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by Ari Siletz

Stanford computer science professor inappropriately drags Iran-Israel politics into university's official website


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Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Do you really think blastimg people with insults is helpful. 


dear all god-fearing, free-thinking, self-valuing Iranians,

by merlin on

here's something markedly different than the anti-Iranian, anti-patriarchal, corrupting, perverting, valueless and so on messages that usually appear in this domain that is run by enemies of its audience, in opposition of its audience wittingly or otherwise. have you ever wondered why, with supposedly almost a million members in this powerful nation, the Iranian community lacks even an iota of political power or influence? further, why are Iran's enemies so powerful in contrast that they seemingly direct the minds, values and behavior of Iranians here and abroad in opposing and destroying almost everything that is inherently and naturally desirable: self-determination, rule of Iran by Iranians, pride, dignity, freedom, our traditional cultures and values that are unrivaled in beauty and power? some of your neighbors literally cheer in your face and pat themselves on the back for the boasted murders of your tribes' scientists and educators. are your people too primitive or base to pursue knowledge and application of nuclear technology? no, clearly, what this tyranny fears is the start of an even playing field. their leashed media boasts daily about bombing and killing entire families waking up for school, work and general service of their communities. this is absolute terrorism. they dont want peace on even terms they want absolute control and power over every aspect of your existence. while they have countless ICBM packed with nuclear warheads, a fine gift from american taxpayers, they propogate propaganda and more destructive attacks against iran for setting up a centrifuge. they fear justice. these are complex issues but realizing that the national community has absolutely no authentic counsel is a good start. The PAAIA is financed by enemies and opponents of Iranians' natural interests. the rosenberg foundation is a good example.


wonder why the falsely

by merlin on

wonder why the falsely named iranian public affairs group actually serves in opposition of iranians? this may help.


as pirouz has stated these groups that are iranian in name only serve the financiers, Rosenbergs in this case.


wonder why the falsely

by merlin on

wonder why the falsely named iranian public affairs group actually serves in opposition of iranians? this may help.


as pirouz has stated these groups that are iranian in name only serve the financiers, Rosenbergs in this case.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I have no fight or any other argument with DM. My argument is with Stanford and its policies. I am not even interested in talking to DM. I do want to figure out Stanford's response. I phoned them and got a very rude and unacceptable response. I  do not see this as an issue between me an DM; rather Iranians and Stanford.

If they have responded to PAAIA then I will read and make my own mind. Meanwhile I just want DM to leave me alone.


Rea My friend

by Doctor mohandes on

I was willing to let Go until he started crossing certain lines and walking into territories he should have neved walked into.

What would you call someone who denies the evidence contrary to their claims when it is shown to them???

All i said was that i smelled a bit of arrogance in his style of arguing and then all of sudden the floodgates opened up and i was put on the cross!!

That was not fair.


Not any of my business

by Rea on

But it does read like a school yard fight.

Given both of you are good commenters, ridiculous. Mine is bigger than yours, that's what is says!


Good for You

by Doctor mohandes on

 Oh?? really? So up to this moment it was all "my game" but now you admit that you have been doing it and they know about it? How hypocritical.

Which is all fine by me. who cares. Just do NOT bring my name into it and call it "playing my game" Understood? You go and flag every single comment and commenter here, for all i care. Have fun doing it.

I know you like cheap shots. LOL i have seen you doing it all over the place, with such ease of consience.

Calling You arrogant was NOT an insult, Anyone who thinks All his statements and Positions are absolutely logical and based on facts. Deservers to be called that name. A man with your level of exp. In life and age (as you claim tobe the case) should know this.

Oh yeah Sure. Put poor JJ and all the rules in the middle of this. Just like a Bache (another Insult i supposed??). Whatever man.

Right you are. It doesn't,. since you keep on Dragging it on and on... Just like a school yard fight.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Sure DM

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


And I would go ahead and admit it. JJ knows who I flag and who I don't.

