استاد هفت خط


by Fred

جای دوستان خالی دیروز که به مناسبت روز استقلال شیطان گُنده بک تعطیل بود کوفته تبریزی و دیگر ماکولات از اشربه و اطمعه باقیماندۀ روز پیش را با حرص و ولع مثال زدنی به خندق بلا ارسال و فی الفور به تماشای جعبۀ کرامات عمو سام نشسته که چشمتان روز بد نبیند عاقله مردی آمده بود سخنانی به ظاهر معقول و در مجموع سفسطه بار بینندگان میکرد. علیا مخدره مجری برنامه هم عینهو بچه مرشدها دم بدمش میداد.

آن استاد هفت خط روزگار با کلی تحرکات گردنی و یدی و حرارت وصف ناشدنی لسانی از جمله میفرمودند که تحریم های جدید بد و اَخ است و بجای آنها باید:

"-در مورد نقض فاحش حقوق بشر در ایران که بطور دائم و هر روز اتفاق می افته، میشه یه کمپین بین المللی بسیار شدید راه انداخت و این را افشا کرد.

- میشه جلوی آن کمپانی هایی که اجناس بنجل چینی و کره ای و تایوانی را وارد ایران میکنند و صنعت داخلی را نابود کرده اند و سود عظیمی را به جیب خودشون ریختن، میشه جلوی اُن کارها را کرد (گرفت)

-میشه تحریم دیپلماتیک برقرار کرد و اجازه نداد که سران جمهوری اسلامی بطور آزادانه به کشور های دور و ور دنیا مسافرت کنند و سعی کنند برای خودشان متحد پیدا کنند"

خدا به سر شاهده که هرچی فکرکردم رابطه افشای "نقض فاحش حقوق بشر در ایران" که خود حضرات با افتخار در مورد فواعد دست بریدن و اعدام و سنگسار کردن در کنفرانسهای بین المللی داد سخن میدهند با فشار بر نظام پر برکت را درک کنم، عقلم به جایی قد نداد.

به جان آقا بزرگ هر چی زور زدم بفهمم چطوری میشه آن بند دویم در مورد اجناس بنجل را بدون تحریم همه جانبه وارد مرحله عمل کرد و تازه اگر هم شد فقدان اجناس بنجل به چه کار فشار بر نظام پر برکت میاد، بازهم عقلم به جایی قد نداد.

به نان و نمک سوگند که آن حرفهای قلمبه سلمبه در مورد "تحریم دیپلماتیک" برای جلوگیری از "متحد پیدا" کردن حضرات مسئول نظام پر برکت را هم از بیخ نفهمیدم. آقا جان نفهمیدم که چطوری میشه با تحریم دیپلماتیک مثلاً چاوز، اسد و ایل جان نمیدونم چی چی کره شمالی را از برکت و افتخار اتحاد با حضرات محروم کرد.

اگر شما ازکارآیی تحریمات از نوع استاد چیزی دستگیرتون شده،فی سبیل الله تنویر افکار فرمایید.


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marhoum Kharmagas

Dr. Frankenstein (to mammad)

by marhoum Kharmagas on

Mammad jaan, after reading your below "Tranvirat", I began to suspect that maybe Fred got a hold of Dr. Frankensteins's machine and transferred a schnitzel of his brain to your head. Unfortunately unlike what happened in 'Young Frankenstine' (at the end), he did not get any part of your original brain, only you got part of his!

It seems that Fred is upset because that schnitzel did not completely reform you!


Haji & nobodies

by Fred on

Have learned not to expect truth from the Islamists or the guts to stand by their own statements, and you Haji nuke certainly are only an affirmation of that lesson.

For ethical reasons I leave it to the interested to do a search, using the real and assumed names of who said what and when.  And when exactly the charlatan Ali Shariati “reformist” Islamists switch from blanket rejection of sanctions, equating it to waging war, to finessing it and asking for sanctions to target those who have kicked them out of the IRR’s power structure.

As to those whose views are viewed by “millions” verses nobodies like yours truly who “perhaps one or two” bother to see, although it might have something to do with wanting to hear the Islamists’ take, what can I say, you're da man.

But, for the umpteenth time, being the nobody that I am why would any one take time away from “millions’ to bother with nobodies remains an unanswered question?


