Royal Green Norooz

Photo essay: Pahlavi family gathering for the new year

by Darius Kadivar
Iran's royal family gatheromg for Norooz at Crown Prince Reza's house in the outskirts of Washington D.C. Photos include Shahbanou Farah, Princess Farahnaz, Crown Prince Reza and wife Princess Yasmine and three daughters Princess Noor, Princess Iman, and little Princess Farah but also for the first time the daughter of the late Prince Alireza: Princess Iryana. All Photos courtesy of

more from Darius Kadivar

Fighting with authorities.... I am still waiting for J.M

by Siavash300 on

"I'm not sure what your definition of authority is, but if that includes a bunch of lumpen nobodies who try to shut up others (who do not agree with their views) by intimidation and bullying, you're right I have a problem with them" Arj

I am sure NOT all those groups (Albanians,Pakistani, Iranians.....) that you had problem before were lumpens. I am sure there were so many decent people among those groups who were trying to help you to see the fact from fantasy world. But your reaction were the same for all of them and the result were the same "death threat" or something like that you mentioned in your comment. The problem becomes pathological once gets repeated again and again.

    Not long ago when you had  word exchange with Rozbeh Gilani I questioned you. You simply responded that I had to watch Brits parliments to see how those senators fight with each other and nothing is wrong with your arguement. That was red flag. Now all the sudden, you're remembering all the trait of conversations with different nationalities and different people. I am sure not all those people were sick and wanted to cut your head off. So something is not quiet right. I just suggested "therapy" to find more about it.

   Sometimes we are not able to see our malfunctioning because we are objective. Others are able to see it and they are better judge. Sometimes some of these comment here on I.C  reveals about ourselves rather than convey any politicall message (Projection Identification) . For example, Soosan khanoom is saying the lady in the above picture may suffer from Anorexia. That comment tells me most likely Soosan khanoom is struggling with being overweight. That is her challenge. Weight is something very important in her eyes. The same factor is not important for you because you never had any problem with weight, so you never think of anorexic.

I am still waiting for Jebhe melli people come forward and aplogize from our people for putting us in such a mess. otherwise as Soosan khanoom said the grand son of Dr. Karim Sanjabi after 30 years will shows up and claims his grand father was very patriatic man.

   That is common sense that no one like dictatorship and everybody like demcracy. No one need to be Einstain to know that. That is beside the point that Jebhe Melli back stabbed our people in 1979.




Missing Quran

by Ahu-ye-Zamendar on

Did anyone notice that it has taken 33 years for the Pahlavis to learn that Haft Seen setting does not have a place for Quran and Shamayel Hazrat Ali. Well this is a welcome site, what do you think?

Soosan Khanoom

MK that seems to be true

by Soosan Khanoom on

This is NOT because the opposition or the Iranian people want it. It is because Khamenei and hard-line elements have CLOSED all the paths for non-violent means. "

By their dark age mentality the hard-liners are digging their own graves.   I am afraid that's going to be the case. What concerns me is that we probably are not going to achieve a real democracy any time soon. The cycle of violence is going to go on and on.    We just have to pray for a miracle to happen... Seriously. 



Re "authority"

by Arj on

Siavash, it's scary, you read me like an open book! As a matter of fact, in early childhood, one of my wolf siblings (a male pup) never let me feed when it was my turn! Hence the anti-atuthority complex!!!

Note: I hope by now you realize I'm joking! :D)

Yet, on a somewhat more serious note; I'm not sure what your definition of authority is, but if that includes a bunch of lumpen nobodies who try to shut up others (who do not agree with their views) by intimidation and bullying, you're right I have a problem with them! whether it's here on IC by cyber bullies of any political stripe (either claiming to be on left or right of the spectrum) resorting to personal attacks and threats, or in real life!

However, what you seem to be confusing here with rebellion, is one's awareness of his/her individual rights that include the right to express one's opinions freely! Those who/what try to deny one such rights, could be legal measures (as in despotic societies like Iran, both under IRI or Pahlavis) which should be challenged till corrected, or groups and individuals who due to their self-righteous, lumpenist tendencies can not tolerate others' views, hence resort to smear tactics and personal attacks -- which should also be confronted and subdued! 

