No Gas

by alimostofi

"Turkmenistan reduced its exports to Iran by half two days ago but since Sunday afternoon, the exports have completely ceased," said a spokesman for the National Iranian Gas Company, quoted by the state broadcaster.

Turkmenistan normally exports between 20 to 23 million cubic metres (706 to 812 million cubic feet) of gas daily to Iran, the spokesman said.


Total madness, that we have proven reserves second to Russia, and the only thing the Seyyeds are interested in, is siphoning the Oil income to make centrifuges.

And what are the Iranian people's reaction to all this? A lot. But is it being reported by anyone in the West? Does AFP go further than this? No. After all they don't want the French interests to be influenced in any way do they.


more from alimostofi

You are welcome, Ali!

by Naazokbin (not verified) on

You are welcome, Ali.

Happy New Year to you, too.


Naazokbin: thank you so much

by alimostofi on

Naazokbin: thank you so much for all your comments, and a happy 2008.

Ali Mostofi




An Expert:

by Naazokbin (not verified) on


IRI has had economic transactions with almost all advanced countries plus some other countries such as North Korea and to some extent with the U.S. Sanctions haven't been in place for the past three decades!

Remember the slogan: Neither West, Nor East?

That meant IRI could do it alone. What are they waiting for?

Russians were getting economic aid until a few years ago look at the country now. More billionaires than all the European countires put together.

South Korea was constantly made fun of as an economically backward country until recently. Look at South Korea now, 11th place on the GDP chart.

Even Turkey is faring better than Iran with all its resources.

Japan was flattened by bombings of the American forces. It is number two on the chart and look at the difference they have made.

Look at the United Arab Emirates. I hear if they gave you a passport ten years ago, you would refuse to take it and now Iranians have found a great haven in that area.

What is wrong with having a little bit of peace of mind? Why is the regime so fearful of Iranians?

Now the authorities are finally admitting their main enemies are from within. This could be a prelude for still a much larger crackdown to come.

I assure you, though, the regime is digging its own grave even deeper every time it cracks down on people.

After the revolution they killed Shah's generals who had been promised amnesty by Khomeini. They masacred young Iranian men and women under the pretext of saving Islam. Now that they have run out of excuses, they are arresting people calling them foreign agents. What next?

What was the meaning of the revolution?

People didn't have a revolution so supporters of the regime could keep spouting slogans about how bad the Shah was and how Iran does not need the rest of the world?
How bad The Shah was has had nothing to do with Iran today. Many countries built their economies in the eighties. IRI killed and forced Iranians into exile, instead.

I tell you this though, over the years I have gained respect for the Shah, for refusing to carry out masacres like Suharto's in Indonesia or the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia or any large-scale crime aginst Iranians the way the mullahs have done. I never thought I would be saying something like this, but the brutalities of the mullahs and the rude behavior of their supporters got me thinking about what the Shah could do to stop the mullahs from gaining control over a country he loved so much.

The official figure for Suharto's masacre is put at 800,000, but some Indonesians would tell you up to 4,000,000 were killed.

Did the masacres bother the West? Not a bit. It was financed by the West and Japan.

It took the U.S. government thirty-four years and large-scale mass demonstartions against Suharto and his family's "corruption" before realizing that Suharto was a cruel dictator!?!



Logic 1001:

by An expert (not verified) on

I'm not comparing a rotten apple with another. The point of comparison was: when the Shah's regime with all the western support couldn't provide energy for 25M people, how do you expect the present regime under sanctions for the past twenty something years can do it for 70M people? Again, I'm not supporting the IRI. Just wnat to be fair. That's all.

If you want to criticize the mullahs, please please please do it right with your Logic 1001 rather than getting excited and jumping up and down with every negative news that you (Ali Mostofi and the like) hear.


