخ شده ايران هم همینطور است. گوئی آنقدر به آنها ظلم شده، که بین مواضع، ايدهالها و اعمال آنها با انکه آنها را مورد تعرض قرار داده تفاوتی چندانی وجود ندارد و اگر به سخنان انان گوش دهيم، در عمل خواستار حفظ سيستم ظالم ج.ا. هستند. اينان روحيه همان يهوديان نازی پرست را نشان ميدهند: مطالب اسلاميون و هوادار مسخ شده، مزدوران بجای خود، در این سايت را نگاه کنید، متوجه سنگدلی، مصلحتگرائی و بی توجه ای انان به بعد انسانی، حقوق بشری و ماهيت حذف شده ايرانی انان خواهید شد.

چنين مکانيسم تسليم طلبی

با نام استکلهم سيندروم ( Stockholm Syndrome) معروف است و حکايت از وفاداری گروگانيست به رباينده خود. اين پديده غير متعارفی به گمان من در طول تاريخ صرفاٌ از جنبه رواني عامل مهم پذيرش اسارت و مرامهای تحميلی مانند برده داری و يا ارباب رعيتی در همه جا بوده است. چنين پديده ای همچنين مسبب خود بيگانگی ، بی ماهيتی و مسخ شدن انسانها در سيستم های توتاليتر(totatilaire) و مذهبی است و ما مضرات ان را در تاريخ خود با حمله اعراب مسلمان و تحميل مذهب و حاکميت خود بر ما تا به امروز تجربه ميکنيم. اگر چه اين سيندروم مانند بسياری از پديدهای روان درمانی فاقد يک استاندارد علميست ولی ترس در معياری پاتولوژيک ان و يا فوبی(Phobie) ، ترس از احساس ترسيدن، محرک اوليه انست. در واقع ترس از احساس "بد" ترسیدن مبدل به نوعی احساس "خوب" وفا داری ميشود.

ما همچنين فاکتور ترس را، به مفهوم عاميانه،(peur) در روابط غرب با رژيم ج.ا. ميبينيم و اين ،در کنار منافع اقتصادی، روابط پر مماشات غرب را تشديد ميکند. بدون شک از نظر سياسی، مماشات غرب با رژيم نيز غير متعارفی و فاقد درمان مرض است. غرب از عمليات تروريستی رژيم و اعمالش در غرب وحشت دارد و با پشت کردن به معيارهای دمکراتيک، انسانی و ميثاقهای حقوق بشر خود را در بحران ماهيتی قرارداده است. دومکراسی غرب، که غول فاشيسم و کمونيسم را پشت سر گذاشته، اينک در برابر فاشيسم مذهبی سر در گم است که اين خود ممکن است شيوهای افراطی مانند جنگ و يا تحريم اقتصادی بر عليه ايران را باعث شود که نتيجه ای بهتر از مماشات ندارند.

امروز، بيش از

۹۰ درصد مردم ايران در تحريم اقتصادي مافيای رژيم است و هزاران نفر قربانيان جنگ رژيم با ملت شده اند و غرب بايد بداند که جنگ و تحريم مافيای رژيم را رونق ميدهند. غرب بايد بر اساس حقوق بشر با رژيم برخورد کند و اگر امار و گزارشات سازمانهای حقوق بشر و شهادت مردم ايران را قبول دارد بايد مشروعيت رژيم را نپذيرد و روابط ديپلوماتيک را با ان قطع کند. غرب ميداند که در این مدت ۳۰ ساله عمر، رژيم یک انتخابات آزاد برگزار نکرده که از جائی مشروعيتی کسب کرده باشد. ج.ا نه ماهيت ايرانی دارد و نه مورد قبول اکثريت مردم است. رژيم فاسد با کمک ذخائر ملی نيروی سرکوبگر مهيبی در داخل و مزدورانی در داخل و خارج بسيج کرده تا عمر انگلی خود را افزايش دهد. بخشی از اين ذخائر نيز به شاهرگهای اقتصادی غرب پيوند دارند.

