در خواستی‌ از هنروران زبان فارسی

در خواستی‌ از هنروران زبان فارسی
by Ari Siletz

در جستجویه سرنام‌های اینترنتی عامیانه به زبان فارسی هستم.

برخی‌ از واژه ها را براحتی می‌توان از انگلیسی ترجمه کرد، مانند

و خ م =وای خدای من 

ا خ م= از خنده مردم

ولی‌ بسیاری از واژه‌های که  مورد استفاده دارد-بخصوص در درگیریهای این تارنما-به فارسی در دسترس نیست و یا ترجمه آن از انگلیسی دشوار است. از قبیل:

L2R=Learn To Read

L2BS=Licence To BS

AWGTHTGTTA=Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again

لیست واژه‌های متداول به انگلیسی را اینجا میتون یافت.

شکر سخنان فارسی زبان، این گوی و این میدان.


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چرا مصدق آسوده نمی خوابد.
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This blog makes me a plagarist
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Double standards outside the boxing ring
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more from Ari Siletz

از ما گفتن


I don't argue. Enjoy your Persian OCR.

Ari Siletz

benross, Persian OCR

by Ari Siletz on

Persian OCR.


ببینش= باز بگو یافت نمی‌شه


از ما گفتن


It has nothing to do with Khattati. It's about the natural behaviour of the script. If you want a technology that turn your hand notes on a touch screen to a digital text, if you want to scan Persian books and produce digial records (OCR) you need a technology adopted to its natural behaviour. You are not progressist at all in this regard. You are forming your idea about the language dynamics based on a sloppy decision that once a German engineer took about our language (publishing) and then a sloppy decision that an American engineer took (computer) and we all now use our language conditioned and limited by those decisions.

They couldn't care less. They can OCR their script. 

Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

Love it!




do noghte di

by ConnieBobroff on

My favorite Persian emoticon is "do noghte di"


which means ":D" or "big grin".


Ari Siletz

بح‌ بح‌

Ari Siletz

بنظر حقیر بنده حاذق.

benross, but we are in the digital age. Handwriting is out! Consider the number of words you type everyday vs. the number of words you write with a pen. "First and foremost" adapting Persian digital text rendering to traditional Persian khattati is a regressive concept of text. 




اصلا حرفشم نزن





by benross on

Persian language and script is an assembly of words, as opposed to English and other Roman languages which are an assembly of characters. Drawing a parallel between acronym in English and a similar phenomena in Persian, could not occur prior to digital age.

And this parallel is drawn based on a fundamental flaw in script behaviour of Persian language in digital medium (actually from the beginning of publishing industry but now with widespread users in digital age). The flaw, being that it acts exactly as if it was a Roman script. But it's not.

If we get to any sustainable innovation in Persian language in digital age, we should focus first and foremost to adapt text rendering of Persian script to its natural behaviour. In short, the same way that you write a word on the paper, the same way the text should be rendered in digital medium (you draw the whole word first, then you put the identifier dots, accents, vowels etc. on top of it) I don't go any further because it becomes very technical but to show that I don't think you are on a solid ground, in terms of behavioral pattern of the language in digital medium, to be able to reach a sustainable approach.


LOL @ kashk

by IRANdokht on

That was a good one!

I didn't think of SAVAK! you're right, there have been instances of well known and useful acronyms but not that many.

The picture did make me think of the same thing, but wanted you to say it. :o)

So would you start the trend and teach us some more persian acronyms?


PS: I had used Kashk before, but now I'll be thinking of your acronyms when I say it LOL

Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

These acronyms would be for Farsi internet exchanges, so the Farsi letter "Kh" would be used.


The lack of attention of Farsi to acronyms is surprising, especially since when successful they make new words wich elicit strong reactions, like "SAVAK." The internet seems like good grounds to push Farsi's creative potential. However, in the numerous Moshaere we have on this site, I sense a restorative force towards "customary" rather than dynamic escape attempts towards novelty.


The cat fight image refers to the belligerent texture of comments on this site's political threads. From a content point of view, they are of standard value but the energies are extraordinary and could be harvested for continuosly upgrading our language.


"The only way tradition can be carried on is to keep inventing new things." Robert Davidson, contemporary Native American artist.


Of course these thoughts may be just  kashk, the Farsi letters of which form an acronym for a longer Farsi phrase meaning "Complete Bullshit."


Ari jan

by IRANdokht on

Wouldn't be hard t do Farsi acronyms when it's not customary to use abbreviations in Farsi? Even for "mordam az khandeh" people type MAK instead of using the Mim-Alef-Kheh

what's with the cat fight? ;-)


Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

Although Farsi has been an extremely dynamic language lately with new words and phrasing, naagholaa English has been coming up with even more innovations. The internet acronym word coinage has been a big part of this success. Can you think of acronyms that Farsi speakers use on the internet, or coin your own Farsi equivalents for expressions like "ROFL" (Rolling On the FLoor Laughing), "NONYA" (None Ya Business), or KMA, JFC, which can be looked up in this English dictionary of internet acronyms.

I like the example I gave for the Farsi equivalent of  LOL (Laugh Out Loud) becasue "Az Khandeh Mordam" has the acronym "Akhm," which is related to the concept of Laugh by being its opposite. In this way the playfulness of the internet word coinage is preserved. Another acceptable example would be the acronyms for "Pas Chera Aval Nagofti?" because the fisrt Farsi letters form a Farsi sounding new word that does a reasonable job of conveying confusion:  "Pachaan?"

NE1?  (Anyone?)



ebi amirhosseini

آری جان

ebi amirhosseini

دو زاری من خنگ هنوز نیفتاده!

ممکنه با یک نمونه برابری واژگان منو شیر فهم کنی!


Ebi aka Haaji


This is my cautionary entry

by comrade on

و م ب ص ا ل ر ن= ولی‌ مواظب باش، صمصام این لغت را نبینه

Anahid Hojjati

Dear Ari, this facebook page might be of use to you

by Anahid Hojjati on


Dear Ari, on facebook I just clicked that I liked a facebook page called:

اصطلاحات عامیانه زبان فارسی

This page might be of use to you.