A nation with surplus of political pundits and poets!

by Borumand_M

Historically we had a surplus of poets as opposed to scientists and philosophers etc.

Relax, read the sentence again before your nationalism boils your blood. I didn't say we did not have scientists I said we had too many poets.

Nowadays, we are blessed with droves of political pundits! Visit Iranian.com a couple of days and you see for yourself!

I wonder if there is such a thing as Indian.com or romanian.com what kind of stuff we can find there?

Don't get me wrong we are a nation at WAR (any days now?!) and with serious concerns about our homeland.

That's the full half of the glass. But I just wish to see more of intelligent folks tackling other issues that are important for us as Iranians and the world.

The blogs and articles on this site have become battle ground of a couple of political camps that repeat their slogans again and again. I'd like to see deeper analysis of the issues. Like where do we stand economically today as opposed to 30 years ago. What kind of cultural demons we may have beneath our political misfortunes and alike!

Saying that, we have to appreciate the venue that Iranian.com has created for free exchange of ideas and enabled us

to voice our concerns in public.


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Good point!

by Borumand_M on


   I agree with your point that we have been kept quiet for centuries and we need to talk now and need to talk more. Well put.

    my point however is that the ratio of signal to noise is very low here. If we all scream it  would become self defeating!

   As for those who asked me to bring fresh stuff, I will try as much I can muster. I may be just one of the pundits! ;-)


We Need MORE Poets and MORE Pundits!

by bahmani on

Had enough poets? I think we need more! Too many pundits, I think we need more! I'll suggest that what we don't have enough of and have 2500 years of censorship to overcome, is the freedom to debate. Forgive us our seeming overindulgence of it courtesy of this site mostly, but you have to understand where we come from, and then allow us to get over it, before you can tell us where we need to be going. It's OUR time to decide, not YOUR impatience in us taking too much time in deciding it. When we determine that enough debate is had, and when we are good and ready, we will talk about the relatively mundane issue of comparing Shah-era economic accomplishments and the current balance of trade or the devaluation of the rial in the international currency market since the revolution. Allow us to eventually get to the more important topics of murder and false imprisonment for having "subversive and anti-revolutionary ideas", before we tackle whether Iran might be better off leaving the higher voltage benefits of 220v vs the safer 110v electricity standard. I know you are impatient and years of good living in the West can do that to us, but pace yourself azizam, there is a whole meal left, stop asking for dessert.


I am waiting!

by Sohrab (not verified) on

I am still waiting for your "intelligetn" arguments about life an any other issue that you feel everyone should talk about instead of talking about miseries imposed on Iranian people by mullahs! I am still waiting for your arguments about economy to understand why the inflation in Iran is above 30% and jobless make more than 50% of the society! I am still waiting to hear it from you that why Iranian people are responsible for the problems which are made by Islamic regime to make thier life more difficult after making 1000 billion dollars of seeling crude oil during last 28 years! I am still waiting to hear why the oil money was not delivered to people's door as promised by mullah khomeini, why the electricity and everything else became more expensive despite the promis of free everything by mullah khomeini and his followers! I am still waiting to hear why we so many rich mullahs and they are always visiting United States and Europe and ride in anti-bullet cars with a gang of pasdars escorting them! I am still waiting to know why all terrorist groups like hezbollah, hamas, jihad and al-qaeda make convetion in my country all the time and why my money goes to hezbollah and hamas or making mosques in europe and United States?! I am still waiting... for you to say something of any substance as you claim to be looking for!


Obsession and Greed

by Mehdi on

You are right! I am more and more becoming convinced a lot of these so called political pundits are just so obsessed with mullahs or maybe just the spectacle of political power that they are psychotic now. They seem to blame everything on "government" or "Islam" or other such vague terms. They generally take no responsibility for any existing situation. They exagerate about situations. They ignore that there are similar issues, sometimes worse, in other parts of the world. They ignore that such problems have existed before Islam or this regime or that regime. They fail to realize that some of the current issues are issues that mankind has been trying to solve for eons. A lot of these people are the same people that exagerated the situation when Shah was in power and helped destroy the system that was in place in exchange for a far worse regime and all they can say about it is that it was somebody else's fault! No responsibility whatsoever. They always have excuses. We all know that it is far easier to stand outside and find faults than to manage something, especially something as complicated as a nation with all its strange traditions, superstitions, lack of education, etc.



I too, wish to see some more intaligent discussions about life itself, about basic reasons why mankind fights so much with itself, about why it is that we seem to never be able to have peace anywhere for long. I'd like to see some philosophical discussions instead of a lot of half cooked political mumbo jumbo. So, I hear you!


Why don't you try to show what you preach?

by Sohrab (not verified) on

Dear friend!

your expectation of people looking other way while "mother of all problems" in Iran is the governing system which is ruling the country by iron fist for more than 28 years is a little strange if not biased. Just to get you started I give you some raw figures so you can do your own research and come up with your analysis for others to see.

-Iran GDP is trailing every country in the region except Palestine, Syria and possibly Iraq (for obviuos reasons.
-South Korea which started car industry just a few years before us, is exporting cars to every nation in the world while Iran under islamic republic remains an importer and an assembly line for big manufactureres
-over 40% of Iraians live bellow poverty and Iranian middle class has almost vanished under destructive economicla policies of Islamic regime which has its priorities set in Palestine or in areas which Iranian people have no interest in them.

-Islamic republic has sold over $160 billions of cruid oil alone during last three years. considering this to be equal to amount of money made during 70 years from the time of discovery of oil in Iran, name a single plan or project which has been started or a ny accomplishment that Islamic regime has had in such period of time.

I find it unusual for any Iranian not showing interest in affairs of his/her country and trying to figure out out what is wrong with this picture. This forum is for those who want to discuss different issues on Iran and if you are looking for something about Romania then I suggest you try googling on the subject. If you have something about Iran's economy that you think others need to know then please, go ahead and elighten us.



Zionists are the problem ....

by Shaboon Bimokh (not verified) on

The problem is that Zionsists and Israeli agents (pretending to be Iranians) have infiltrated this forum and except for garbage they say nothing else. At best they try to derail some very good discussions, always getting into "bomb Iran", "destory Islam", "kill this or that" as if iranian.com is occupied territories of Palestinians, and they have guns to kill and boldozers to destory!. This barberic agents of zionists have nothing to offer but "stone age" ideas and their racist attitude. Unfortunately some of them keep sticking around like a lynch.