Was this a cheap shot: Yes! So what; I like it. The admin  has set the rules and maybe I should follow them.  You want to call me arrogant; then by any definition it is an insult. JJ said no insults to I followed the rules.

Frankly this conversation serves no purpose.



by Doctor mohandes on

Oh so now you are using me as your cover? Should have known it was you all along who has been flagging left and right. that was a cheap shot.

You are better than them? Well good for you. Dood some Esfand for yourself then.

MY check is on its way. I mailed mine Yesterday and made it for a much bigger amount that you did .  

.My cap's Button has nothing wrong with it. I just maybe Typing fast. That is all.

We will never be friends? Ohhhhh . You are so Naz Nazi. That won't bode well for you and Your future asspirations for Freeing Iran. Youi gonna have to be a lot tougher than that cowboy. Saddle up cowboy/

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


You think I am arrogant well fine so be it. I have to admit I do think I am better than the holier than thou do nothing Iran haters. Yes I am better than them and I will always be better than them.

If we each gave NIAC a few hundred bucks they would do more than now. 

I don't care who applies to Stanford and who does not. 


  • You can keep your sarcvasm and vitriol to yourself. I am playing your game now "flagged".
  • You need to get your caps button fixed.
  • Sorry I ever called you "friend". Let us drop the pretence; we will never be friends.


Here is your proof

by Doctor mohandes on

That this Univ does not put race and Nationality over anything else.

Stanford University’s president, Dr. John Hennessy, today assured PAAIA that controversial remarks made by a retired faculty member does not reflect the university’s views or admission policies


Are you gonna deny this one too?? It was part of an entry from The PAAIA. It is still there among the most viewed comments. DOn't be so lajbaz.


How arrogant

by Doctor mohandes on


Do you seriously belive that all your posts are basedon logic and reason? Do you know how much arrogance is sitting behind making such an statemen?

100 dollars?? that is it? For all theheated and passionate support of them and all that they have done for you, that is all? Oh i am sorry was it a couple of Hundred dollars you said? My bad:))

You know what VPK? MAybe YOURCOllege days are over and YOUR kinds have a long way to get there, But this is not about YOU. There are others out there who could give a flying you know what about such issues.

And this University has not done so. For god's sake, Are you denying what the PRESIDENT iof the school declared in an official statement and still sticking to your CLaim? What are out to prove anyways? He came out and said LOok You guys, This guy is an idiot and should be ignored. And YeT here we go , going for blood.

You will be surprised as to how many still CHOOSE to apply to stanford.

Oh and regarding It being Just my opinion or fact, In this case it was a fact and they way You saw  fit, You came up with the wrong conclusion. SO. it was a Factual opinion. You did read wrong:)

have a nice one there fella.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


If you read my posts they are based on logic and reason. Now maybe in your opinion I am not "reading right". Well that is again your opinion; not a fact. You do as you see fit and I see as I see fit.

I see fit to give NIAC another couple of 100$. I have been asking my friends and family to also do so. It is our money and our business. I am proud to say I talked a wealthy Iranian out of giving a generous donation to Stanford.

I am done with my college days long ago. Have no plans to go back. So it has no direct impact on me. My own children are not at the right age for college. When the time comes I we will evaluate universties on merit. 

As I said before a university that puts race or national origin above merit is not worth applying to. 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I like you; respect you and feel for what you went through. As you saw the ugly face of racism can have dire results. It is a disease that must be caught early. The Balkans experience should prove it.

Maybe if people reacted strongly very soon deaths would have been avoided. It always starts with some big mouth and spirals out. Just see what happened to Representative Giffords. Racist words do have consequences. I am for freedom of speech. But I am also for responding to any racism without reservation. When good people remain silent evil becomes the only voice. All I want is to expose the ugly face of Stanford policies.



by Rea on

Only those living in the US can tell, I suppose. But btwn you and Dr. Mohandes, I'd take a middle road.

While I agree that we all have to fight racism, I also think we should never forget a big picture. And in IMHO, poor prof. is not worth it. I believe the Iranian community has other things, more pressing, more worthwhile fighting for.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Thanks for the information. I will leave the legal actions to NIAC. For my part I will bring it up to as many people as I can. I am already in contact with ACLU. I rather leave the heavy hitting with those who have a lawyers.