Logic 101: Building of a Strawman

by Jesus (not verified) on

I don't understand the critics of those who criticize IR. On this site, just about 99% of their arguments against those of us who criticize IR, whether it is Daryush, Xerxes, or some wacko leftist with a hyphenated Iranian-American name, they resort to comparing the situation with the reign of Shah. Which one of us brought up Shah in our arguments? Did we say Shah was great? Did we use his rule and reign as a baseline?
This is why I don't believe you when you say you are an objective observer. Only the reminicent, and residual pseudo-hezbollahi continue to bring the issue of Shah up.
Get over it! Shah was a terrible leader and Shah! I don't know how many other ways I can say or express it. But you know what, he is been dead for the past 30 years. However, the government of God is in power, killing and hanging Iranians like sewer rat, which Shah never did(if you really want to compare).
Let's judge this government based on its own merits, words, and actions. One last comparison, I am also an objective observer, these guys make Shah look like a heavenly angel! Believe me, if you thought the National Oil company was corrupt before, these days, everything is corrupt, and I mean everything!


Logic 101: Building of a Strawman

by Jesus (not verified) on

I don't understand the critics of those who criticize IR. On this site, just about 99% of their arguments against those of us who criticize IR, whether it is Daryush, Xerxes, or some wacko leftist with a hyphenated Iranian-American name, they resort to comparing the situation with the reign of Shah. Which one of us brought up Shah in our arguments? Did we say Shah was great? Did we use his rule and reign as a baseline?
This is why I don't believe you when you say you are an objective observer. Only the reminicent, and residual pseudo-hezbollahi continue to bring the issue of Shah up.
Get over it! Shah was a terrible leader and Shah! I don't know how many other ways I can say or express it. But you know what, he is been dead for the past 30 years. However, the government of God is in power, killing and hanging Iranians like sewer rat, which Shah never did(if you really want to compare).
Let's judge this government based on its own merits, words, and actions. One last comparison, I am also an objective observer, these guys make Shah look like a heavenly angel! Believe me, if you thought the National Oil company was corrupt before, these days, everything is corrupt, and I mean everything!


Harrajieh Akhundi!

by Naazokbin (not verified) on


Read the piece of news about IRI's gas deals on the main page! You will love it(LOL).
It's Christmas, so you'll get 50% markdown on most item!


Let me explain again!

by An expert (not verified) on

Jesus! It's easy to sit comfortably outside and say "lengesh kon"! There may be gas reserves in the Caspian basin, but it cannot be easily used for at least two reasons at the moment. First of all, the countries sharing the Caspian sea are currently in a deadlock over how to divide the sea and its resources. Secondly, Iran has difficulty in attracting foreign or domestic investments for developing new gas and oil fields mainly thanks to the sanctions imposed on the Iranian nation by your masters (neocons in the US).

When I was in Iran some 40 years ago, the population of Iran was about 25-30 million. There was no sanctions back then, and the Shah (a servant of the west) had all the opportunities to develop the oil and gas industry. Instead, we were totally dependent on foreigners and had to import everything (including the merchandise that you are referring to) from the US and elsewhere. Even back then, the poor people in villages had to burn wood and "tapaleh" to cook and warm themselves. And the precious natural gas was burnt in the oil fields of Ahvaz, Aghajari, etc.

I don't want to defend the IRI. In fact, I have had nothing to do with Iran for the past 40 years when I got fed up with the corruption in the Shah's "national" oil industry and left. And, yes, I'm well aware of the current shortcomings and corruption in the present system too. After all, khar hamoon khareh, paaloonesh avaz shodeh. But when you younger generation want to criticize, please be honest and fair and also be careful what you say and how you say it. Otherwise, your argument will backfire and provide more ammunition to the opposite side.

Payandeh Iran!


Expert is an expert in being a child pedophile, like his masters

by Jesus (not verified) on

Like his masters in QOM. He pretends to know something about either economy, or energy. He forgot that Iran has plenty of gas in the Caspian basin. The trade is there to make money for the mullahs, just like how they hate America, but all their cronies, like "expert" make lots of money bringing in
bringing in American merchandise that have passed through several hands. Welcome to IR economy, where islamofacists make all the bucks.....