ساده لوحيست اگر تصور کنيم غرب برای آزادی ما دست از منافع خود که رژيم از بيت المال ميبخشد صرفنظر ميکند اما غيره منصفانه است اگر اغراق کنيم که غرب فاکتوری به نام حقوق بشر در مناسبات خارجی ندارد. ايا همين غرب رژيم نژاد پرست اپارتايد را نا مشروع اعلان نکرد؟ يا همين غرب در برابر موج اعتراضات مردم تبت در استانه بازيهای المپيک پکن عکس العمل نشان نداد؟ اگر ايرانيان خارج در کشور نيز مانند اتباع افريقای جنوبی و تبت موج اعتراض راه انداخته بودند ايا توان سياسی و اقتصادی انان در غرب انقدر تعيين کننده نيست که

غرب زیر فشار افکار عمومی مجبو ر به عکس عمل نباشد؟ ایا اپارتاید جنسی در ایران مانند اپارتاید نژادی قابل تقبیح نیست؟

کسی بی مقدمه برای سرنگونی رژیم ایران یه ما کمک نمی کند، منابع سرمايه داری غرب می خواهند شاهرگ خونی خودشان را به ما وصل کنند تا از اين خان پر برکت نفت و ديکر ذخائر ما در رگان خود بدمند. این ما هستیم و اين امکان را داريم که افکار عمومی غرب، سازمانها و احزاب طرفدار حقوق بشر را از مصائب مردممان مطلع کنيم. بايد شيپورهای تبليغاتی رژيم در جارج را با صدای پر طنين خود خنثي کنيم
تا غرب بداند و عمل کند که مردم ایران زیر یوغ وحشی ترین رژیم های ضد بشری اسیرندو بدانند که اکثريت مردم ماخواستار سرنگونی ج.ا. هستند و اين حق انها بايد مورداحترام دول غربی قرارگيرد.

اگر کلاه خود را قاضی کنيم ميبينيم که لوبيهای ج.ا هم برای ماست مالی کردن چنين امکانی در خارج بسيج شده اند. انان همان روحيه تسليم پذيری را که هر سيستم ظالم را مشروعيت ميدهد امروز از کانالهای مختلف در ميان ايرانيان رايج ميکنند. رژيم نه تنها به کمک اعمال خود بلکه بخشی از اپوزيسيون مسخ شده که ممکن است افرادی از بدنه چنين گروه های لوبی را شامل شوند تخم تسليم پذيری، نفاق و بی تفاوتی را در ايرانيان خارج از کشور شيوع ميدهد. ترفند اينان خورده مشکلات قابل حل و گله هائی عوامفريبانه به بی خاصيت ترين مهره های رژيم است. برای اينان نه ماهيت ضد انسانی و ضد ايرانی ج.ا. است مورد بحث است و نه ازادی ايران و ايرانيان از چنگال خونين اين رژيم

و البته رژیم را از چنین" اپوزیسیونی" چه باک! که خود مروج انست!



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Jahanshah Rashidian

Send emails to save a life

by Jahanshah Rashidian on

Arash (Abu-Ali) Mohajerani-Nejad in Imminent Threat of Deportation from UK  


UK Home Office's inadequate lottery system for accepting asylum seekers, which has let so many Islamic fundamentalists and terrorists into UK, has once again failed a genuine bona fide Iranian secular pro-democracy activist, who has been seeking political asylum in UK.  

Arash (Abu-Ali) Mohajerani-Nejad is also the brother of prominent Iranian pro-democracy dissident and student activist, Gholam-reza Mohajerani-nejad, who fled Iran after the 1999 student uprising. Arash was arrested and detained in Charing-Cross police station and can be deported back to the Islamic Republic any moment, where he will face grave consequences for his life and liberty and that of his comrades in Iran.  

Please write, fax, phone or email Tony McNulty, Home Office minister and the MP for the constituency where Arash lived and politely inform him of the grave mistake the Home Office is making.  


Latest bile from Supreme Leader of Ignorance

by shamoniri (not verified) on

((رهبر جمهوری اسلامی بارديگر از رويکرد آقای احمدی نژاد در پرونده
هسته ای ايران حمايت کرد و گفت: دولت نهم «روند بسيار خطرناک
غربزدگی و گرايش های سکولاريستی را که متأسفانه در حال نفوذ
در بدنه مديريتی کشور بود، سد کرده است.»))



by shamoniri (not verified) on

it is not Q. Only Arabs pronounce Gh (ق) as KaAf.

Are you an Arab?? Inte Lebanoni/felestini??


JR pal!

by samsam1111 on

thx for the reply to my somehow invasive comment.keep well!

And Sadia:

You are right I am an Akhmaq among 70 million wise men of V-ran..The wise V-ranians need atleast one Akhmaq.


Khaili Khanda Dar!

by Sadaia_qesa on


you can claim to know Persian once you learn the difference between (kh v.s ha) as in

AhmaQ v.s. AkhmaQ!




Best Regards to you both ...

