The Ultimate Triumph of Situationism?

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol
by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol

Tomorrow October 15, 2011 is a day of coordinated international protests. These are based on the North African and Spaniard movements before them, aslo augmented by the recent Occupy Wall St, and its nation wide effect. Whatever the ultimate outcome of all these movements and protests, one aspect is very certain, and that's the Situationist roots the influence of the journal Ad Buster, "Cultural Jamming" and the Situationist school of thought, on the October 15 Protests, OWS,.. You be the judge.

Below is "the" Situationist text of all times:

Society of the Spectacle






Recently by Hooshang Tarreh-GolCommentsDate
عباس آقا، کارگر ایران ناسیونال
Nov 05, 2011
Oakland General Strike
Nov 03, 2011
غوغای ستارگان
Sep 26, 2011
more from Hooshang Tarreh-Gol

در وال استریت، بحران توفان زایید

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol

فریبرز رییس دانا


متن سخنرانی فریبرز رییس دانا در میزگرد تحلیل اجتماعی- اقتصادی جنبش اشغال وال استریت

دانشکده علوم اجتماعی دانشگاه تهران

هفتم آذر ۱۳۹۰


بر روی یکی از پلاکاردهای معترضان وال استریت نوشته شده بود:

جهان به اندازه نیاز هر کس دارد، به اندازه حرص هر کس ندارد

در همه جای امریکا، شرکت کنندگان در جنبش وال استریت، اندیشه
مند، آگاه و هوشیارند؛ گرچه به طور متوسط، از متوسط جامعه کم درآمدتر اند،
اما از متوسط جامعه، درد آشناتر و هدفمندتر اند. آنها نه جامعه ای خیالی را
در سر می پرورند و نه در نوستالوژی بازگشت به گذشته اند. آنها نقطه ی
مقابل تی پارتی محافظه کار اند، زیرا به آینده ای شدنی، بهتر و مطمئن تر می
اندیشند. ایدئولوژی برای آنان، نظریه را نمی سازد و نظریه، زندگی را فدا
نمی کند. بر عکس، آنها به زندگی شادکامانه، مردمی و آزاد می اندیشند و از
آنجا نظریه می گیرند و از آن نظریه هاست که می روند تا به ایدئولوژی مقاومت
و مبارزه، دست یابند.



جلسه بررسی اقتصادی - اجتماعی جنبش وال استریت در دانشگاه تهران

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol

جلسه بررسی اقتصادی - اجتماعی جنبش وال استریت در دانشگاه تهران

بدیل ما سوسیالیسم است روز
دوشنبه ۷ آذر در محل انجمن جامعه شناسی دانشکده علوم اجتماعی دانشگاه
تهران جلسه بررسی  اجتماعی - اقتصادی جنبش وال استریت با حضور فریبرز رئیس
دانا(اقتصاد دان)، ناصر فکوهی(استاد انسان شناسی)، محمد مالجو(اقتصاد دان)،
محس حکیمی(نویسنده و مترجم)، علی رضا ثقفی ( نویسنده و مترجم)   برگزار
شد.  نکته قابل توجه استقبال زیاد مخاطبان بود که بیش از ظرفیت سالن
برگزاری بود. در نتیجه به قول مجری برنامه حضار به معترضان وال استریت بر
روی زمین بنشینند. عده ی بسیاری هم به صورت سرپا به سخنرانی ها گوش دادند.



Meet the Man Behind Occupy Wall Street

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

Or: A Tribute to Graeber and his imagination. 

Meet the Man Behind Occupy Wall Street


The Anti-Leader of Occupy Wall Street


David Graeber likes to say that he had three goals for the year: promote
his book, learn to drive, and launch a worldwide revolution. The first
is going well, the second has proven challenging, and the third is
looking up.


The First 5,000 Years




10,000 storng, peaceful, non-violent rally at Foley Square

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

Mike check!

This is an incredibly creative multitude of new york city, (one of the most diverse in the world) and surrounding areas, singing and dancing their way to the square.


 Blood on

by vildemose on

 Blood on Wallstreet:


"It is the chain of communicat­ion, not the means of production­, that determines a social process."

-- Robert Anton Wilson


We Are Unstoppable. Another World Is Possible.

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on


Ain't no power, like the power of people, because power of people don't stop.


