چند جوک خوب برای شما


by farrad02

به پشه ميگن چرا زمستونا پيداتون نيست؟!؟؟؟! ميگه:نه اينکه تابستونا خيلي برخوردتون خوبه

فحش ترکها: 1_از جلو چشمام خفه شو

2_فکر کردی فقط خودت خری

 3_کسی با تو زر نزد

 4_صداتو واسه من داد نزن

یه روز یه ترکه میره بالای درخت چنار.بهش میگن داری چه کار می کنی.میگه دارم توت می خورم.میگن اینکه درخت چناره میگه توت تو جیبمه

تركه يه پليس رو ميكشه زنگ ميزنه 110 ميگه:ميبينم كه 109 نفر شدين

ترکه به دیواره اتاقش عکس یه گور خر زده بوده یه روز دوستش بهش میگه این عکس کیه زدی به دیواره اتاقت میگه عکس داداشمه موقعی که تو یوونتوس بازی میکرد

ترکه يه ماشين مي خره که فرمونش سمت راست بوده بهش ميگن ماشينت چطوره ؟ ميگه خوبه فقط نمي دونم چرا هر وقت تف ميندازم مي افته روي زنم

به تركه مي گن بچه كجائي ؟ ميگه : بچه تهرون . . . مي گن : كجاي تهرون . . . مي گه : كيلومتر 700 ، جاده تهران - اردبيل

ترکه راديو گوش مي داد راديو مي گه خيابون انقلاب به امام حسين بسته است. ترکه مي گه خوب بابا چرا قسم مي خوري حالا؟

يه صندلي بوده که هرکس روش ميشسته و دروغ ميگفته بادکنک بالاي سرش ميترکيده اصفهانيه ميشينه ميگه مافکر ميکنيم آدماي ولخرجي هستيم بادکنک ميترکه رشتيه ميشينه ميگه ما فکر ميکنيم که آدماي با غيرتي هستيم بادکنک ميترکه ترکه ميشينه ميگه ما فکر ميکنيم... بادکنک ميترکه.

ترکه ميره نماز جمعه هي شعار برعليه امريکا ميدن جو ميگيرتش ميره ميکروفن رو ميگيره ميگه : خواهرا بيزحمت هفته ديگه نياين ميخوايم فحش ناموس بديم

تركا زنگ مي زنن قم مي گن: يه امام جمعه برامون بفرستيد. قمي ها مي گن: امام جمعه قبلي چي شد؟ تركا مي گن: اونو كشتيم امام زاده درست كرديم

تركه ميره جوراب فروشي ميگه اقا جوراب ميخوام فروشنده ميگه:مردونه ؟تركه دست ميده ميگه: مردونه

به تركه ميگن اگر حالت تهوع بهت دست بده چيكار ميكني ؟ ميگه : من بهش دست نميدم

ترکه تو جزيره آدمخوارها گير مي افته. ميگه خدايا! حالا چه طور ثابت كنم آدم نيستم؟

ترکه ميره خواستگاری. ازش می پرسن چه كاره ای؟ روش نميشه بگه قصاب، ميگه لوازم يدكي گوسفند دارم!

به ترکه میگن: چرا همش داری دور میدوون با ماشینت میچرخی؟می گه: راهنمام گیر کرده!!

به تركه ميگن از چه گلي خوشت مياد...ميگه اقاقيا...ميگن هميني روكه گفتي بنويس....ميگه غلط كردم رز

یارو میره خارج. میگن : اسمت چیه ؟


میگن : یعنی چی ؟ میگه : شمس الله میاندوآبی اصل


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Good points

by farrad02 on

You bring up good points but I didn't get irritated. I just responded to criticism. They are 2 different things!  But I understand and agree that as Iranians (being new to freedom of opinion and exchange of ideas) we still have issues that we need to work out. We can't take jokes. We can't take criticism about our jokes. And we think the person is irritated when he / she responds to our criticism and disagrees! We all have work to do! 

And your example of other things done in private is also not quite applicable here! They are like apples and oranges and completely unrelated! Those "other things" people do in private and telling jokes are not the same! It's still hypocrisy! If a politician tells negro jokes in private and watches what he says in public, what do you call him? You can call him polite and ethically correct! I will call him those things as well. But I also call him a hypocrite!

I do respect your opinion.  :)



now it's funny

by Souri on

You ask Azeri people not to get your jokes seriously, but you yourself, get irritated and react strongly when faced with the critic?

Do I have to remind you that, there are many other things that we do in private and we don't and should not do in public? This is not hypocrisy, this is called Ethic. Hope you have learned something here, if you didn't know it before!

And not everything American do, is absolutely right !


You guys need to chill

by farrad02 on

With all due respect, you guys need to relax and recognize humor as what it is. We Iranians are such hypocrites. In the privacy of our parties and homes, we tell all these jokes and laugh at them but in public forums present this PC posture and chastize a good chance to laugh and have fun! These Iranian jokes are about as wrong and harmful as any Aggie jokes you hear in the United States!

No oen is actually saying that Azeris are dumb but the appearances make for perceptions that become funny jokes in the public arena! Here's a good reference: //www.iranclip.com/player/552 (oh boy, will this one generate some irate comments!!!)

In fact, many Iranian Azeris tell these jokes and have fun with them! That doesn't mean they consider themselves to be dumb, does it?

Please, find something actually important and consequential to complain about!




I agree...

by Souri on

Although I like Farrad02 and respect him, but I don't approve of this kind of ethnic jokes being posted on the site. Not today, not any day in any case. I'd already talked about that to JJ....vali koo goushe shenava ?


These jokes push the streotypes about our Iranian Azari brother

by racist detector (not verified) on

s and sisters. These jokes creates divisions among us. I suggest you publish jokes that are not offensive to a particular race or culture. Also, I'm asking the iranian.com moderators t0 delete these kind of blogs. If Iranian Azaries are made fun of then every body else is a fair game too including the Jews. And where is it going to lead us?