The Apple iPad - Do you have one?

The Apple iPad - Do you have one?
by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

I want to know whether this child labor produced (thank you China!) product is really so ground breaking as the media claims. If you have purchased one, please let us know what you think. I am hearing the price is between 700-860 without tax. Is this going to replace computers? Can you run multiple apps on it?


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more from I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

Apple thrives from innovation

by Abarmard on

The company has become Steve Jobs and he has his way of marketing Apple. So far Apple has been able to brand itself to the important X and Y generation and leave PC behind for "old people". That's the new trend.

How can Apple hold its position would depend on how they will adjust their long-term strategy. As some of you may know, Apple stopped its long-term strategy for the sake of tangible and short-term products that are sexy and sale able. Can they sustain it? Would be interesting to see.Recently they put back their cost of R&D that was taken out.

Also I read an article about the issues between Apple and Google. I believe all companies must watch Google. They are watching all of us all the time! They have too much power of information. 

Very Interesting stuff.


Thanks Behnam for your feedback!

by Monda on

Now I know I should wait on getting me one.

Behnam Behrouzi

The iPad is a New Computing Space

by Behnam Behrouzi on

There is a revolution in being able to hold something as fluid, advanced and workable as the iPad in your hand while leaning back in your chair, as you walk around or while you are on a long drive apposed to hunching over to use your laptop.   Why its a killer product : - We are consuming more and more Internet content every day.  The world is changing and this serves as capacity and catalyst for the content consumption trajectory we are all on.  We need the device to fill the void that is being created by the mass consumption of content.  If you don't have that void yet, you will eventually, because your lives will drag it into being. - The portability, ease and display of the product make conducive for mass consumption of multi-media content in casual settings.  You can't do it with the iPhone and you won't (or don't want to) do it with the laptop. - Wicked display, new level of portability and fluid applications serve as best experience of multimedia content.  Nothing else comes close. - Its portability will penetrate key spaces, such as doctors offices, restaurants, the workplace, your home, etc, because it works and you can carry it with just one hand.   - For digital book reading market, it annihilates any other product by miles. - The apps that will soon arrive…Aside from new innovations born from new apps, you will naturally migrate certain tasks from the laptop and from the iPhone to this device. On a macro level the iPad is not meant to replace the laptop or the iPhone.  It is made for a new space.  The casual, travel, leisure space where you can't consume content via the iPhone and you won't with a clunky laptop.  The first generation has a lot of growth to do such as 3g (soon to arrive), a camera, flash video(alternative coming) and other features that will be added in over time.  However, when the price drops and the features are there it will simply make sense to get one. On a micro level, if you are forming your opinion without having held one and used it.  Go and hold one first.


The Queen of England also

by benross on

The Queen of England also has an iPod... a gift from Obama!

For free advertisement, Apple is the master of the domain. Being 'lucky' is just the facade. As they say in Hockey jargon, you have to be good to be lucky.


The first product of Steve Jobs was not Macintosh. It was 'marketing'. While we were busy with class struggle without the class, bringing down the Shah regime, Steve Jobs was selling the 'illusion' of class struggle to build something. I guess here, there is a lesson to be learned.


I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

This thing is getting so much free advertising

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

Apple is one lucky company! The news is covering it like it's the new pope, which we may have soon haha. Did you know the pope has an ipod?


After so many years, I

by Bavafa on

After so many years, I finally bought my first IPod which is part of my IPhone and have been most disappointed in its limitation and functionality.



The flash issue is partly a

by benross on

The flash issue is partly a 'business clash' between Adobe and Apple, and partly because Apple often focuses on cutting edge technology which might not be widespread at present time.

The older Mac users might remember that Apple completely removed floppy drives from its desktop computers when everybody was using it and only few had CD drives on their computers.

Now Apple says that it is already supporting the new HTML5 standard for web content, which provides the same abilities as Flash, only much better. So it is basically waiting for the world to catch-up with Apple... as usual!

iPad is not for me. As iPhone was not for me either. But as JJ alluded, Apple is really good at inventing desperate needs you never knew you had!


I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

Bingo Holly!

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

I really think that if Apple started making bed sheets, people would buy those too. I like their products, but there's a limit. I think the iPad crosses the line. 

I think Jahanshah is right. Why don't they make a netbook? That would be great. The mini macbook is not very mini. Sheesh. 


It's a Cult!

by HollyUSA on


Adobe and Apple etc.

by HollyUSA on

There's bad blood between the two which probably has something to do with flash not being present on this. But Jobs also has said that Flash is just too slow and it is also said that it is the one app that causes the system to crash often.
The iPad doesn't multitask like a laptop either so there's just no way it can replace the laptop for people who use a laptop to full or near full potential.

Also, even though they say it can run almost all of iPhone's apps the truth is that most of those apps appear as a small box on your screen and can only be crudely magnified x 2. But we know that there will be a ton of apps for the ipad very soon just like there were for the iphone.

I just don't see how it is going to replace a laptop although I'm sure there are a lot of trendy people with enough money and little/no need for the full functionality of a laptop to buy it so that they can look cool. I wouldn't be surprised if Apple announces the one million mark pretty soon. And since innovation is their trademark I guess it will prove to be a good move for Apple afterall.

Needless to say, I won't be buying one :)

Jahanshah Javid

Makes no sense

by Jahanshah Javid on

Apple could have made a mini laptop and it would have been far more popular. But a smaller (cheaper) laptop would have meant fewer people would buy its current (expensive) laptops. So they developed the iPad instead to try to take advantage of the growing multi-media aspect of phones. But I think it makes no sense. If you have an iPad you're not going to get rid of your phone. I don't think Apple will sell a lot of these -- not enough to make it an industry standard like the iPhone or the iPod.

Then again Steve Jobs has proven again and again that he's a trend setter. We'll see. I say not this time.

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

Jahanshah this is what I'm thinking

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

Why is the media boasting about this? What is really so wonderful about a big iPhone? The library selection is the same as kindle or nook as you said. There is no new software, so I don't understand. The Barnes and Noble nook permits music listening from what I understand the hype and I think it even has touch screen. I think this is an example of Apple mystique vs. common sense.

Jahanshah Javid

Who needs one?

by Jahanshah Javid on

There aren't enough good reasons for me to switch from a laptop to the iPad. It's only interesting feature is the book/newspaper reader. And for that I would get the Amazon Kindle or something similar.

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

The iPhone problem - multiple apps and Flash

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

Is that you cannot run mutliple apps. The new 3G software fixed some of this, but not all. I am also very annoyed that they have blocked flash. Why? I understand flash is kinda iffy, but Apple is becoming annoying when they act like this. If I buy an apple product, it is MY Choice whether I want to use Flash, not apple's.