Jahanshah Rashidian

Dear Samsam111

by Jahanshah Rashidian on

I will do my best since I like to persianise our Parsi. The problem is the lack of material and a good background. I have spent most of my life in France and Germany. I read and sometimes type, with the help of mouse! In parsi, but better occasions of improvements as better Parsi materials, Parsi, not farsi, dictionaries are not at my disposition. To be honest, another problem is my time, which like yours, is too limited. I have to write my materials mostly at my workplace. However, I do my best to find Parsi words as much as I can.


JR ! A request.

by samsam1111 on


Great Job .You pointed out  some of the political environment of Deceit affecting the v-ran & Iranians.How ever to diffrentiate your writing from a Howzweh seminary talabeh I respectfully request that You use less Arabic words in Your essays since You talked about "Hoviaat-eh Irani". Your essay is infested with %80 Arabic words.I,m convinced a well educated intelectual such as yourself has a wealth of knowledge on Parsi vocabulary to replace taazi words with it,s farsi acronym.

Kind Regards!


Dear JR: Stand by for

by shameoniri (not verified) on

Dear JR: Stand by for plethora of such research findings in the next few years; including my PhD thesis/research/findings.

Neural correlates of decision-making


NEUROPSYCHOBIOLOCY OF ADDICTION, TRAUMA AND DISSOCIATIONPTSD symptoms take on a biphasic repetition-compulsion pattern (intrusive ... inescapable shock parallels the equivalent of learned helplessness in humans. ...

In the meantime, if you can you help Arash from being deported from UK. Thanks and keep writing. I wish we had more writers like you.

Arash (Abu-Ali) Mohajerani-Nejad in Imminent Threat of Deportation from UK

Jahanshah Rashidian

Dear Ebi /Farhad/Jamshid / By Iran /Anonymous 4

by Jahanshah Rashidian on

Thanks for your nice words and sppurt.


Jahanshah Rashidian

Dear Anonymous from Tehran

by Jahanshah Rashidian on

I agree with the points you developed. The IRI not only abuses and extorts our human and natural resources, but also distorts our history, identity, dignity to snake its way to our complete disaster. This "Dr." Abassi is another doctor in terrorism and fanatism. His paranoiac rants prove his inner problems due also to his anti-scientific and violent creed.

Thanks again! If you live in Tehran I am glad that you get our message of solidarity.

Jahanshah Rashidian

Dear Shameoniri

by Jahanshah Rashidian on

Thank you for the interesting points and long comments. I will read the links "Helpless learned" . I do not know how such a state of confusion or anxiety can block a normal biological reaction of the dog, but I have seen and believe its existence as an exceptional behaviour. We can witness that among anxious children as well. According to John Waston, father of behaviourism, any psych-somatic reaction is due to some muscular and glandular responses. The self-defence mechanism is actually due to a higher dose of hormones, secreted automatically --without via of brain-- by glands and received directly--without via of the brain-- by muscles. The process normally cannot be disturbed, other wise an organism cannot reflexively react to a dangerous situation by fight, escape, camouflage, .... This reflexive behaviour is a an old gift of survival given by evolution.

Such a normal process may be also perpetuated when a bigger dose of political repression, fear, intimidation are deliberately at work. Suffices to know that a number of the sold or convinced psychologists have always worked with KGB, CIA, Nazi, and political Islam--Ex-foreign minister of the IRI, Kharazi was a psychologist.

Of course I will read the links to better understand the theory. As I briefly mentioned in the article, we do have standard for symptoms and roots of psychic abnormality, but not pathological standard because we do not have neuronal reasons for them--except for schizophrenia (?), traumatic cases. Psychopathic diseases, nervous problems or even peculiar behaviours remain in hypothetical schools of diagnose and treatment and there is no until today a standard treatment, as we have in medicine.

I think we need more time, more neurological explanations, more discovery of brain to have pathological treatments. Therefore I do not really believe in so-called psychopathology, which is another huge topic.

ebi amirhosseini

Dear Mr Rashidian

by ebi amirhosseini on

Once again,an unbiased & well written article(although I don't share one or two of your views).


best wishes


"Genocide of Iranians"

by Iran and Iranian (not verified) on

This genocide of Iranians and Iranian culture is REAL and must be stopped before it is too late.


Still some hope left

by Anonymouss (not verified) on


Good points

by jamshid on

Excellent piece Rashidian. You made many valid points.


Excellent write up Mr.

by Anonymous4now on

Excellent write up Mr. Rashidian and an excellent follow up by Shameoniri.


