
Jahanshah Javid
by Jahanshah Javid

it's a beautiful day
take a walk with me

I see through the curtain's crack
the sky is blue
and the sun's reflection
on the neighbor's window
winks twice

There's a red stain
on my pillow on the floor
last night I was eating
Bella's sweet, ripe pomogranates
from Modesto
thinking of you

Your green laughter
in golden gate's orange glow
that's a beautiful day
walking with you


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more from Jahanshah Javid
Rosie T.

Bad News, Romeo-joon

by Rosie T. on

Just found out the following bad news:

Tehran anar nadarad.

(Name of documentary film showing near me).

Well, who knows, could be GOOD news. New documentary could be called...

Albany bayad anar dashtad bashad.... yaa...khahad dasht...

Sorry. Sorry...I just can't resist saying these stupid things on your blogs!  I don't know why. I just can't resist!

Rosie T. Tomato


nice poetry

by f.borhani (not verified) on

dear jahan i did not know you also write poetry.
i loved your khatati on lebash and your picturs,and now anar in poetry, cool congreats or tabrik u got it all.


Well I never!!!!

by bahmani on

...thought that I would live to see the day when the venerable JJ would dip his pen and write something creative again! Glad to have you back brother! I say more! More! Many forget what a good writer (and poet it seems!) "The Editor" of this publication is! Hopefully this will be the re-birth of many more...er..births...er.. I mean.. well you know what I mean.

Rosie T.


by Rosie T. on

It's beautiful, Jahanshah. Don't pay attention to some of these "people". What kind of taste could a person possibly have in poetry who doesn't even understand the basic tenet that if you don't like something you don't say anything? It's like a blind person critiquing a painting. Hafiz, you've read Hafiz like I've read the Akashic Record. Go google.it.




by Hafiz (not verified) on

Crapollah. Eat pomogranete in bed and ride a donkey on the golden gate bridge with green zoozeh.

Rosie T.

oh no, Oh No!

by Rosie T. on

Where ELSE would you eat a ripe pomegranate but in bed?

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

I dare not call it a poem. But it's something. It has lots of problems. It's the thought that counts... I hope! :o)



by oh noooo (not verified) on

why would you eat a ripe pomegranate in bed?????

and what's a green smile? I like shiny white smiles myself

not bad in a colorful sort of way... I am new here... was this your first attempt to poetry?

Nazy Kaviani


by Nazy Kaviani on

Beautiful and sweet! I loved it. Thank you.


Hickory Dickory Dock...

by Anonymous Iranian (not verified) on

i've got an appetite for love, cause' me so horney....


oh oh

by JJ Fan (not verified) on

Sounds like there might be a 3rd Mrs. Javid in the works? :)


Thanks JJ!

by Midwesty on

Very tender!


oh come on

by pissed off (not verified) on

you as well? why?
why? why?


almost geryam gereft great!

by n.zanincanadai1 (not verified) on

almost geryam gereft great!