گزارش 2008 سازمان ديده بان حقوق بشر


David ET
by David ET

گزارش ۵۱ صفحه ای سازمان ديده بان حقوق بشر

فارسی English

ديده‌بان حقوق بشر با انتشار گزارشی اعلام کرد دولت ايران با اتکا به تفسيری که از قوانين امنيتی به عمل می آورد تقريبا هر نوع ابراز علنی دگرانديشی را سرکوب می ‌کند

اين گزارش که «شما هر کسی را به هر دليلی می‌توانيد بازداشت کنيد» نام دارد، می گويد جمهوری اسلامی با استفاده از قوانين ياد شده افراد دستگير شده را بدون اتهام و دسترسی به وکيل مشمول حبسهای انفرادی و طولانی مدت می ‌کند.

در اين گزارش بطور مستند به بررسی افزايش دامنه و تعداد افراد و فعاليتهايی ‌پرداخته که طی دو سال گذشته تحت پيگرد قانونی قرار گرفته‌اند.

سارا لی وتيسون، مدير بخش خاورميانه سازمان ديده‌بان حقوق بشر، گفت، قوانين ايران امکان پوشش لازم برای سرکوب هر نوع فعاليت مسالمت آميزی را به حکومت می دهد. وی افزود مسئولين می‌توانند حقوق اوليه مردم را پايمال کنند و همچنان ادعا نمايند که اقداماتشان قانونی است.

گزارش «شما هر کسی را به هر دليلی می‌توانيد بازداشت کنيد» مبتنی بر اطلاعاتی است که از بازداشت شدگان و شاهدان عينی و نيز تحليل دقيق قوانين امنيتی ايران بدست آمده است.


more from David ET


by homeless (not verified) on

bring you human right in Canada and one days watch us here over 200.000 homeless in country with 14% tax
sky is blue every where, nothings rung with Iran

David ET

To: Fariborz and observer

by David ET on

You can read the reports of the HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH and AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL about USA and all other countries in their websites. But this is iranian.com.



by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

And what do they report about Guantanamo? Abu Ghoraib? Afghanistan? Pakistan? the not any more soo great satan puts poeple in jails in all over the world. It has secret jails in many "democratic" countries. And its AI reports about the conditions in the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC of IRAN? Only? And please how urgent is this "INFO" for those Iranians in the Diaspora? Some of them have left because of political conditions. well now they are safe. I mean i hope that they are safe now. Others have left because of financial reasons and also a nummber may have left just because of personal reasons. I think the ones who have left should better - only if they want - try to have an acceptabkle life in the diaspora. For me count to the Iranian Nation the ones who have founded thier ISLAMIC REPUBLIC of IRAN, are living there and are willing to protect what they have achieved in the last 30 years. These poeple seem to be satisfied with thier situation and the conditions under which they live. anyway AI is - from a neutral and logical point of view - a deformed child of the not any more so great satan which is laying in its death bed now, a freak, a failure, an obnoxious creature. It would be a big surprise if IA would report about the crimes which devils factually do in the world and not making myths about the situation in the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC. I think allways also on the conditions which devils have prepared in Iran. It is WAR. Any time the enemy can come in. so it is very aptopriate to have an eye on the 2politixcally" active persons and if it seems necessary arrest them. In the US of A and in Europa there a hundred of prisoners in jails and nobody knowes even a word about thier story and about the reason why they are arrested. Nobody knowes about a Court term they have no advocate and AI knowes so much about conditions in Iran so as me now. Greeting not being ableact


Iranian Patriot Act?

by an observer (not verified) on

it's been happening in Iran for a long long time...
I am not condoning it but...
how is that different from the Patriot Act in USA?