Here is a refrence to the issue of lumpenism by Azadeh Azad: //

maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

In the last promissed reform!!

During 79 AND with the help from JM(of that time)and all the other forces involved

No one can forget the role of Dr. yazdi during those introgation and insults toward the sons of IRAN.

all that 33 yrs of  rulling and the silence from any front by itself is/was and will be called crime.



Sorry to chip in but did you meet Dariush before or after the

by anglophile on

  Rehab?   LOL 

I despise fascists and stalinists

End of VF

by I despise fascists and st... on

The Akhoond regime will end sooner or later but its end won't come at the hands of opposition or reformist.

First of all, Akhoonds are not the Shah. The mullahs will stop at nothing, they will kill as many as they have to. Moreover, it seems, that unlike Egypt, Libya and Syria, the IRI has a very disciplined and effective security apparatus.  

But this regime, like USSR and Qajars, will just fall under its own weight. The street protests will force the regime to spend ever more on beefing up its own security. At the same time, we in the West must make every effort to publicize the horrible nature of this regime and to continue push for strengthening of sanctions. Unfortunately, the mullahs will stay until they sucked out every penny out of Iran's treasury. But the end will come and if the sanctions are in place, it will be sooner.

Masoud Kazemzadeh


by Masoud Kazemzadeh on


Of course, every sane person would WISH for a non-violent transition. The question is whether that is a realistic possibility. We have already tried the reform from inside the regime with Khatami (1997-2005) and again during the June 2009 election. The result is known. The alternative of reform inside the system totally failed. Moreover, the vf constitution explicitly states that the articles on vf and the religious nature of the constitution could not be changed.

Therefore, UNFORTUNATELY, the most realistic way the vf regime is going to go is going to be very violent. This is NOT because the opposition or the Iranian people want it. It is because Khamenei and hard-line elements have CLOSED all the paths for non-violent means.

Unfortunately, I think the future will prove my prediction true. I hope to be proven wrong by the future. But I am confident that the future will vindicate my analysis that the vf regime will be overthrown with violence.

The violence will be during the fighting to get rid of the terrorist regime. If people like me have any say, there will neither be mass executions, nor mass labor camps. We will try to hold fair trials in legitimate courts of law inside Iran or use the ICC at the Hauge for the prosecution of vf officials who have committed crimes against humanity. In addition, we will try to have some sort of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

If the monarchists or the Mojahedin have the upper hand, then there will be mass executions of the fundamentalists.

Who will lead the post-vf system will be determined by a number of factors, including and especially HOW the vf officials behave during the struggle. The longer and more bloody the struggle, the more likely the people want swift justice. Therefore, those advocating fair trials and respect for due process will have less support and those advocating mass executions will have more support.

In our opinion, in the post-fundamentalist Iran, ALL Iranians should have the right to stand for democratic, free, and fair elections. Who ever wins, he or she will have the power of the presidency for the next 4 years or in Majles as deputies. In our opinion, ALL means ALL Iranians. This includes hard-line and reformist fundamentalists who have not personally committed crimes as well as monarchists who have not committed crimes.

My 2 cents,


Soosan Khanoom

I agree MK ... But

by Soosan Khanoom on

i think it can only be achieved by a reform movement from within. Forceful removal of VF and/or an overnight regime change will either bring us a long 'devastating civil war" or another " Dictatorship ".  It will release the current political prisoners form jail but it will send many more into the new set up jails.  

And do not forget that democracy is the right of individuals not the right of the majority. The right of majority is a " republic " .  

I know people in Iran are fed up with the mullas but still there are many ordinary people who have remained brainwashed to the idea of the " VF " ... Those people will fight to death should any overnight change comes their way.  A reform campaign, however, can change the heart and mind of those ordinary people.

After all that we went through as a nation my only hope for a permanent and real democracy is the reform.