Haiku from Zuccotti Park

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

Haiku from Zuccotti  Park

Moloch’s motor got stuck

on the roof of Casino Wall Street

look up! moon, a ghost chip in the sky…


10/ 10/11 “Columbus” Day/Liberty Plaza          Anne Waldman




A Twenty-First-Century Surreality?


The Zeitgeist shifted?



Occupy Writers

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on



Send us your name and the name of your publication, as above.

NOTE: Given the large volume of submissions, there will be some delay
before your name appears in the list. Volunteers are entering each and
every name by hand.

Once you’ve done that, visit your local occupation and write about it—a paragraph, a poem, a comic, a story, a vignette, anything goes—and send it our way. We’re looking for original
writing by signatories to the list. What kind of writing is up to you,
but we’re especially interested in hearing accounts, in any form, of
your experiences at Occupy camps and protests around the world.


Jon Stewart on Occupy Wall Street

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on



And a Jon wanna be? Another young Stewart?

The REAL Occupy Wall Street protest Daily Show -ish



تبلیغات سوسیالیستی زنده باد اشغال وال استریت در کرج+گزارش تصویری

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol

زنده باد اشغال وال استریت
زنده باد اشغال را این بار در خیابان ها و با اشغال دیوارهای شهری فریاد زدیم! //



by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

Eviction of Occupy Wall Street at Liberty Square Underway



برای آزادی آريا آرام نژاد - اجرا: فعالين جنبش اشغال وال استريت

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol

Indi and Dilan at Wall Street singing for imprisoned singer Arya Aramnejad



17آبان. آريا آرام نژاد خواننده و آهنگساز جوان با يورش مامورين اطلاعات بازداشت شد

بر اساس گزارشات رسيده از منابع استان مازندران آريا آرام نژاد آهنگ
ساز و خواننده جوان هوادار جنبس سبز، ساعاتی قبل با يورش پنج مامور وزارت
اطلاعات استان مازندران بازداشت شده است.

آريا آرام نژاد که برای پيگيری پرونده محکوميت خود به دادگاه تجديد نظر
استان مازندران واقع در ساری مراجعه کرده بود، پس از بازگشت به منزل با
يورش ماموران امنيتی بازداشت و به مکان نا معلومی انتقال داده شد.

بنا به اين گزارش اين دستگيری همراه با ضرب شتم اين آهنگساز جوان و
دستبند زدن در داخل خانه توسط ماموران اطلاعات شهرستان بابل صورت گرفت
.گفتنی است ماموران امنيتی ضمن تفتيش منزل بخشی از دست نوشته های آريا و
مدارک کاری و همچنين کامپيوتر شخصی او را نيزتوقيف کرده و با خود بردند.

آريا آرام نژاد آهنگ ساز خوش ذوق و نام آشنای هوادار جنبش است که پس از
حوادث عاشورای ۱۳۸۸ ترانه‌ای با عنوان علی برخيز ارائه کرد. وی چندی پس از
انتشار اين ترانه که با استقبال خوبی از سوی مردم و مخاطبان مواجه گرديده
بود، توسط اداره اطلاعات بابل در ۲۶ بهمن ماه ۱۳۸۸ به اتهام اقدام عليه
امنيت ملی دستگير شد. او پس گذراندن نزديک به ۵۰ روز انفرادی و زندان که
تمام اين مدت را در بند انفرادی زندانهای متي‌کلا شهرستان بابل و
بازداشتگاه اداره اطلاعات شهرستان ساری سپری کرده بود، به قيد وثيقه آزاد و
در دادگاه انقلاب شهرستان بابل به نه ماه حبس تعزيری محکوم شده بود.
دادگاه تجديد نظر در حال بررسی پرونده فعالين سبز شهر بابل است که تا کنون
نتيجه دادگاه مشخص نگرديده است. 17 آبان 1390

برادر پای من گیره



Talkin bout a revolution

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on


Don't you know you're talking about a revolution
Sounds like a whisper
Don't you know they're talking about a revolution
Sounds like a whisper

While they're standing in the welfare lines
Crying at the doorsteps of those armies of salvation
Wasting time in unemployment lines
Sitting around waiting for a promotion

Don't you know you're talking about a revolution
Sounds like a whisper

Poor people  gonna rise up
And get their share
Poor people are gonna rise up
And take what's theirs

Don't you know you better run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run
Oh I said you better run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run

It's finally the tables are starting to turn
Talking about a revolution
It's finally the tables are starting to turn
Talking about a revolution going on
Talking about a revolution going on

