Debate, Iranian style

by AmirT

A recent comment at the foot of a recent entry inspired me to write this. The comment writer professes that he agrees with "every single word" the entry writer has uttered, except that he wants to add just a minor point, or something to that effect.

There seem to be only two possibilities: Either the commenter genuinely agrees with ALL the entrier has said, in which case a typical moridi-moraadi bond has been formed, which I find both detrimental to a healthy debate and, to put it mildly, quite deplorable. Or else, the commenter simply employs this dishonest tactic as a offering a proverbial hendoone to tame and "disarm" the entrier and cajole her into accepting his point of view as valid. Which is, again, deplorable.

I will probably write in more detail about how (and why) Iranians, even some of their proud self-professed intellectuals (or "anti-intellectuals"), just don't get it when it comes to an intellectual debate. But that'd be some other time.


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I disagree with you

by khorshid on

I guess you are referring to my comment on the article "blown out of proportion" because I said that I agree with every single point of that article and you mentioned something like this post there too. But still I say that I simply agreed with every single word of that article, exept for the point that I mentioned on that comment!

I was talking to my friends about the things mentioned on the article before reading that article. I just couldn't articualte myself that well, and I got happy to see that finally somebody wrote about what I was thinking about so elloquently.

Why do you think if I genuinely agree with every single point of an article, a moridi-moradi bond is formed? What's the basis for your claim?

Or why do you think if I agree with every single point of an argument I want to "[employ] this dishonest tactic as a offering a proverbial hendoone to
tame and "disarm" the entrier and cajole her into accepting [her] point
of view as valid[?]"

None of your claims have any basis, since nor I consider the author my morad, nor I wanted to dishonestly disarm the author and cajole her into accepting my point. I simply agreed with every single point of that article, exept for the point that I mentioned!

Do you assume yourself a good debator with this kind of argument?!


But what if you agree with

by n.zanincanadai on

But what if you agree with every single word someone says but you have other comments to add to it? I think that could be possible.

 2+2=4. I agree but also, 2*4=8!! Right?






1. Have you chosen AmirT to

by inquisitive (not verified) on

1. Have you chosen AmirT to create confusion with the
notable and highly respected Mr. Amir Taheri?
Please clarify this matter.

2. A public forum is open to the opinions and expre-
ssive and linguistic styles of everyone, with a vast
range of opinions and ways of stating those opinions. What makes you think that you are a
qualified authority on this subject?
Please clarify this matter.

3. It is said that wisdom begins with tolerance and
requires personal humbleness and humility. Are you
a tolerant, humble and wise person?
Please clarify this matter.

Thank you.


What crock of shit!

by self-professed intellectuals!?!?! (not verified) on

Ok., here it goes!
You are full of shit and there is nothing that I agree you with about this piece!
Happy now?
Is that what you were referring to as "intellectual" debate?
No Taarof and right to the point?
Amir agha, categorizing a certain population and judging them by calling people you don't even know self-professed intellectuals or else is not an stylish thing to do, and you know why?
Because most of the guys on this site are starting to practice "freedom of Speech" and like it or not they are doing it the right way. At least they have enough sense not to call you names Mr. Self proclaimed journalist!?!
Who the hell are you to label people like this?
There are always more than one-way of reaching for the solution and who are we to judge on which way is the correct way?
Go fix your attitude before lecturing others!


Amir Taheri is one of a kind

by Cyrus Khan (not verified) on

I am just guessing that the writer is the famed Amir Taheri. Although I am not, by a long shot, an expert in politic, I still think that Mr. Taheri is without peer among all the Iranian political experts that I have read.
It would do us all good to carefully learn from this man of truly outstanding talents and knowledge. If he takes time and posts things, we should discuss things with him at his level of discourse without nastiness and pitiness. In fact, that's the way we should do all our debates and exchanges. We do well to keep in mind that we pride ourselves as descendants of a great and highly civilized and tolerant people. We do them dishonor to behave as louts and ahmagh.


I agree with Verified

by Mehri B. (not verified) on

I agree with the person called Verified below because as we see as soon as a man says something there has to be at least one Iranian woman to come and beat the shit out of him, the American style. As a woman I am saddend to see that how blindly our women are following the American models thinking this is the definition of freedom. Here I think SHOOBIE is as much of a "men-basher" as Verified tried to define one. He sat a trap I think and Shoobie jumped in. The freedom we define will never come because it's false. Freedom is to be loved, are we loved?


Debate! Dont women-bash please...!

by Shoobie (not verified) on

Dear "Verified"... As a woman, i agree, we can be hard headed. Perhaps this is because by contrast to you Men, we have spent the past century "Earning the right to be heard!" although i do agree with you, that we are notorious for blowing things out of proportion, but this certainly does not represent all women. But i do agree with AmirT it would actually be nice to see some DEBATING going on. I would even push for 'Intellectual debating', but of course, one step at a time. At present i see alot of negative and unhelpful comments and criticism (and yes, im guilty of doing this on 1 or 2 occasions) but perhaps with all this political fodder at play, we will all have to just agree to disagree.


Remember Leuitenant Colombo? Peter Falk played the role...

by Verified but (not verified) on

He would always be in agreement with you but then he always would come up with a follow up that would piss off the other person.

Iranians are very hard to convince in any subject because it's beneath their dignity just to agree in somthing without putting a fight or at least get something in exchange.

On many commentaries it goes just like you explained.

In particular Iranian women are so hard headed that they are willing to go through divorce before admiting something trivial as if you say Iranian music in USA sucks and stinks, try that to a woman and see the reaction. In particular if they are two or three of them in the same room.

Sobeh avval sobee maro assabanee meekonana! :)