Just my 1 + 1 cents 

: ) 

Oon Yaroo

maziar 58 Jaan, God Bless you for making sense! Had it not been

by Oon Yaroo on

for the Pahlavis, Iranians would have been wearing bed sheet for clothing just like their neighbors the Afghies and the Pakies!

maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

Hope I did not caused a bad face by wishing the chanars of Tehran be used to hang all traitors.

with the avg. age of IC readers of 40 to 60 yrs old

Minus 33 yrs of brutal regime

It leaves bunch of 7 to 18 yrs old  who lived in Iran during pahlavi

And can not recall any miserable time out of that short periods.

We all come here for a common goal :love of Iran and her future.

Iran deserves to be restored and accepted in civilized world

Pahlavis are done with But we can not deny their services to at least our selves our attitude results from their upbringing

IRR products are something else.

**sorry if I mis represented my feelings**

In the FREE IRAN of tomorrow there will not be any killing,revenge or....

just labor camp like siberia somewhere in the desert for life.


Masoud Kazemzadeh


by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Yes we do have a wonderful alternative.  It is called democracy.  To be more precise, a democratic secular republic.  All we go to do is to get rid of the fundamentalists terrorists one way or another (the hard part).  The easy part is to construct the democracy in post-fundamentalist Iran.  Constitutionally, all we have to do is to remove the positions of Vali Faqih, Assembly of Experts, Council of Guardians and the like as well as take out all the restrictions on freedom of expression contained in the constitution. 

Anyone who takes a grad course on constitutional deign could do a reasonably good job on this.

We also habe a LONG history of democratic struggle from the constitutional revolution, to the oil nationalization struggle, to the present.

And last but not least, we do have wonderful pro-democracy political parties such as the National Front as well as semi-democratic parties.  And most significanly, we have millions and millions who do want democracy.  I was sooooooooooo proud of our people who marched and used the slogans: "Esteghlal, Azadi, Jomhuri IRANI," and "Naa Sharghi, Naa Gharbi, Jomhuri Irani."

I am very hopeful for the prospects of democracy in Iran.  The primary obstacle is the vf regime.



Soosan Khanoom

MK jan

by Soosan Khanoom on

let us hope we have something better to replace IRI with ... otherwise after 30 years we are going to post Khomeni's grandchilderen's pictures with all the good old days " sighs " ...


Masoud Kazemzadeh

One Terrible Regime Gone, One To Go Soon

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

The Iranian nationalists and democrats regard Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi and the monarchists are khaen to Iran and nokar of colonial powers. That is why the puppet fascistic Pahlavi regime had to be overthrown.

The 105 year old struggle of the Iranian people for democracy, freedom, the rule of law, and independence continues. The Pahlavi’s khaen regime has been gotten rid of. Now we are struggling to send the reactionary fundamentalist terrorist regime to the garbage can of history next to the Pahlavis.

Soosan Khanoom

What's up with Farahnaz?She looks emaciated and anorexic to me

by Soosan Khanoom on



you're welcome Arj.

by Siavash300 on

"I've been having second thoughts and am willing to switch over to the patriot team! Is there an opening? "Arj

There is always opening for people who love Iran. People who respect Iran's history which is comingled with Padeshahi. Iran worshipers are welcomed and admired by all Iranians. I personally love them.

As far as fighting authorities, I took all information based on what you wrote in your comment. You fairly described how you got into trouble over and over with others. Seems Rozbeh Gilani was not the only one that you had word exchange on I.C not long ago. Soulds like there is a history behind that word exchange with Rozbeh. you just revealed it today.

  BTW, fighting father authoritative figure was my hypothesis. Not necessary father. That person could be older brother or some other authoritherian figures in the family. As the therapy progresses we may find more about it. I wish I could be more helpful.