VPK jan

by Doctor mohandes on

as usual you are so consumed with passion you are not reading right.

Cheshmo hamcheshmi belongs to those students in iran who make it their mission in life to get accepted in UCLA, stanford, USC and Berkley without even eyeing other options. That was my point. Nothing to do with The racism issue or anything else.

In short, they are supposed to be the guiding lights for the junior professors in the department.  As a result, what the emeritus professors do and how they set examples, do matter.

There is a long and deep gap between "supposed to" being something, and actually being that something or someone. for all we know, he maynot even be regarded that way. None of us can say for certain that this will inevitably spread like wild fire, So to actually conclude anything on that basis would be a very premature thing to do,

Over and out.

BTW my how are you is good too:))



by 11mashty on

As you said, you will not let go.  So despite my better judgment to not post here anymore, I wish to offer you the contact information for the federal office where you can file your complaint:

San Francisco Office
Office for Civil Rights
U.S. Department of Education
50 Beale Street, Suite 7200
San Francisco, CA 94105

Telephone: 415-486-5555
FAX: 415-486-5570; TDD: 877-521-2172
Email: ocr.sanfrancisco@ed.gov


I have actually attended training sessions conducted by this office and know the laws involved, but you do have a right to file a complaint.  Perhaps we all will learn something. 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Doctor Mohandes

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


MM has already responded to most of your points. This person is not retired. He is very active and in fact very influencial.

I am not going keep repeating myself; so between MM; I and others we have already responded. You are welcome to your opinion.

One thing: if we do not stand up to him others will do the same. Ullman represents the disease of racism; it must be confronted. If not it will grow from Stanford to other universtities. 

Again this is not about CS or schools. It has nothing to do with "Cheshm or ham Cheshmi". it is about racism. I will not let go of this. Not until Stanford takes actions to dispipline this guy. Meanwhile tanks NIAC.

As for "hale man" is fine. How are your!



an emeritus professor is NOT exactly a retired professor

by MM on

Prof. Ullman has the rank of an emeritus professor, which is not exatly a retired position.  The emeritus professors that I have known reached their positions by being senior/respected in their rank while wielding influence (be it subtle) over the more junior professors.  The emeritus professors still have offices in the department, attend some meetings, apply for grants and can take research students (See below for a sample of Ulmann 2010 publications).  However, they can take their time in how fast they proceed and thier teaching work-load is a bare minimum or no teaching.

In short, they are supposed to be the guiding lights for the junior professors in the department.  As a result, what the emeritus professors do and how they set examples, do matter.


In the 2010 literature, Prof. Ulmann has been active in publications and presentations at scientific meetings, e.g. (I took the first 3 results):

Optimizing joins in a map-reduce environment - National Technical University of Athens, Greece - //portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1739041.1739056 

Foundations of UncertainData Integration - //www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~vldb2010/proceedings/files/papers/R96.pdf

Evaluating, combining and generalizing recommendations with prerequisites - //portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1871555



by Doctor mohandes on

WIth all due respect I would charactrize your position as Being overly Paranoid.

1- you do not know that for sure what kind of influence and to what extent he has on his colleagues. In fact you may never Know.

2- Just like any other employer, they can only be responsible for him up to a certain extent. No one can babysit a former employee, retiree for something that to THEM and THEM only may be an irrelevant matter.

3- I hardly think he does. In the Unlikely event of them doing that. SO what? They have their right to express their views don't they? As absurd and illogical and an uncivilized as they maybe, They are merely making their voices heard. arent they?
Heck. Freaking Gun lovers do it out in the open and we see the results and horrific ones at that in the bright day light.

4- No they are not. Secretive? SO are you gonna say the samething about every employer as well? Of course they can not disclose nor should they , every single detail about how they have reached a certain decision. why, are you crazy? that is their right. It is part of their policy.

again. You do not know for a fact how much of an influence he does have.