This psychology of terrorism relies on paralysis or helplessness of the victims by committing horrendous and unimaginable acts.  On 9/11, in the first of the two planes that hit the WTC towers, the first thing one of the terrorists did was to slit the throat of a stewardess in front of everyone else and let her bleed to death, so as to instill fear and paralysis in the rest of the passengers who could have easily overpowered the four terrorists armed with only box cutters.  


The IRI thrives on this concept of instilling fear and paralysis by committing itself to horrendous acts, such as sever physical and psychological torture, public hangings, cutting limbs off and stoning (the executioners cover their faces to seem expressionless, more robotic and fearful).  For this reason, any talk of reform for this regime is meaningless, since the regime knows fully well that once reform takes root and the fear factor is removed the regime will fall.   

Farhad Kashani

Jahanshah aziz, great great

by Farhad Kashani on

Jahanshah aziz, great great article as always and very true.


Here is the plan

by Anonymous From Tehran (not verified) on

IRI leaders have no country and no religion (as we were taught to believe in our days of innocence). Their country in Wealth and their religion is Power. The rest is set up for the iranians who are gradually "getting" it, with the exception of well-to-do relaxing ideologues of 70s living their comfortable lives in the west while sticking to their frozen-in-time ideologies of left and islam.

Recently, several Islamic History Professors have been showing up in universities, likes of Dr. Abbasi, although he is not the most radical of all. The plan is to erase the iranian identity and replace it with an islamic identity who is controlled by mullas. In this charade, you are either a devoted moslim who needs nothing except for a guaranteed place in "Jannat" which mullas can easily deliver, or you are a dedicated part of regime and thus can prosper in this mortal world. The rest of the people (neither fanatics nor pro-regime) are treated as if they do not exist and suppressed if heard of.

According to these history professors, iranian history is divided into five periods:

1. Pre-islamic period (Old Taaghoot): where some wild animal-like blood-thirsty people lived in iran. Likes of Ashurbanipal, who raided each others families. The notion of 2500 years of history of iran is nothing but a zionist invention. Refer to the recent talk by the supreme leader in shiraz/persepolis in defense of this ideology.

2. Post-islamic/Pre-Shia period extends from invasion of iran to rise of safavid: Islam could only turn the blood-sucker iranians of pre-islamic period into some wild tribes that although not as bad in nature raided each others' tribes and continued to act savagely.

3. Post-shia islam: this period extends from safavid to rise of reza khan. This is when iran as we know it came into existence and started taking social shape.

4. Pahlavi period (or recent Taaghoot). Brought in by foreigners and threw back iran into its pre-islamic roots. This is one of the worst periods of iranian history which led to rebellion against the regime.

5. The glorified post-revolution where revolutionaries brought the final glory and prosperity to iran and iranians. Emam zaman himself is now in charge and running everything thru his representative, the president, as he considers best for the people.

I am just the messenger - don't blame me for re-writing our 7000-year history with the explicit aim of destroying iranian identity and replacing it with an absolute kingdom of god, islam, and mullas.

Jahanshah Rashidian

Dear Irandokhot

by Jahanshah Rashidian on

It is nice to see your vigilant eyes on your avatar. Let me look through your eyes to read the words "no war, no sanctions and NO the IRI." When our lobbyists also use the big and main NO for the IRI, then they are Iranian lobbyists, not IRI's ones. I am sue your eyes do not disappoint us!


Dear MR. Rashidian: This

by shameoniri (not verified) on

Dear MR. Rashidian: This phenomenon is also called "Leraned Helplessness" in psychology.

Learned helplessness is a psychological condition in which a human being or an animal has learned to act or behave helpless in a particular situation, even when it has the power to change its unpleasant or even harmful circumstance.

Learned helplessness theory is the view that clinical depression and related mental illness result from a perceived absence of control over the outcome of a situation (Seligman, 1975).
Psychologist Martin Seligman's foundational experiments and theory of learned helplessness began at Cornell University in 1967, as an extension of his interest in depression.

Quite by accident, Seligman and colleagues discovered the conditioning of dogs led to outcomes opposite to what was predicted by B.F. Skinner's behaviorism, then a leading psychological theory.[1][2]

In part one of Seligman and Steve Maier's experiment, three groups of dogs were placed in harnesses. Group One dogs were simply put in the harnesses for a period of time and later released. Groups Two and Three consisted of "yoked pairs." A dog in Group 2 would be intentionally subjected to pain by being given electric shocks, which the dog could end by pressing a lever. A Group 3 dog was wired in parallel with a Group 2 dog, receiving shocks of identical intensity and duration, but his lever didn't stop the electric shocks. To a dog in Group 3, it seemed that the shock ended at random, because it was his paired dog in Group 2 that was causing it to stop. For Group 3 dogs, the shock was apparently "inescapable." Group 1 and Group 2 dogs quickly recovered from the experience, but Group 3 dogs learned to be helpless, and exhibited symptoms similar to chronic clinical depression.