Re fighting authorities!

by Arj on

Siavash, thank you for your in-depth analysis! That saves me a bundle on therapy costs, for you really got me figured out here! I didn't even have a father, for I grew up without one and raised by a pack of wolves, until I was rescued by an orphanage where I met Dariush the singer and was influenced by his rebellious attitude against the authority! Alas, my acquaintance with Dariush came to an abrupt end when I was adopted by a gypsy family who took me under their wings and taught me how to survive without giving in to the authority!

Later on, I received a scholarship to study anarchism at the Global Rebel University. Currently, I waork for Traitors Inc., a subsidiary of  the enemies of "Khoda, Shah, Mihan." But eversince reading your deep thoughts and informed comments, I've been having second thoughts and am willing to switch over to the patriot team! Is there an opening? Should I send in my resume? Is his majesty willing to forgive and salvage this unworthy subject?! R.S.V.P.


Arj fights with authorities- J. M is khaen

by Siavash300 on

"I have been threatened to death by the supporters of ...." Arj

Sounds like you have always had problems with authority figures.You had constantly had problems with Pakistani, arabs, Iranians, name it..... Most likely it goes back to your relationship with your father and dealing with his authoritative commands in the house as you were growing up. It has nothing to do with monarchy or any other political system. You will remain dissident, no matter of what. Dariush the famous Iranian singer is in the same catergory. Some people just enjoy to be opposed to authoritive figures, especially law enforcement. It doesn't matter who is in power. Therapy is a good way to deal with those issue. Anyway, your mental state doesn't prevent our nation to find their own path to success and the right way toward prosperity and happiness.

 As far as Jebhe Melli concern, those Khaens admired Khomaini and helped the bastard to take power in 1979. First of all, they should come forward and apologize from our people before they make any comment here. These khaens were the reason we are in this mess these days. BTW, where is that mourning lady? we missed her. She probably celebrating Norooz with her buddy stephen kinzer.

Norooz pirooz bar all patriatic Iranians. 


I despise fascists and stalinists

Death threads are unacceptable

by I despise fascists and st... on

I didn't read all the comments, so I didn't see a death thread. Any threads of any sort is condemnable.


Violence as a political means!

by Arj on

Thank you dear MK, Noruzat Piruz! Indeed, such threats (or should I call them blowing of hot air!) do not bother me either on a personal or social level. On personal level, I have been threatened to death by the supporters of Islamic regime on more than one occasion, both by Iranian fundamaentalists and by IRI's foreign supporters -- once while at school, I was threatened to death by a group of Pakistanis for expressing my opinion about Sharia law and Quranic verses, and another, by an Albanian of all people, for calling Khomeini a criminal SOB!

And, on the social level, such threats by the cyber warriors and chicken hawks that they will kill and hang people from the trees, will not help them bring back the deposed monarchy or Pahlavis in any capacity! But on the contrary, it hurts them! For our people, our students, political prisoners and activists who are standing against the tyranny of the Islamic regime and in defence of democratic principles, are not going to let a bunch of savage fascists take over their fate, let alone give in to a barbaric mob mentaaltity! A good example was the treatment of Bassiji thugs that were captured and disarmed by people who, despite all grievences, refrained from violent retaliations!  

Monarchists, much like Islamists, do not have viable solutions for our modern problems and are affraid of political discourse, therfore, they resort to the age-old, knee jerk reaction to all forms of dissent, which is violence and violent means! They actually believe that they should (and are under the impression that they could) execute a good portion of the population in order to be able to govern! Just like the Islamic regime did, they wish to start with those with connection to the regime, and gradually work their way down to the "traitor commies, social democrats, religious/nationalist and liberal democrats," by which time a considerable part of the society would rise up against hem, so they would have to bring the army to universities and streets, and fill up Evin and Gohardasht to "cleanse" the society from the "traitors!"

I believe it's nothing personal, but rather the nature of the beast! Or as per the old Persian saying: "nish-e aghrab na az rah-e kin ast, balkeh aghteza-ye tabi'atash in ast!"    

