Restructuring Iran's Political Structure

by HBPM1

To an astute observer of Iran's political structure, it would seem that the existence of the Shur'a Khobregan (or Assembly of Experts) is unnecessary and redundant, and that perhaps its should be dismantled.  In its stead, one could envision a 15 member panel of jurists (religious experts- though not necessarily clergymen- of the highest moral character and scholarly achievement) with members nominated by the President of the Republic, and approved by a majority vote of the Majlis Shur'a to serve for terms from 45 years of age up to 70 years of age.  This body would, as part of its responsibilities, not just review and vet legislation passed by the Majlis Shur'a for its consistency and compatibility with the constitutional requirements of the Republic, but would at -15 year intervals- nominate 2 candidates, each approved by a majority vote of the Majlis Shur'a, and aged between 45 years of age and 55 years of age, for one to be elected as the next Rahbar (or Leader) by a nationwide popular vote to replace the outgoing Rahbar.


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Iran's political structure.....

by luciferous (not verified) on getting new every day. since 30 years. otherwise it would have not been possible to win against criminal tricks of strangers. in top of them the american imperialism. On ecan only pray to God and hope that the defendance keeps on since the tricks will never end.


Say no to drugs

by Iranyvaliazad on

and stop sniffing glue ... or are you looking for a promotion within so called Iran's political structure?  If it is the latter, then I suggest you learn how to cut throats for in current islamic structure that is one trait that is valued above all others.