The Invention of Jewish People


by Asghar_Massombagi

The Invention of Jewish People is the title of a book by Professor Shlomo Sand, an Israeli academic who has created quite a stir in the Middle East, and indeed everywhere.  In this book, he questions the legitimacy of the concept of Jews as a people and the historical veracity of the Jewish exile by the Romans in the first century AD.  He also, for the first time I think, asserts that Judaism, like Christianity or Islam was a prosthelytizing religion, that the Jews converted other people, either by evangelism or force.  And that's how Shlomo Sand explains the large number of Jews all around the world. Indeed, if the Exile by the Romans didn't happen, how else can the existence of Jews all around Europe and Asia be explained?  This is big explosive stuff. If the Exile didn't happen, then there is "no right of return" and if there are no Jewish people or nation then Zionism has no basis.  Sand has other very interesting ideas regarding formation of nationhood and the changes a people go through that is relevant regardless of the question of Palestine.  For instance, can any one living in Iran claim for certain that they are the descendants of Cyrus the Great, considering the number of conquerors that have passed through Iranian plateau in the past two thousand years?  Perhaps mountain people of Afghanistan can lay better claim to Cyrus's legacy than residents of Tehran.

I've included two links, one a short interview, and one a long talk that Professor Sand delivered in New York.  Regardless of how much of Sand's views one agrees with, you can't deny the audacity and freshness of his work:


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DW Duke

Three Points

by DW Duke on

Three quick points:

1.  To say that Ashkenazi are not of Hebrew descent is a form of ethnic discrimination just as it is to say that Mizrahi are not of Hebrew descent.

2.  Have those who tell you this studied the DNA of Ashkenazi Jews?  If so, please ask them what they used as a population sample and standard deviation.

3.  Judaism has always discouraged conversion and in many cases it is prohibited.  Judaism does not maintain that a person has to be a Jew to enjoy the benefits of being a Jew with the exception of keeping the laws and engaging in ritual practices.  The discouragement of conversion is the reason there are only 14 million Jews in the world today.     

gitdoun ver.2.0

don't shoot the messenger

by gitdoun ver.2.0 on

israeli mizrahi friends/classmates tell me this allllll the time.

DW Duke


by DW Duke on

On what do you base the assumption that Ashkenazi Jews are converts?


gitdoun ver.2.0

saw the book at Barnes Noble

by gitdoun ver.2.0 on

i was glancing over that book the other day. I think it's safe to say that Ashkenazi jews are converts.

DW Duke

Fantasy Island :)

by DW Duke on


Proselytizing, really? 

2.1 billion Christians

1.5 billion Muslims

14 million Jews. 

Here is another view this time from a Muslim professor relying primarily upon the Q'uran in contrast to archaeological evidence. 