I despise fascists and stalinists


by I despise fascists and st... on


1)You are wrong. Reza Shah did not have oil revenue. He had the same resources as Qajars, he was more patriotic and competent; 2) You are right; the Akhoond regime was the greatest savior to Mohammed Reza Shah's legacy. However, who helped bring them to power? The so-called secular nationalists and leftists called Khomeini "Imam" with the same fervor as Islamists. Sanjabi and Bazargan and Kianouri and Rajavi all submitted to Khomeini's concept of velyate faghih.  

Remember the Shah was no worse - in fact possilby better - than many Cold War military dictators such Park of S. Korea, Marcos of Philippines, Chiang of Taiwan, and his regime was much better than the Apartheid regime of South Africa. Yet today, all those countries are democratic, and many of them very prosperous. Iranian, however, are in a hellhole. This tells us about the nature of the time he ruled, and more importantly the nature of opposition to him.

 But despite all this, I wish you happy nourouz.  


I too condemn any harm coming to our MossadeghOllahis

by anglophile on

First of all because it will be a wasteful effort and will do nobody no good. Better use such threats and, better still, carry them out on, the Islamist savages who rape and murder the nation day in and day out. Their former accomplices (one may argue their present partners too) meaning the Mossadeghists need to be kept unharmed to face the 'music' when the party begins. But a more compelling reason for looking after our Mossadeghollahis, like the lady who frequently entertain and make us laugh on this site , her brother MK and her sister here, is very obvious: no one does more damage to their glorious leader than the Mossadeghists themselves! LOL

Masoud Kazemzadeh

Condemning the Fascist Monarchists

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Dear Arj,

I strongly condemn the death threat against you by the fascist monarchist. I have written my analysis of the monarchists here:






Re Pahlavis' excuses

by Arj on

Pahlavis should also be grateful to IRI for setting the bar so low to provide vindication for their apologists by dwarfing all the crimes committed by Shah and Reza Shah in comparison! Any other system slightly more civilized and less barbaric than the Islamic regime would not have provided such a face-saving excuse for them!

P.S. Not to mention the miracle of oil that made them look good in comparison to Ghajars!


Maziar, Indeed, I have no intention of sinking to your level for the time being, otherwise I would've provided you with a few creative ideas as to what you could do with those "chenars!" 

I despise fascists and stalinists

Re: Arg

by I despise fascists and st... on

It's quite sad that on this national festival we are fighting over such petty subjects. If you insist, I'm not a royalist, but I am a Pahlavist. With all their faults, one can not overlook what preceded and what succeeded Pahlavis. Look at the brutality and utter failure of Qajars, and the horror of Akhoond 'republic' and then you can more fairly judge the Pahlavis.

When you disdainfully note Pahlavi's "peasant" background and cry over their current wealth, don't forget to remember where Iran was - or more acurately where it wasn't - when Reza was born in Alasht. When he was born in a village in Savadkuh, Iran had already suffered a debilitating and slow death for over a century as a result of Qajar family's incompetence.  Had Iran been a colony it would be been in a better shape than in Qajar hands. By the time, Reza became Reza Khan, Iran was even in a more dismal shape. In fact, the Persia of 1920 was pretty much the Somalia of today. Bancrupt, lawless, disfunctional. Qajars had made Iran a failed state. Its natural resources were sold off to foreign corporations so the "aristocratic" Qajar family could enjoy Paris and London. When 20th century began, Iran's treaury was empty, the government's power didnot even extend to Tehran. Each region of the country was ruled by a warlord. This was the country Reza Khan took charge of. He brought stability, security and in a short number of years he turned a failed state into a functioning state. He did all this without the benefitsof oil wealth at that time. He wasn't without his faults but he saved a nation.

They say Reza Khan destroyed democracy! What democracy, when the country is ruled by bandits, you can hardly say Iran had democracy. In the USA, what happened when the Southern states tried to secede. Lincold didn't sing "democracy." He suspended consitutional rights where the federal government was in charge, and he sent army to bring back the other 11 states back into fold. Even after crushing the rebelion, the South was ruled by the military for more than a decade to ensure the she won't try something stupid like this again.

