Who is "YOUR" President then?


Who is "YOUR" President then?
by Farah Rusta

As Iranians in New York are preparing to "welcome" Ahmadinejad next week, we keep hearing a meaningless slogan: You are not my President. The most natural question that one may ask after hearing this slogan is: Who is your president then? Is he Mousavi? Karroubi? or perhaps you want to see Rezaie as your President? Why are those who are getting ready to protest Ahmadinejad's visit to New York so dishonest with themselves and consequently with the rest of the world? Why do you speak in codes? Are you seriously suggesting that after all the riots, killings and atrocities that took place in the aftermath of the rigged elections, it is still and only the rigged elections that you are objecting to? Were you happy, if the outcome of the election would have been in favor of one of the other three candidates. If Mousavi had won with a landslide and was on his way to New York next week, were you welcoming him with open arms? I am not talking about the Mousavi who only "in words" says he has reformed but not "in deeds"? I am talking about the Mousavi who, as the Prime Minister under Khamenei, presided over one of the most horrific acts of genocide by the Islamic regime of Iran. I am talking about the same Mousavi who was called Imam Khomeini's trusted prime minister? I am talking about the same Mousavi who is still loyal to the constitution of the Islamic Republic, with all its ramifications and implications.


Time and again we are told that this movement is no longer about Mousavi or the rigged elections. We are told that it is about the legitimacy of the Islamic regime in its entirety. Excellent! This is how it should have been right from the start. But then why do they keep reverting to the same empty slogan of "You are not my President!!" Is the presidential seat the only thing that Ahamdinejad has illegally occupied? As a matter of fact pundits had predicted an Ahmadinejad win over his rivals but not with such a huge margin that it turned out to be. Ahmadinejad and the Islamic regime of Tehran have robbed us much more than a Presidential seat by a factor of one million. The slogan that must greet him to New York would better be: "You" Leave My Country.


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more from Farah Rusta

I buy your "accusations

by DM on

I buy your "accusations towards Mousavi" Ms. Rusta. Yes, I would have preferred Mousavi (and his wife) to Ahmahdinejad, but it is helpful to keep in mind Mousavi's acquiscence to the slaughter in the eighties when he was prime minister. And he still professes to actually believe in the ridiculous notion of velayat-e faqih. My hope, and Khamenei's fear evidently, was that Mousavi could have been a Gorbachev-like figure who paved the way for a real president to actually be elected.

And Siavash31, being realistic about Mousavi doesn't mean one doesn't support the Green Movement. The Green Mouvement is about a lot more than Mousavi. Mousavi was just a vehicle for people to express their disgust with the regime. It was never really about him, at least not for most people.


85% of Iranians went to the

by Siavash31 on

85% of Iranians went to the polls and most of them voted for Mir Hossein Mousavi. So, YES. Mir Hossein Mousavi is the rightful president of Iran.

Mrs Rusta, no one buys your false and basless accusations towards Mousavi. 

It is such a shame that some Iranians abroad are so desparately trying to poison the glorious Green movement of the Iranian people. 


Jahanshah Rashidian

Call for AN Arrest

by Jahanshah Rashidian on

The Islamic regime’s attempts at reform are following a similar doomed path as an archaic set of laws can be applied to any modern society.  The regime has totally failed to deliver on its promises made by Mr. Khatami in 1997 who was more “reformist” than Mousavi . Yesterday the people were out in the streets asking for an end to “dictator” in its totality and entirety, irrespective of which faction is in power.  

Mrs. Rusta has right to reject any form and shape of the same substance / Ahmadinejad or any element of the same substance called the IRI must not be welcome as a representative of Iranian people to the UN. Mossavi . However, since he will be there, in front of  the UN, Iranians must urge an arrest of Ahmadinejad for their crimes against humanity.

MRS. Javaneh’s comment is a bit cautious but, as a freedom-loving and emancipated woman, does not ultimately show any pardon to this regime.


You're right .....

by javaneh29 on

but I guess its a slogan that seems to have stuck and people all over the world identify with it and more to the point, in the absence of anyone else, people continue to use it to get their message across. 

Its a shame that, given that the election is  over 3 months behind us now, no one has emerged as a potential leader in replacement of Ahmadj. As you say Mousavi is not a viable or worthy candidate nor in the running anymore. In many ways, and I hope that in the end his  failure to win the election will be for the best for Iran in the long run. His role in the scheme of things has passed and I have no doubt that if there was anyone else to champion, Mousavi would fade rapidly into the background and become quickly forgotten.

So what happens now? Ok granted that there is undoubtably a great risk attached to the presentation of ones self as a replacement for Ahmadj in Iran but the risk will have to be taken by someone if this is going to change. And it will have to be someone who is prepared to take that risk.

Khomeni came from outside of Iran and look what he managed to achieve! Is it possible the same could happen again? The scene is ripe for the picking.And would without any doubt at all have the support of many. Iran needs a champion now. 

Of course we could and might have to sit around and wait until something happens to Ahmad, but my expectation is that he would quickly replaced by a clone. What then? 

The future is unpredicatable. 