While they're standing in the welfare lines
Crying at the doorsteps of those armies of salvation
Wasting time in unemployment lines
Sitting around waiting for a promotion

Don't you know you're talking about a revolution
Sounds like a whisper

And finally the tables are starting to turn
Talking about a revolution
Finally the tables are starting to turn
Talking about a revolution. going on
Talking about a revolution. going on
Talking about a revolution, going on



by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on



The Situationists and the Occupation Movements (1968/2011)

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

Moving right along the Situationsits' structure of feeling:

" We are not just inspired by what happened in the Arab
Spring recently, we are students of the Situationist movement. Those are
the people who gave birth to what many people think was the first
global revolution back in 1968


Complemenatary reading with the text above, could be a browse through the foot notes below:

1) Tis one: Originally published as a weekly column, widely read by the youth of Paris, some of whome took the pavement stones and put them to good use.

From The Revolution Of Everyday Life



2) Tis two, the second one aka: The World-system theory.



Occupation Listings

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

Declaration of the Occupation of New York City

By the NYC General Assembly


we gather together in solidarity to express a feeling o mass injustice,
we must not lose sight of what brought us together. We write so that
all people who feel wronged by the corporate forces of the world can
know that we are your allies. We come to you at a time when
corporations, which place profit over people, self-interest over
justice, and oppression over equality, run our governments. We have
peaceably assembled here, as is our right, to let these facts be known.



Occupy Auburn    Occupy Birmingham     Occupy Huntsville    Occupy Mobile   Occupy Tuscaloosa



Occupy Alaska    Occupy Anchorage



Occupy Arizona    Occupy Flagstaff     Occupy Phoenix


Occupy Tempe    Occupy Tucson         Occupy Yuma



Occupy Arkansas    Occupy Fayetteville



Occupy Arcata    Occupy Berkeley    Occupy Central Valley   Occupy Chico   Occupy Coachella Valley  Occupy Costa Mesa    Occupy Eureka    Occupy Fresno Occupy Humboldt    Occupy Irvine    Occupy Long Beach Occupy Los Angeles    Occupy Merced    Occupy Modesto    Occupy Napa   Occupy Oakland    Occupy Orange County   Occupy Redding    Occupy Riverside Occupy Sacramento    Occupy Santa Barbara    Occupy Santa Cruz    Occupy San Diego    Occupy San Francisco Occupy San Luis Obispo    Occupy San Jose    Occupy Santa Rosa    Occupy Stockton    Occupy Ventura



Occupy Boulder    Occupy Colorado Springs   Occupy Denver



Occupy Connecticut    Occupy Hartford  
Occupy New Haven



Occupy DC    Occupy K Street



Occupy Delaware



Occupy Daytona Beach    Occupy Florida   Occupy Ft. Lauderdale    Occupy Fort Myers    Occupy Gainesville Occupy Jacksonville    Occupy Kissimmee    Occupy Lake Worth    Occupy Miami    Occupy Ocala    Occupy Orlando    Occupy Palm Beach    Occupy Pensacola Occupy St. Petersburg    Occupy Sarasota    Occupy South Florida    Occupy Tampa    Occupy Tallahassee



Occupy Athens    Occupy Atlanta    Occupy Columbus Occupy Macon    Occupy North Georgia   

Occupy Savannah



Occupy Hawaii    Occupy Hilo    Occupy Honolulu Occupy Kona    Occupy Oahu    Occupy Waikiki



Occupy Boise    Occupy Coeur d’Alene    Occupy Idaho Falls    Occupy Moscow    Occupy Sandpoint



Occupy Carbondale    Occupy Champaign Urbana Occupy Chicago    Occupy Rockford    Occupy Springfield



Occupy Bloomington    Occupy Columbus    Occupy Evansville     Occupy Fort Wayne    Occupy Indianapolis Occupy LaFayette    Occupy Smalltown Indiana

Occupy South Bend



Occupy Iowa    Occupy Des Moines    Occupy Iowa City Occupy Mason City



Occupy Lawrence    Occupy Witchita



Occupy Berea    Occupy Bowling Green    Occupy Kentucky    Occupy Lexington    Occupy Louisville



Occupy New Orleans



Occupy Augusta    Occupy Maine



Occupy Baltimore



Occupy Boston    Occupy Northampton    Occupy Worcester



Occupy Ann Arbor    Occupy Detroit    Occupy Flint Occupy Grand Rapids    Occupy Kalamazoo    Occupy Lansing    Occupy Michigan    Occupy Monroe    Occupy SE  Michigan



