“Dialogue” is the Modus Operandi for the Culture of Human Rights


“Dialogue” is the Modus Operandi for the Culture of Human Rights
by 12 Petals


The Culture of Human Rights calls for an active and participatory citizenship. For human rights to be realized, exercised, and upheld, it is essential that dialogue be favored over debate.

Dialogue differs from debate significantly. Debate is fundamentally adversarial and potentially hurtful. Dialogue, on the contrary, is intrinsically non-violent and empowering. 

What are the fundamental principles of “Debate”? The main objective of debate is to win. The methods used in debate are to present numerous arguments, offer counter arguments, attack points of views, find gaps and loop holes, judge personality, and question the credibility of the other side with the only goal being to prevail over the challenger. The end result is either winning or being defeated with a draw at best.

What are the intrinsic principles of “Dialogue”? In a dialogue, truth seeking and reaching a consensus are the main goals. The methods used in dialogue are to put forth views respectfully, claim not to know the whole truth, exchange points of views from an equal attitude, listen intently for understanding, value the dialogue process, and acknowledge shared humility with the goal being to show a willingness to learn and move forward collaboratively. The end result here is empowering and mutually being empowered. 

Therefore, to engage and participate actively for thoughts and ideas central to the culture of human rights, dialogue’s modus operandi is favored over debate.

گفتگو شیوه فرهنگ حقوق بشر میباشد

فرهنگ حقوق بشر خواستار شهروندی فعال و مشارکتی در شناخت، بکارگیری و برقراری حقوق بشر میباشد، ضروری است که گفت و گو بیش از مناظره مورد توجه قرار گیرد.

گفتگو با مناظره تفاوتی چشمگیر دارد. مناظره اساسا خصمانه و به طور بالقوه آزاردهنده میباشد، در مقابل گفتگو ذاتا بدون خشونت و اعمال قدرت است.

اصول اساسی "مناظره" چیست؟ هدف از مناظره برنده شدن میباشد. روش استفاده شده در مناظره ها مطرح نمودن بحث های متعدد و ارائه استدلال های ضد ، حمله به نکته نظرات، پیدا کردن شکاف ها و چالشها، قضاوت درشخصیت، و زیر سوال بردن اعتبار طرف دیگرتنها با هدف غلبه بر رقیب میباشد. نتیجه نهایی برد یا باخت یا مساوی در بهترین حالت میباشد.

اصول ذاتی "گفتگو" چیست؟ در گفت و گو، به دنبال حقیقت یابی و رسیدن به اتفاق نظر از اهداف اصلی است. روش استفاده شده در گفت و گو مطرح نمودن نظرات با احترام، ادعای عدم دانستن تمامی حقایق، تبادل نکته نظرات از یک دیدگاه، شنیدن و درک مشتاقانه، ارزش نهادن به روند گفتگو، فروتنی و اذعان مشترک با هدف نشان دادن تمایل به یادگیری و حرکت به جلو بصورت مشترک. نتیجه نهایی قادر وتوانا کردن و در مقابل مورد قادر وتوانا واقع شدن میباشد.

بنابراین برای مشارکت فعال و بکارگیری افکار و نظرات مرکزی فرهنگ حقوق بشر، شیوه گفتگو بیش از مناظره مورد توجه میباشد.


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12 Petals

"...expanding dialogue among Iranians"

by 12 Petals on

Thanks for your fine comment.

All the best 


Great article, true too. hit the nail on the head.

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

debating as it occurs say in the senate is not as beneficial as dialogue and seeking understanding.

I remember the Shah's comment to carter,

if the mullahs come to power you will never again enjoy dialogue with iran as you have with iran during my rule, they oppose all dialogue and in this vital region the world you will only face set backs and instability as a result of never beng able to establish dialgue.

He had some understanding of the extent of harm to human rights that will occur due to mullahs coming to power, however he was busy getting betrayed by his allies even though he had created a high level of dialogue, peace and human rights for the entire region.

In his memory, a period of expanding dialogue among iranians.

Javid Shah.