Post revolution III, I demand reparations!

by Faramarz_Fateh

I call whats going on now RIII for Revolution #3.  First it was "enghelaabe mashrooteh", next "angholabe Islami" and now "enghelabe azadi".

I didn't have anything to do with the Islamic revolution.  In 1979 I was a 18 year old kid in college in LA.  All I wanted was a blone hair blue eyed girl friend and a car.  I didn't have either.

For the last 30 years, a bunch of koon nashosteh dahaatis related to the elements of the regime have stolen billions upon billions of Iran's assets.  Some of these assets belonged to me and my family.  If and when a revolution happens, I want my share of these billions that are now parked in banks around the world under the names like Khamenie, Larijani, Haddad, Rafsanjani, Khatami, Valayati, Afkhami, ........ the list is long.  But I think traceable and recoverable.



more from Faramarz_Fateh

You know who you sound like Marge?

by Faramarz_Fateh on

You sound like the Islamist who say you shouldn't listen to music or dance because its Ashura or you have to wear a chador because so and so is not mahram.

Give it up already these Islamic thoughts.  Let people say what they want in freedom.  If you want to say what I've written is stupid, ok, peace. I understand your disagreement.

But don't play the game of "People are giving up lives and you're demanding that their contributions be met with a bonus in your pocket?" with me.

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

this is in very poor taste

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

I can't believe you Faramarz. Honestly I can't believe you would write something like this. People are giving up lives and you're demanding that their contributions be met with a bonus in your pocket?

I'll chalk it up to homesickness, anger, and frustration from living in disaster California for all these year.