I personally do not care for monarchy, but I appreciate what Pahlavis did for Iran.


I wish Reza and his loved

by Khebedin on

I wish Reza and his loved ones good health, happiness and a very joyous 1391. I see him entitled to do whatever legal and seek people’s approval for the return of monarchy.  We Iranian should grow up and see ourselves responsible for our faith, and stop looking at others or systems as the fault of being deprived. It is not the system but ourselves who cause and bring deprivation to ourselves. We are very much like undeveloped children. I recall well when the Monarchy regime was trying to keep Tehran green and control the population of Tehran and other large cities, making them more suitable for healthy living. Today, Tehran ( which is where I live) is no longer a liveable city . It is the most harsh, polluted, crowded unliveable city you can think of. Pollution in Tehran is killing everyone, and all those tress which the old regime tried to keep them alive are gone and replaced by concrete Menars. Iranian could work together and gradually build their country and their system, but like children, they did not have the ability to do this and hence they were cheated by a regime who just doesn’t have the ability or the skills to create liveable cities. And now again, instead of demanding their government to do what is right, they shall be once again  cheated by other arrogant thugs who will do worst for the next 30 years.  The problem was not the king, nor it is this regime, the problem is within ourselves.   


maziar 58


by maziar 58 on

Thanks god we've got plenty of chenars along pahlavi ave from rah ahan to tajrish....

To hang peoples like Arj and his ilks.



Mr. Arj please use a little common sense!!

by Siavash300 on

"There hasn't been a royal family in Iran for more than 33 years! What planet do you live on?!" Arj

What is this. Are you calling those stinky rag heads who occupied Iran unlawfully "royal family"? Those bastards took power by killing innocent people in Cinema Rex in Abadan and blamed it on shah and S.A.V.A.K. Those stinky rag heads can't even control their body odor and smell like a camel dirt, now they became royal family!!. come on man....this is Norooz and our great holiday. Where is your common sense man? We need to greet each other during our Great Norooz and forgive our weakness and look forward for Iran better future. Do you wanna resurrect Karim Khan from the grave to stand against these stinky ruling mullahs in Iran? we are in 2012.

Just for your own information. Monarch institute is the only organization who preserve our ancient culture during last 32 years when our beloved country is under the attack of lizard eater arab's idea from 1400 years ago.



Re Arj

by Arj on

Stating the ironic contrasts between Pahlavis' peasant roots, their self-proclamation of roylaty and the notion of aristocracy has nothing to do with "hatred of peasants!" On the contrary, it's to address the Pahlavi worshippers' nauseating platitudes and idolizing of RP as a make believe king and their presumptuous attempts at speaking for "Iranian people" in praise of the "royal family!" Who are you guys kidding? There hasn't been a royal family in Iran for more than 33 years! What planet do you live on?! 

Moreover, drawing a parallel between Pahavis and Abraham Lincoln or Andrew Jackson, etc., does not make any sense either! Did any of these U.S. past presidents fund a foundation (as in Pahlavi foundation, now called Bonyad-e Mostaz'afan) to usurp a significant part of the national wealth in their country? Where in the U.S. do public websites post the pictures of the new year gatherings of Lincoln's, Jackson's or Nixon's offsprings worshipped as royalty by a bunch of groupies?!

P.S. What brings a leader popular support is not humble (or lackthereof) beginings, but whether he/she remains true and humble to his/her people! Nader shah grew increasinly greedy, brutal and ended up blinding his own son and earning his people's hatred! Whereas, in a stark contrast, a popular leader of humble beginings, Karim Khan Znad, never referred to himself as the king, but merely "vakil-ol-ro'aya" and during his reign managed to reform the fiscal system to exempt the peasant class from taxation while exapnding prosperity by hearing people's voice as well as promoting trade and foreign relations...!


Norooz is the time of celebration and forgiveness

by Siavash300 on

We greet our king Reza Pahlavi and his lovely family. We celebrate our ancestors' holiday and we welcome the new day. Pahlavi's family truly represent Iranian people among international community. God bless the whole family.