Why do Iranians lie?


Why do Iranians lie?
by Fesenjoon2

Behold the image above. It says "Down with USA". It's what Iranians will translate their famous ideological motto that has been the centerpiece of their foreign policy for 35 years. And it can be seen everywhere in Iran on walls and murals.

Want to know what the true original motto says in Farsi?

It says "DEATH to America". Not Down with USA, or Down with the govt of USA, or down with some of the evil zionist leaders of America.

The original Farsi slogan specifically and unequivocally calls for the DEATH of America.

Shouting "Death to America" is how the contemporary Iranian defines himself. It's the cornerstone of contemporary Iranian civilization. They thrive on antagonizng America, whether on Iranian.com or on the streets of Tehran.

But why the mistranslation? Is it an an attempt at deceit? Or is it a cultural defect?

Consider these:


In fact, in today's Iran, deception and lying are seen as art forms! And lying is even proclaimed in Iran's Shia state religion. It's called taqiyeh.

Maybe they do it to survive, as Golshifteh claims. But I think it goes deeper than that. Iranians are liars by nature. Not just because lying is condoned in Shia Islam, but because it's a cultural value. Consider this: In every day people-to-people exchanges, one sees the following conversation in the Iranian language all too often:

  • 1: Wont you please come in?
  • 2: No thank You, I wont be causing you trouble (mozaahem).
  • 1: Trouble? You are Moraahem! (meaning "you bestow your mercy on us by being so kind")
  • 2: Khaahesh Mikonam ("I beg you!")


Now what is really being said is:

  • 1: Would you like to come in? But please say no, because I dont really mean it, and I'm just trying to be nice.
  • 2: No thank you. You have to beg me more. If you say it three times, and forcefully, then I'll consider it.
  • 1: Let me fluff you up with nice words and use the art of super-flattering to make you feel higher and above me.
  • 2: Back at yourself motherf*cker!


So, in conclusion, one can deduce:

  1. Never take the word of an Iranian at face value. He is bred and taught to lie, because he sees it as a quick way to secure his interest. He/she says they are your friend, but they will say the most crazy-ass shit behind your back to ruin you.
  2. The lies of the Iranian come in many forms: explicit, silent agreement, convoluted, delusional, or dodging the question or changing the topic.
  3. They ARE after mastery of the WMD cycle, and they WILL use it aganist you as political leverage when the time comes. It only takes one fatwa to negate a former one. (Example: Chess was Haram, then it became Halal by decree.) Point in case: How many more rounds of diplomacy will it take for you 5+1 morons to see that Iran is just playing you and killing time?
  4. They hate America, but love to live and prosper in it. They dont even give a shit about what Chomsky is really saying, because they apply the same exact principles of rule and government in their own country and lives, when given the opportunity.
  5. Family values and protecting women's chastity in Iran by covering them up under chadors is just plain and simple Bullshit. They practice legalized prostitution in Iran. It's legally protected by religious decree. (curiously, check out the history on the "House of Chastity") There are even online services now.
  6. Fill in the rest yourself....

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I know, I know......

by Latina on

I know, I know that you are refering to a particular group of Iranians and not all of them.

(At least I hope you are)

I happen to have several Iranian friends and they have always been very kind to me.

They say what they mean. They do what they say.


Note: Wait, what does  Avram Noam Chomsky have to do with this?I don't see the connection.


Never mind. I have only known Chomsky's views up to now from the Linguistic side. I think it is time that I explore his other writings. 




by Fesenjoon2 on



You are generalizing

by amirkabear4u on

I do NOT think all Iranians lie. It is maybe because some of you are surronded by the wrong ones.

Again this 'generalizing' in itself could be a lie too.







by Fesenjoon2 on

Dont be sad!

Me and you can change this!

If every and each individual took on himself to be honest, and stay away from chaploosi and tammalogh, and just say what they mean and do what they say, then Iran would change from the core.

The reason I write these strongly worded blogs is not to condemn and trash, but to try and be a vehicle to instigate change, because I FIRMLY believe that change comes from within, and starts from the bottom and finds its way up. If we (each and every individual) took our moral and civic responsibilities seriously, people like Khamenei wouldnt be in power ruling Iran today.  

Even if Iran is destroyed, it can still rise from the ashes, even after a 1000 years of dormancy, even if nothing exists any longer. 

Even in this shit-hole of a country called Iran, there still live the tak-o-took anonymous individuals that live with dignity and honor. They...will keep the flame alive. 

Dont lose hope my friend(s). 



by Fatollah on

How sad I became reading this, and how true what you say!

 Iran is in sorry state.


Tagieh Or Taqiyya ?! It is SIMPLE!

by Zorumbaa on

A religiously sanctioned and approved behavior and Practice. An anomaly infused in the Iranian psyche about 1500 years ago. Read your Quran to see how and when  lying is just and commendable. Why make the whole thing convoluted and complex, it is simple.  If your religion tells you to do this or that you do knowingly or not, what other explanation can have, even if is plausible, more power and impact to turn people into liars than their religion?  We need YEARS of extermination to get rid of the very ill effect of this cancer and re-learn that at one time we thought Goftar-Nik, Pendar-Nik …..Wasn’t a bad idea!!  


Shazde Asdola Mirza

Not our fault, in fascist states: people are conditioned to lie.

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

It is a required survival instinct, in the face of fascist overlords. See the same in most Ex Communist subjects.

Bad Stories for Bad Kids


خداوند دور نگهدارد این کشور را از دشمن،خشکسالی و از دروغ.


In ancient Persia, lying  was the most shameful thing to do, a true sin !! we lost our ancestry honor code with the islamisation of Iran... step by step our cultural standard changed (for worse ) ! with islamic Revolution lying became the norm of our society (le coup de grâce) ! its seems its part of our cultural DNA now :( all our values are up&down because this very ' intrusive' religion and its nonsense rules !!


IRR/IRI has changed the IRANIAN culture

by Azarbanoo on

completely.  Lying is widespread among most everyone because noone trusts anyone else.  The corruption has been intensified many times since Anghalab. The culture in general has been deteriorated gradually. There is very few sign of GOOD Thought, Good Words, GOOD DEEDS.  Akhoonds been successful in their GOALS to destroy IRAN & IRANI.



by Fesenjoon2 on

Do you really subscribe to the Islam is not the problem belief?

(because culture and religion overlap)  


A culture isn't one of lies, deception

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

that isn't what describes what a culture is.  That is using the Wrong word.

Corrupt Islamic Authorities have been and are the problem in Iran today.

Iran 2050

Great article. The fact

by Iran 2050 on

Great article.

The fact is some of the things you mentioned in your article are the main reasons of what Iran is experiencing now, example, culture of lies and deception and taarof and others, NOT ISLAM as many Iranians claim to be the root cause of Iran's issues.


Very well said!


The culture of lies, more lies, and even more lies!