Occupy Duluth    Occupy Minneapolis    Occupy    Minnesota



Occupy Mississippi



Occupy Columbia    Occupy Joplin    Occupy Kansas City    Occupy St. Louis    Occupy Springfield



Occupy Butte    Occupy Helena    Occupy Missoula Occupy Montana



Occupy Lincoln    Occupy Nebraska    Occupy Omaha



Occupy Carson City    Occupy Las Vegas    Occupy Reno    Occupy Tahoe


30-New Hampshire

Occupy Manchester    Occupy New Hampshire


31-New Jersey

Occupy New Jersey    Occupy Trenton


32-New Mexico

Occupy Albuquerque    Occupy Carlsbad    Occupy Las Cruces    Occupy New Mexico    Occupy Roswell    Occupy Santa Fe    Occupy Taos


33-New York

Occupy Albany    Occupy Binghamton    Occupy Buffalo    Occupy Cortland    Occupy Hudson Valley    Occupy  Ithaca    Occupy Plattsburgh    Occupy Poughkeepsie Occupy Rochester    Occupy Saratoga Springs    Occupy Syracuse    Occupy Wall Street    Occupy Utica


34-North Carolina

Occupy Asheville    Occupy Boone    Occupy Chapel Hill Occupy Charlotte    Occupy Durham    Occupy Greensboro    Occupy Raleigh    Occupy Wilmington Occupy Winston Salem


35-North Dakota

Occupy Fargo    Occupy North Dakota



Occupy Akron    Occupy Cincinnati    Occupy Cleveland Occupy Columbus    Occupy Dayton    Occupy Toledo Occupy Youngstown



Occupy Norman    Occupy OKC    Occupy Stillwater    Occupy Tulsa



Occupy Ashland    Occupy Bend    Occupy Cottage Grove    Occupy Eugene    Occupy Portland    Occupy Seaside Oregon    Occupy Salem



Occupy Allentown    Occupy Bethlehem/Leigh Valley Occupy Erie    Occupy Harrisburg    Occupy Lancaster Occupy    Occupy Williamsport


40-Rhode Island

Occupy Providence


41-South Carolina

Occupy Charleston    Occupy Columbia    Occupy Florence    South Dakota    Occupy Sioux Falls



Occupy Chattanooga    Occupy Clarksville    Occupy Johnson City    Occupy Knoxville    Occupy Memphis Occupy Nashville



Occupy Amarillo    Occupy Austin    Occupy Dallas    Occupy Denton    Occupy El Paso     Occupy Houston Occupy Marfa    Occupy McAllen    Occupy San Antonio Occupy Texarkana



Occupy Salt Lake City



Occupy Burlington    Occupy Rutland



Occupy Richmond    Occupy Norfolk



Occupy Bellingham    Occupy Olympia    Occupy Perth  Occupy Seattle     Occupy Spokane    Occupy Tacoma Occupy Tri-Cities    Occupy Wenatchee    Occupy Yakima


48-West Virginia

Occupy Charleston    Occupy Huntington    Occupy Morgantown    Occupy West Virginia    Occupy Wheeling



Occupy Appleton    Occupy Green Bay    Occupy La Crosse    Occupy Madison    Occupy Milwaukee


Live Updates from the Oakland General Strike

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on


"There are decades when nothing happens; and there are weeks when decades happen"

Anahid Hojjati

Today is big day for Occupy Oakland protesters

by Anahid Hojjati on

They have asked for strikes and demonstrations. Some of them were protesting near where I was going to have lunch more than an hour ago. I started looking at their banners and this lady who was standing close to me and was  taking pictures of protesters, asked me to join them. It turns out that she was from Lawyers Guild and was documenting with pictures, etc, I guess if police brutality happened. Some buildings had their doors closed and the security guard at front let people in.


Mike Davis on: Not Chewing Bubble Gum & The Occupy Movement!

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on




دوشادوش جنبش جهاني، پيش به سوي اشغال بيت رهبري

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol

پیام شانزدهم: از سوی کمپین به یاران و مبارزان درون مرز

آماج هایی برای پدافندهای بابکی

پس از کشتار هزاران زندانی سیاسی در سال 67 که مخفیانه و بدون "سر و صدا" صورت گرفت، و بعد از قتل های زنجیره ای که با سکوت و سازشکاری اصلاح طلبان به حاشیه رانده شد، در یورش سوم به زندانیان سیاسی که از سال هشتاد و هشت آغاز شده است، با حمــــــــــــــــاسه ی پایداری مبارزان در بند روبرو هستیم>>>




by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on


New York State of Mind (II)

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

Tony Bennet just keeps getting better and better.