In part two of the Seligman and Maier experiment, these three groups of dogs were tested in a shuttle-box apparatus, in which the dogs could escape electric shocks by jumping over a low partition. For the most part, the Group 3 dogs, who had previously "learned" that nothing they did had any effect on the shocks, simply lay down passively and whined. Even though they could have easily escaped the shocks, the dogs didn't try...reat the rest:


Also read the new research on the neurophysiological basis of this behavior. Warning: Not an easy read. It's long and academic:

Jahanshah Rashidian

Dear Shameoniri

by Jahanshah Rashidian on

Thank you for spending time to read and comment my piece. I think with the time passing, we grow a sense of social apathy among us towards the IRI. As we know, an odd syndrome in psychology was discovered in 70s when a banal hostage after a while emotionally sided with his captor in Stockholm. This showed the possibility that such an emotional tie or apathy may happen. This peculiar emotion is in fact to explain why victims like a part of Iranian people, opposition and even some ex-prisoners of the regime unconsciously justify or accept the legitimacy of their own culprits. We know this also when the Muslims invaders became the saviours, like their successors, the Mullahs.


Enjoyed reading your article

by IRANdokht on

Dear JR

As I always have, I enjoyed reading your passionate article and was with you all the way until tha last paragraph.

You're right we should be speaking up against IR for the human rights violations, but if you look around, even on this website: what is the percentage of SCE Campaing blogs that get featured or receive supportive comments compared to the rest of the blogs, even jokes and music videos?

I don't see a lot of people interested in human rights issues. Is it because we're IRI supporters? I don't think so... We only get involved if we feel personally threatened or hurt. If we're not Bahai we usually don't show support for their cause and try to stay out of it. If we see kurds or Balouch are getting killed every day, we secretly thank God that we don't know anyone in that area. If the regime is arresting "araazel obash" and executing them, we are afraid to speak up for them and justify the regime's actions for keeping the "peace" in the cities... We don't get involved in humanitarian work unless they go after us. That's not stockholm syndrom, that's a selfish attitude that our people are used to and need for survival, but it's so ingrained in us that it shapes our behavior even if we have lived in a free society for 30 years.

I don't share your views on the Iranian Lobbies. I think they're genuinely trying to help Iranian people who are the real victims of any attack or sanction against IRI. They are undoing what IRI rulers are trying to achieve and I give them a lot of credit for their work.

If they are not approaching the HR issues as much as we wished someone did, then we should encourage the ones who share your views (and I know there are plenty of Iran loving patriots who do) to start getting more involved with Human Rights groups and support the HR activists in Iran. But please do not allow this positive step that needs to be taken to become an excuse to slam the lobbies that are dealing with a true and present danger that our people are facing.

On a lighter note:

Mr MD's writing reminds me of Yoda...  minus the wisdom ;-)

Thanks again for a great article. I like reading your material, even if I don't agree with all the aspects of it.



Mr. Rashidian: This time you

by shameoniri (not verified) on

Mr. Rashidian: This time you have outdone yourself. This is one of the best analysis I have read in regards to the pathology that has afflicted the Iranian nation since 1978. Iran has becoem one of the most immoral, unjust, ruthless, inhumane, and unethical societies ever existed; thanks to IR and the like of our moronic doctor below.


بقا رژیم در انحطاط ما است

Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified)

1.please Mister Irano-german report a bit about the situation in germany. Do they pay well for slandering Iran and Iranians?
2. i think "we" ( MA ) are allready MOHATT. so is the permanence of the "REGIM" garanted. Not only for Iranians but also for "IRANIAN"s.
3. Who lives in the diaspora, has possibly no Iranian identity papers any more or identity paper from strangers beside iranian`s, I think all these individuals are MONHATT.
4. Those Iran borns now living in abroad and mind about "their country" and like too much to us the words: WE IRANIANS they all all MONHATT.
5. I recommen to write WE"IRANIAN"S in Interesst of straightfordwardness. Those poeple who live in the Islamic Republic of Iran, the honorable Iranian Nation - so I think - do not need "IRANIAN" Advocates. So i would like to read some social-critical articles about where the Irano-strangers live. For example about the situation of minorities, females, immigrants and so on in Germany.