Red is the right colour


Red is the right colour
by I Voted Ahmadinejad

Thailand, the land of smile and an attractive tourist destination, famous for it’s relax life style and peaceful people, is in chaos these days. Thais, red and yellow alike, have high affiliation for their respective colours and express themselves loudly, causing periodic political unrest in their beautiful country. Red Thais have shown great determination for their cause stood firm in the face of a PM who never got elected and is supported by rich and elites. Since last Thursday, 35 have been killed by the army, which support the PM-this is on the top of 22 people got killed some two weeks ago. The green movement in Iran must take a note of what is happening in Thailand and swap the green for Red, given the fact that Red would be the colour for a revolution.

Thais are observant Buddhists and religion play a very crucial rule in their lives. Buddhist monks are well respected and temples are well taken care of. In Buddhist religion, prostitution is not considered a sin as long as proceed is used to support the family. Even though, the prostitution is a perfectly legit business in Thailand for women and even encouraged by women’s male relatives; a common sense would tell us: no women would like her body to be invaded by some lustrous man. Some critics regard the Thai men as shameless, lazy with no prides who like to do nothing while their female relatives are out there to please tourists, providing for the family. Well, red shirts just proved to the entire world what they are capable of. Red shirts have no friends in the Persian gulf or other place in this world to fund their revolution, they receive no logistic support from Israel and technical support-twitter and facebook-from US nor they get mentioned and congratulated in the western leaders’ speeches; nonetheless, red shirts of Bangkok have stood tall.

Thailand is a kingdom and the king has the last world in important matters. The king is highly respected by almost everybody in Thailand; however, it should not come as surprise to learn that the current PM, who according to the beautiful sounding western democracy should be considered a merciless dictator, has the blessing of Thai monarch. Yellow shirts are the elite class of Thailand and hold all the economical power in that country. Nonetheless, the monarch is what is holding together, preventing a civil war in the land of smile.

Red shirts, who happens to be poor and from rural area (Ahmadinejad constituency), would take no shame to see their women are the providers of their families, but today, they surely take pride for their steadiness and bravery. Red shirts are desperate for some international support to stop their evil PM, who has no regard for human lives, but no one cares, Thailand has no oil no problem with Israel. Despite a cold shoulder from international community, red shirts, a prideful bunch, will eventually prevail because they have chosen the right colour because they have a just cause as well as a right colour.


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Anahid Hojjati

My Thai coworker is not big on reds

by Anahid Hojjati on

Now I really have to follow Thailand news more closely. By the way, no one has found a video about Rezai' s position on Thailand?


A comrade(ish), and, boring suggestion.

by comrade on

Your thoughtful blog could have been, and should have been, adorned with a more relevant photo.

Power To People.



I like the middle one! What is the color of reform?

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred.

Ali P.


by Ali P. on

Khodaa hefzeshoon koneh.