New York State Of Mind - Billy Joel - Tony Bennett - Live At Shea Stadium (HD)




Occupy Togehter

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

Please share with friends and spread the word.



Calling out to the Iranian Diaspora!

Let's add our voices to the Occupy Wall Street movement!

RAHA Iranian Feminist Collective invites individuals and groups in the Iranian diasopra to come together, occupy together.

build whatever we envision: if you or your group wants to perform, lead
a teach-in, bring art or political information, POST HERE so we can

We're not just showing our support for the movement, we ARE the movement.

Sunday, October 23, 1pm, Zuccotti Park
Meet under the red sculpture (Cedar and Broadway)





اشغال وال استريت مهمترين و بزرگترين رخداد زمان ما است!

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol

سخنرانی نوامی کلاين درباره اشغال وال استريت

اشغال وال استريت مهمترين و بزرگترين رخداد زمان ما است!



۱۵اکتبر، روز اعتراض جهانی توده های محروم علیه سرمایه داری

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol

جنبش جهانی علیه نظام سرمایه داری همچنان ادامه دارد. مردم معترضی که در میادین بیش از هزار شهر دنیا علیه سرمایه شعار می دهند، با گذشت هر روز عزم شان جزم تر و تاکتیک و روش مبارزه شان مبتکرانه تر و شعار و مطالبات شان رادیکال تر می شود>>>



NY State of Mind

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

Bruce Springsteen & Billy Joel - New York State of Mind



Chris Hedges in Times Square, October 15, 2011



A musical tribute to Occupy World Movement

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

Something new, something old, hope you like it.



What's Going On!


Celtic Tiger 



Greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy
So greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy

Now they saw the Celtic Tiger in my home town
Brings jewels and crowns, picks you up off the ground
But the Celtic Tiger does two things
It brings you good luck or it eats you up for its supper
It’s the tale of the two cities on the shamrock shore
Please Sir can I have some more
Cos if you are poor you’ll be eaten for sure
And that’s how I know the poor have more taste than the rich
And that’s how I know the poor have more taste than the rich

Hear the Celtic Tiger roar - I want more
Hear the Celtic Tiger roar - I want more, more, more

The fastest growing inflation rate in the world,
the cost of a run down house is absurd
This isn’t any age for a low income wage
Ask anyone who’s locked in a cage
A couple with kids can’t afford a place to live
Even if they have a good job
We’re bring robbed by the builders and the fat cat government
A league of greed and they don’t even need for a thing
It’s a sin
But it’s the nature of the beast
You’d better go and find a priest and confess
Because your greed is gonna leave you soulless

Where we gonna live, what we gonna do
We’ll have to move in with the woman in the shoe
They’re driving us onto the streets
While the fat cat in government cheats, and always
gets away with his crime
A kid steals a jacket and does time
Just look at the world around you
Tell me why is there so much need?
Because of greed
So greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy


Just look at the world around you
Tell me why is there so much need?
Because of greed


This is just the start

by divaneh on

This movement will go much further. This was inevitable and is the second shock to the system after the London riots. Inequality has been increasing all over the world as the result of the rule of capital. Berlin wall has come down and the unchained capitalism shows its real face. This movement may not gain substantial changes but I think it will be successful in placing more control over the capital.

One interesting point that I learnt recently is that the banks were forced to separate their investment arms from their retail arms in the early 20th century after a similar crash. I suppose it is not only Iranians who are poor learners. 


Ten Points for the Occupied Movement

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

Against Wall Street’s culture of economic exploitation, environmental
degradation and human oppression we stand together to testify that
another world is possible, a decent and humane world, a democratic world
of liberty, dignity and solidarity.



Movements with a Difference

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

RG jaan thanks for your kind comments. I think one essential aspect of this movement that we on Iranian Left might not be used to, and have a tendency to overlook is its Anti-Authoritarian, Horizontal, Leaderlessness (in the sense that everyone is a leader) quality.

These politically healthy aspects are indeed what has been missing from our social, political discourse for the past three decades in Iran, and what we need to study, observe and learn from.

