IRI's inability to maintain natural gas flows

by farrad02

Let's be honest here. The people of Iran have never expected great achievements from their Islamic form of government. But the very least that can be expected is to not live on an ocean of crude oil and natural gas and then suffer from chronic shortage of fuels for their most basic needs that are cooking and heating their homes!

Amid the coldest weather onslaught in some 40 years in the northern half of Iran, many rural and urban residential and commercial users of natural gas and diesel fuels have been left, literally, out in the cold by Iran's incompetent and ill maintained oil and gas industry. To make matters the worst, the IRI has been unable to fulfill it's international gas export commitments. In and un-confirmed report, the government of Turkey has announced that as of several days ago, all flow of natural gas from Iran to Turkey has been halted! And there is no sign of any improvements for the near future!!

By it's inability to maintain adequate levels of natural gas supplies and flow to domestic and international customers, the Islamic Republic of Iran's government has again raised serious questions about it's competency in managing sensitive and critical technologies as well as the economic commitments that go along with these technologies!

The main question now ought to be this: IRI is unable to maintain the health and operability of the oil and gas industry after 60+ years of experience and local expertise in running these native industries. How can the international community trust this regime in managing and maintaining the super elegant, ultra-sensitive and very dangerous nuclear industry?!




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To: Anonymous8

by farrad02 on

رژیم ترکمنستان هم یه چیزی مثل همین تحفه های خودمونه دیگه! هر دو مثل هم.ولی بی کفایتی یکی شون اون یکی رو تبریه نمیکنه داداش! 


The uneducated gets easily influenced

by XerXes (not verified) on

You guys are very easily influenced by the Western Media. Of course that what they tell you and want you to think. The fact that Iranian government is against them robbing the middle east, the west wants to make life hell for IRI. I agree with Anonymous8's question. Check your facts before answering these questions. Always remember that when your enemy is mad at you, it's a good thing.


REPLY : UNABLE...........

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

Just the most true word which is ever spocken. Iranians are unable. Unable to throw atomic bombs as US, unable to burn human beings as europians unable to go as slaves as so many other nations unable to let thier sexuality degenerate to a product which can be bought and sold short: Iranians are just unable to be unable. Now lets get serious and you- who ever is reading this - Just be so kind and copy this link in your Browser:
you will see the picture of the first iranian warship. They are working on it they are reparing it. after the work is finished - so I think - they will be stil more unable to let any stranger crossing thier see ways without having got the necessary permission. I just remmeber as I was once visiting the louvre. you know this most famous museum in Paris? I saw a big pack of ancient egyptian archeologicals. I said to my compagnion: As a matter of fact France has stolen these things? The answer was: Please acknowledge that those egypts are just unable to keep and protect these valuable works! just unable? I said. But they have built them primarily? Well the discussion was at end. The same "TRUE" and fundamental "Arguments" had made thier rounds about Iranian Oil. They said - I mean the ones who are to day barking and grunting for example about Iranian NUCs - what shall iranians do with thier oil? They are just unable to manage it. Do they want to be drowned in it? it is better the americans manage it. and iranians have also a bit of it. Today I see all these arguments had been right. They - i mean again those barking devils - wanted that Iranians get civilised and live in Democracy and give them thier Personality thier Identity and of course thier natural wealthes. But Iranians are just unable, unable for democracy unable to give thier property away for nothing and if any Visitor of "IRANIA" wants to know about Iranian unability can read my "HART O PURT" again. I am happy that in "IRANIAN" nothing is sacred. as long as one brings empty words like "Mullahs are bad", "US Imperialism is good", " there is no freedom in Iran" and likewise "hard facts", so it happens nothing bad but Logic Arguments Examples and so on will be followed by a shower of earthy words and then every body even knows that ones enlish is also not up to date. What a pitty. Greeting


You guys are stupid

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

Let me come over to your house, punch you in the face, and then we'll talk about your "inability" to "stop the bleeding."

Why would the Turkmen line suddenly stop delivering Gas to Iran?



by binAmous Anonymous (not verified) on

IRI's inability to maintain gas flows? ha!

On the contrary, IRI's been keeping the "natural gas" flowing continuously in the direction of Iranian people for the past 25 years!

(peef peef)



come on

by MRX (not verified) on

I am still waiting for the proceed from selling oil is delivered to my house as the great imam chuseini said! now you are expecting oil, gas and infrastructure investments from bunch of thief’s and thugs. Look these guys are thief’s, their sole purpose is to take as much as they can, send the money to Dubai and Canada and god knows where and once every thing collapsed or dried out they will be on the first plane out of there.