To DB:

by Naazokbin (not verified) on


Who is the idiot, now?

You don't even realize that using Khomeini's quote you called me "khar" first.

Take some ESL courses before writing or reacting to what people say. You don't seem to understand the English language that well.

You also seem to think "intellectuals" don't know how to cuss or use profane language.

Please don't waste your time and mine with things you are not so clear about!

That's it for me!


To Naazok

by DB (not verified) on

"Khar baba DB", "DB khar Naneh" This's what I meant by your logic and reasoning ability. I can also open my mouth and easily trash your baba and naneh, but fortunately I'm not at your level. I wonder why many so-called intellectuals in opposition have to use their "mother" language (profanity) to get their nonsense across. I'm not in fond of IRI, but I think that's why mollahs are still in power. Because of idiots like you, people are disappointed and "scared" of opposition.


Ali, Member of "$75 M Club"

by AB5 (not verified) on

You are benefiting from Sayyeds, since US government hired you as a member of its anti-iranian "$75M Club". Why are you mad?


To Khar baba DB:

by Naazokbin (not verified) on

DB khar Naneh,

What is my reasoning ability that makes mullahs more popular?

You are a closet Khomeinist and that is clear from your tone!

Don't get me started, please!


Re: Gas!

by DB (not verified) on

Dear Mr. Naazok,

Apparently, you know about economics very well. Perhaps Khomeini knew something when he said "eghtesaad mahleh khareh". I bet he meant economists like you. The irony is that the reasoning ability of people like you and Ali kholeh will make mollahs more popular in the eyes of many Iranians.


Ali Mashang:

by Anonymous^2 (not verified) on

You did it again! You and Hajiagha are the most talented contributers to! Someone said that the $70M club fund pays 50 cents for each article against mollahs (sorry seyyeds). Is that right? You must be rich by now. Enough for a nice vacation to Israel this summer!



by Naazokbin (not verified) on


What is your rush? I think we should give the mullahs three more centuries. Come on, you really expected them to build the country in only three decades?

Also you need to listen to Expert's opinion about how much the IRI leaders care about Iranians and forget the term, "Tomato Revolution" which was popular recently , the gasoline riots and how pissed off Iranians are about the market prices nowadays.

You see Ali, these experts' opinions are not excuses by apologists of the regime. These guys know too much to be willing to waste their precious time with the mundane problems of the economically deprived(mostaz'afin) and what is really happening in Iran. Most probably they are comparing Iran's economy with the most advanced economies of the world.

By the way Ali, have you forgotten the great saying by Ayatollah Khomeini, that economy is for donkeys(eghtesaad maaleh khareh)?


No Gas but plenty of GOOZ

by Deal with it (not verified) on

No Gas but plenty of GOOZ


Let me explain!

by An expert (not verified) on

The reason Iran buy gas from the northern neighbors for use in the northern provinces is that it makes more sense economically to buy and transport it cheaper than trying to transfer domestic gas through pipeline from the south and through the Alborz Mountains. This is a common practice in international trade if you haven't heard of before. The problem is that the Ex-Soviet suppliers are not reliable and can easily be bought by the U.S. This may explain why "Seyyeds" spent millions on the nuclear energy so they won't have to beg others for it in the future.

And a bigger problem is that there are idiots like you who are too stupid to understand the issue and get excited with petty news easily just because you don’t like “Seyyeds”. I recommend that you just practice your astrology and try not to get involved in politics. Thank you!


well said

by MRX (not verified) on

the idea of importing gas in a country that has the second largest gas reservers in the world is idiotic if not laughable to say the least. it's like exporting ivory to india! seyeds are not interested in building anything except nucler bomb so their ass can be saved, that's all..