5- IN fact. Henessey said he is retired. did he not? Check it out on PAAIA's posting from yesterday. He specifically said he plays no active roles in it. the admission process i mean.

6- What???!!!! You expect Stanford to penalize a retiree for making some stupid comments? Stanford is paying Mr. Or Dr. MIllani too and how in the heck do you know his conduct has been strictly by the book and by the code? He has earned the right to receive Benefits as someone who has worked and trained and educated students from different backgrounds. He offered his services and Stanford utilized those to boost and enhanced its reputation and now he is getting something back.

when was the last time any institution in the US interrogated its employees regarding their ideoloigical belieffs? excuse me but this is not the IRI we are talking here.

I predict that at the currentt rate we will eventually  collectivey demand that STanfords becomes DIssolved as an Institution and Turn it into A Ghahvae khoone, cuz they are no fit to educate our children?


Pardon me dooste man, but that is way out there.  There are so many more prestigious schools out there. I do not even get the obsession of getting into Stanford or Berkley amongs iranians. Oh yeah cheshmo ham cheshmi is part of it i guess. BUt other than that... There are so many damn good schools with top ranking CS depts..


hale shoma khoobe? :)))


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


The following harm:

  • The professor still has influence on his colleagues.
  • He has got access to Stanford's resources and is using them to spread anti-Iranian hate. That makes Stanford responsible for his actions.
  • He sets a climate of hate. What if retired professors went around wearing swastikas?
  • USA admissions are usually very secretive processes. Just being retired does not mean you have no input in admission process.
  • Does he take graduate students? If so then he is not retired.
  • Is he being paid or getting benefits from Stanford. If so Stanford is financing racism.



by Rea on

Admit I know what's happening in the US only by reading news. But honestly, what harm can a retired prof. do ?

Once retired, you count as a voter but no longer as a prof, engineer, whatever.

My 2 cents. 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I already explained this person is in a position to influence admission. He also gets to grade people. That makes him more than an individual.

I am not going to get in an endless argument with you. This is my argumemt. You bet I will turn it into huge thing. I already called Stanford. I will not be happy until this guy gets a reprimand. What if this was Japanese; or Africans or Hispanics. 

If we start being "too sari khor" then we will be treated as such. Thank God NIAC is standing up for us. Just when others like some are creating self inflicted harm.


"Retired faculty member", says another IC blog

by Rea on

If true, blown out of proportion.

Jonny Dollar

Ari, Affarin!

by Jonny Dollar on

The jews, blacks, hispanic, japanese etc. got what they have since they fought for it. We cannot wait for these same people who constantly scream of anti-semetism, to be anti-iranian. We are not going to allow them treating us the same way that they have been treating the palestinians. Are we in israel?

BTW what happened to VPK's Stanford blog? Somehow I cannot find it. was it removed?

"God is love!"



by 11mashty on

I couldn't disagree anymore.  By your definition, a US President wouldn't qualify to be a professor.  Remember we are talking a person's individual words; neither actions nor official university policy.  Again, let's not turn this into anything bigger than it really is.....ONE individual's opinion.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Dear 11mashty

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Prof Ullman was speaking as a high ranking Stanford faculty. He was not speaking as just a person. Therefore Stanford is responsible for it. 

People who hold high ranks have greater responsibility. I do not trust the admission process at Stanford any more. How do I know what degree of influence he has on admissions? How do I know he will fairly grade Iranians. I would not trust him on any issue involving Iranians.

Stanford must totally remove him from both admissions and anything to do with evaluations of students. If not Stanford is responsible for his actions. Sure Ullman could lecture. He could even come up with tests. But he should not be involved in grading or "thesis defense" process. The man is simply too biased to be able to do his job. He reminds me of some IRI judges! Remember he has a patten of Iran hating. He even supported the shooting down of the Iranian jet. What kind of a person would do this? How could a university have such a person on their staff. I am all for freedom of speech. But I there is a responsibility that goes along with it.

Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

Thanks for your response. Glad we agree.