Islamist Nazis

by Fred

Keyhan newspaper whose longtime chief editor is an appointee of the Supreme Rapist Khamenei has announced the order to execute six more protesters has been “upheld” and is to be carried out.

This piecemeal decimation of democracy activists and the deafening silence of the officials of the sane world will comeback to haunt all.

Modern history has repeatedly shown rabid regimes have to be delegitimized and confronted or they will lead the world to disaster.  

If Nazis were confronted in 1933, the world would not have had to deal with their aftermath.

Islamists in IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic are acting every bit like Nazis, time to confront them is now!



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Mien Führer

by Fred on

Mien Führer given your regime’s commonality with the Nazis in the following, your defense of the Islamist Rapist Republic and disagreement about its comparison with Nazis is not surprising at all:

Nazi’s Sturmabteilung (brownshirts), your regime’s Basijies & Pasdars.

Nazi’s innate hatred of gays, your regime’s likewise hatred of gays.

Nazi’s rabid Anti-Semitism, your regime’s rabid Anti-Semitism.

Nazi’s use for women limited to producing soldiers for them, your regimes likewise valuation of women.

Nazi’s absolute leader your namesake the Führer, your regime’s absolute leader, the Head Rapist Khamenei.

The list of commonality is long and these should suffice for now.  


You are too green, do not skip class.


ps. although "Barry' is a nice name, U.S. President seems to be fine with his name to remain as Barack Hussein Obama.

"Next on the Fred blog, I will talk about how much of an appeaser the muslim islamist kenyan born islamist Barry Islamist Hussein Obama is."


Fred, seriously, if you are reading this

by Marjaneh on

( I have an ignore filter myself and just don't see certain posters' posts.)

ba man ghari ya/vo hosele nadari?

Which is (un)fair enough, but just sad (for me)....


"...society celebrates its live conformists and its dead troublemakers..." - Mignon McLaughlin

(I'll continue to read your blogs though and participate by myself, although when not corrected, it makes it more difficult and quite silly. ;)) 


Where have i heard hte Nazi analogy before?


Oh yeah, from right-wing blogs and neoconservative talking points. Are you sure you're not one of Alan M. Dershowitz's interns?



Next on the Fred blog, I will talk about how much of an appeaser the muslim islamist kenyan born islamist Barry Islamist Hussein Obama is.


The islamist Nazis love affair

by fooladi on

Is nohing new:


Neither is the khalifat's policy of maintaing fear by executing a few of his "hostages" he takes of Iranian people every so often. The problem for him is that this policy of fear is not working anymore. the more he kills. the deeper the grave he is digging for himself and his ilk is becoming. He is creating mor martyrs. 




by Fred on

Each to their own.


one cliche after another

by Marjaneh on

now it's nasty nasty Chamberlain for trying to prevent the mass genocide of millions of people,then forced into declaring war , sacrificing his own political career for his people,  working in Churchill's War Cabinet etc. etc. etc...!


And I thought I was relatively bad at history! 

"...society celebrates its live conformists and its dead troublemakers..." - Mignon McLaughlin


Terrible news Fred

by Escape on

6 more people are to be executed and 'people' are more concerned with the regime getting called 'Nazi's..


Terrible news Fred

by Escape on

6 more people are to be executed and 'people' are more concerned with the regime getting called 'Nazi's..


Sargord, the irony is

by Marjaneh on

that it's predominantly used by the (extreme) right-wing!

"...society celebrates its live conformists and its dead troublemakers..." - Mignon McLaughlin



by Fred on

 I read somewhere, don’t remember where or even if the number is accurate, that way before Nazis got so powerful on nearly six hundred occasions Churchill wrote and/or spoke about the need to confront them. 

As the lovelies are today, Chamberlains was in vogue back then.

Sargord Pirouz


by Sargord Pirouz on

Goodwin's Law:


You lose again, Fred. 



by LoverOfLiberty on

Let's just hope that, this time around, the voices of Churchills become much louder over time than the voices of Chamberlains.

But, I wouldn't hold my breath...unfortunately.



comparitively incorrect analogy

by Marjaneh on

" If Nazis were confronted in 1933, the world would not have had to deal with their aftermath."

That's the time when e.g. granpapa bushtapo heavily invested in the then fascist company Thyssen- Krupp and many others and continued to reap its lovely fruits during the war....Hint hint.

Also there is a fundamental difference between an ideology based on mythological "ideals", (rising out a relatively young nation,out of extreme poverty,chaos and threat of civil war and communism - mostly consequences of the Versailles Treaty...) and that of a monotheistic religion/theocracy.  Something , your favourite fruitcake Shariati had completely missed.


Apropos hangings and rapes and torture too.  They are condoned (in/directly and as you mentioned too through silence)  by a society that shames and shuns the victims. The millions of Mitläufer need to be revolted (by themselves too) in order to revolt.

"...society celebrates its live conformists and its dead troublemakers..." - Mignon McLaughlin

updated to say: 'Hadn't realized that this blog is supposed to be about the obvious fascistic elements of IRR and not context, cause and consequences of 1933 in comparison.




by Fred on

Many thanks, I had read it. The problem is Mead speaks reality and we are in fantasyland.

The goo-goo appeasers have the upper hand trying hard to become latter-day goo-goo genocidaires.

These are desperate times for those who are seeing  history being repeated.



by LoverOfLiberty on