Robbing Americans since 1913

Food for Thought
by Food for Thought

Dr C Quigley investigated the federal reserve. Here's his story, as requested:

If interested see parts 2 & 3 linked to this programme which explain how the elite have hijacked democracy and sell it back to you, repackaged to serve their interests.

If the American public do not wake up to the reality which they are living through now and its consequences they probably never will and will lose some more of their liberty.

It's up to each individual to understand the corruption which has taken hold in their own country.

Wake Up America... The problem is not the bailout; that is a only symptom of a deeper rooted problem of the whole financial system:

Thomas Jefferson warned: If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.


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Food for Thought

There is a solution

by Food for Thought on

The people of America should demand the nationalisation of the federal reserve as it is neither federal (but private) nor is a reserve because if it was it would have sufficient funds to bailout banks.

The underlying problem is that the governement has built up such a deficit through poor policies and vested interests within its ranks that it has to pay interest to its own central bank!!

If that's not a system which is against the country that created it and the people then I don't know what is.

Repeal the federal reserve act and understand your constitution before it gets destroyed piece by piece.