A Milestone for Bebin.tv

by bebintv

The Deutsche Welle's 2007 Best of the Blogs competition ended yesterday and Bebin.tv was voted by the viewers in to the 3rd spot. We would like to thank all of our fans worldwide, including the support of Iranian.com readers, for having helped
us achieve such high honors. Although we were very excited to have
been picked as one of the top ten contenders for the 2007 Deutsche
Welle Best of the Blogs competition, we never thought we'd end up in
the top 3 spots. Bebin.tv ended up with 1% shy of the 2nd place spot.
Thank you all again for making this a reality and we appreciate all the

Here is a link to the final results along with the comments.


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Congrats guys!!

by LK (not verified) on

Congrats guys!!



by Mariam on

That's no small feat, though I think you guys deserved first place. :)