Ps. your demagoguery was challenged and no answer on points raised was forthcoming, what a surprise!

marhoum Kharmagas

Mammad I don't agree with you

by marhoum Kharmagas on

"As the Haji has said many times, opposition to sanctions is opposition to sanctions that hurt the common people, not any sanctions."

So Mammad you basically side with these guys..., your arguments with Fred is only over the details. Sepaah has done many wrongs, and I have no arguments with you on that, but why do you have to side with those whose objective is to ensure that Iran does 'not become unattackable' (I am sure you remember who said this). No wonder Fred is working on you, you are not too far from him.

I agree with you on one thing though, that was some 'Tnvir'!

Fred, go party. 

marhoum Kharmagas


by marhoum Kharmagas on

Mammad, it is so ironic that this guy has called you ... khat. I remember before he came out of the closet (sometime last year) he almost had you fooled.


Thanks Fred for the nicely written post

by fooladi on

And hey, why is it that you are being followed by this Islamist regime's groupies? A fatal attaraction? :) 


Who is lying?

by Mammad on

Evidently you lost your nerves again! Tried too hard to come up with a "response!"

Here is what Haji nuke said 8 months ago in a comment on your blog advocating, as usual, sanctions, war, destruction, and hatred.


Read the rest of the exchanges too. You can read, can you not? A lot of times I doubt it because, as an AIPAC Mafioso, your job is just posting the propaganda that your handlers give you. It took me exactly 20 seconds to find it!


P.S.: Even my good "dast" did not do any good for your smart a.. blog. By speaking on TV or radio, millions will see or hear the speaker. As for your blog? Oh, if you do not constantly click on your own blog, perhaps one or two! That is what really bothers you!! Ask AIPAC to give you a better assignment!! Your true colours are recognized by all the sane people by now!


Haji nuke

by Fred on

Haji nuke number of points,

One, Thanks for being concerned about my blogs “not read by practically anybody”, it is touching.   But at least one person does and besides I have taken the advice of the late Saidi-Sirjani who your Islamist Rapist brethrens murdered. He used to say, every message will find its intended recipient.   


Two, you say “trust me” meaning trusting you, Islamist Haji nuke, sorry can’t do. Islamists have developed a bad reputation and cannot be trusted, learn to live with it.   


Three, you lie so often you’ve lost track of what you’ve said. Now you claim “As the Haji has said many times, opposition to sanctions is opposition to sanctions that hurt the common people, not any sanctions.”

 Sohan-Qom, sanctions are equal to war was not your mantra?

Now you are parsing sanctions, what an Islamist liar you are.   



Four, you just restated what that demagogue who I quoted has said. On the one hand your Sepah owns the economy to the extend that it imports all it wants at the price of devastating local small to large size manufacturing and agriculture, on the other hand you are against sanctions on the economy at large. Isn't this a demagaugic position, an Islamist speciality? 

Ok, Islamist genius how are you going to sanction only the Sepah which owns the country’s economy? 

And those blocked accounts are just the beginning; stay tuned much more to come from Far East. 

Five, South Africa case was an all around sanctions which included travel bans for the Islamist like White racists but and crucially its major component was economic sanctions. Khodeti.


Six, an Islamist like you talking about human rights just cheapens the whole concept, but the point was the demagoguery of that chap which you restate.

BTW whoever sold that oversized suit to that chap must have had a great sense of humor.  


Baraay-e Tanvir-e afkaar-e omoomi!

by Mammad on

As the Haji has said many times, opposition to sanctions is opposition to sanctions that hurt the common people, not any sanctions. For education and lightening of your brain:

The Sepaah makes tens of billions of $$ every year by importing $70 billion cheap, low-quality products. That is so well-known! That is one way it can be hurt. In fact, the US has understood that too. Why were 43 front companies were closed in UAE? Trust me. In this particular case I know exactly what happened.

The diplomatic sanction was used against South Africa, and is being used against several other nations right now with terrible regimes.

And the HR campaign is something that everyone agrees on, except you, of course.


P.S.: Haji thanks you for calling the Ostaad haft khat.

P.S. 2: My late mother always believed that I have a good "dast", meaning when I am the first to do something every day, it goes well for it all day long. May be this blog will get a lot of comments today, unlike your other ones that are not read by practically anybody!